The Maya Cholqij Date Calculator

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For the Date: 2/22/2025 (Saturday)

The Force is 4 and the Ajau is Keme

Force 4
is the four directions, the four elements and solidity

Ajau Keme
is the Birth, Reincarnation, the Cycles of Time, and the Ancestorial Wisdom.

Keme is aligned with South and the element of Water.

This day occurs within the 13 day cycle of Ak'ab'al

Ajau Ak'ab'al
is the New Dawn, is the Sunset, the Transmutation, and the Polarity.



Maya Calendar for 2022 - Wall Format



Information contained: Copyright ©2001-2022 Tata Gerardo Kenek Barrios and Nana Mercedes Barrios Longfellow.
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