Angelic BluePrint / Human Design Report Listen to the Angelic BluePrint Overview: |
![]() Report Created on February 18, 2009 |
Your type is the role you have been asked to play in this lifetime. It represents the general purpose that your energy blueprint is designed to provide. Your type energetically interacts with the rest of humanity in a geometric way. At a high level, it defines whether you are here to do work, to guide and lead, to manifest or to reflect. There are 5 types in the human design system. Realize that you can manifest successfully and create a life of peace and balance whatever your design, provided you live out your type and follow your strategy.
Projector |
You are a Projector. You are here to guide, lead, manage and project ideas and inspirations. You have a great gift to share with the world but to do so you need to be invited. Nobody likes to have somebody just step in and take over, there needs to be an invitation. You do not have sustainable energy to work in long continuous blocks. While you can do it for a while, ultimately you will break down either mentally, physically or both. You need to have a strategy to break up your work hours and you may need to nap. |
For each of the 5 types in Human Design there is a corresponding strategy. This is all about geometry and interacting properly with the flow of the energy of the universe, you and other beings. It is by following your strategy that you can maximize the positive results and minimize the drawbacks. The universe is energetic and the flow of opportunity and interaction is influenced by type. Strategy is important in every day life, but especially important for major decisions such as changes in your personal relationships, career, or residence. It is also critical to follow your strategy with commitments to projects or any major investment of your time.
Wait to be invited |
As a Projector the world expects you to be invited and this is the only strategy that positions you for success. Be patient and wait for the invitations to come to you. The more an invitation is defined and coming from a place of legitimacy, the better off you'll be and the more your contribution will be accepted. A Projector may often be rebuffed for offering vision or guidance without invitation. Perhaps there have been times you've offered advice to family or friends without their asking. This likely has had an unsuccessful outcome. This can be trying for you as you have the energy to lead and guide. You truly believe you know better, and many times (not always) you do. |
Your profile describes character traits to your personality. Are you social, investigative, experimental, a hermit, projective or a role model. You have two of these defining traits which will influence how all of your actions, expressions and interactions are done. Beyond your type, your profile is the second biggest force in influencing your design. Your profile is derived from two numbers called lines that come from the gates in your sun and your earthly. Lines are a subset of gates of the I'Ching where each gate is divided into 6 lines.
6/2 Role Model/Hermit |
The sixth line of your profile lives out 3 different life stages. From birth to about 28.5 years the 6th line profile is prone to experimentation, (similar to a 3rd line profile). You take the results of your experimentation and experiences and try to internalize them. In an attempt to become wise, you sort through what works and what doesn't work and how it has affected you. From age 28.5 to age 50 the 6th line withdraws. There is a realization that the experimentation didn't really work for you and during this period of your life it is said that ''you go up on the roof.'' It is sort of an aloof observational period where you look outward at the world to figure out how things really do work. You look at how other people do things and use their examples of what works and what doesn't work to figure out what works for you. Around age 50 the 6th line profile comes off the roof and moves into the role model phase of life. You have tried things your first 28 years and you have observed things for the next 22 years, now you are wise and ready to step in the role of mentor or role model. You are a passive role model not aggressive. People will seek you out for your expertise, help and advice. You will get involved only when you deem it to be a worthy cause for those who are asking as well as for you. |
The second line of your profile is a hermit. However, there is a projected social aspect to this part of your profile. So while there is a part of you that needs alone time, there is a part of this energy that projects out to other people and says ''Hey this person needs to be called out of their hiding!'' Therefore your second line cannot be a successful hermit. There is an important aspect to your need for alone time. It is only in this alone time, only when you are allowed to draw within that you can integrate the happenings around you. Whether this is to absorb and react to interpersonal dynamics or processing some new skill or information that you have learned, you need some down time for integrating this into your being. So take your alone time but accept some invitations too, as you are designed to have this balance of hermitting and going out. |
Your open centers are unlimited in the way they can experience energy for that center. You do not have your own consistent energy for these centers but you can amplify these types of energy from around you. Through these centers you are empathetic to those around you. An undefined Solar Plexus Center can feel the happy or sadness of another. The undefined Spleen Center can feel ill health. Through this experience of empathy and amplification you are designed to become extremely wise about these centers as you can experience all the shades of the energy coming through. |
Head |
You have an undefined Head Center. Along with 7/8 of the population, you are unlimited in how you experience ideas and inspirations. You may lose your focus with your own ideas, especially when influenced by other people. For example, it could be a struggle to find something you really want when looking at a menu in a crowded restaurant, well it all looks good! Make sure the ideas and inspirations you embrace and work with are your own and feel right over a period of time. You may come under pressure to find the answer to questions. This can include anything from ''what was the name of that actor?'' to ''what do I want to do with my life?'' Make sure the questions you are answering are a priority for you and not someone else in your life. Are you still trying to answer other peoples' questions? |
Ajna |
You have an undefined Ajna and are unlimited in the way you can think about things. You easily look at problems from many angles. You may vary how you do your tasks and chores and are flexible in trying new ways of doing things. You may struggle with remembering details. This can happen even when you felt confident you would remember. You tend to feel uncertain when it comes to making decisions. At a restaurant you may change your mind often and then be disappointed with what you ordered when it shows up. You may struggle to focus in large groups or noisy situations. Your best strategy is to make lists or write things down that you will need to recall. |
Throat |
You have an undefined Throat Center. You are unlimited in the ways in which you express yourself. You can modulate your speech and voice to communicate with anyone in a way they will understand. However, at times in your life you may have struggled to feel heard or listened to. You may have developed elaborate strategies to be recognized so your words would be acknowledged. For example, when you do ''get the floor'' with your audience, you may resist giving it up for fear that you will fall back into being unheard. It is also possible that you have grown tired of not being heard and have fallen quiet. Your strategy around communication is to let your energy carry the message that you have a lot to say. It is through this quiet focus that you will be recognized to speak. Once you have been recognized by others, you will be heard. |
G-Identity |
You have an undefined G-Identity Center. You are unlimited in who you are and can identify will all kinds of people. You may struggle to ''find yourself'' simply because it's hard for you to define who you are. Your sense of self may be inconsistent and you may be constantly changing your view of who you are. If your world is impacted by events around you, it may take time to come back to center and feel comfortable. At times you may feel unduly influenced by others. At times, you may question your lovability. A strategy for the open G-Identity is to spend time with loving people you honor admire and align your identity with higher energies. |
Heart-Will |
You have an undefined Heart-Will Center. You are unlimited in the way you experience will power, but are inconsistent with this energy and may lack the ability to get things done by pushing through with your will. You can increase your will power by amplifying someone else's will power energy, but the better option is to succeed by using your Human Design type and strategy. This is also the center of the ego and you may occasionally suffer from feeling unworthy. You may struggle to value your contributions and charge a fair amount for your services. If you're overexerting your will power, the question to ask yourself is, ''What am I trying to prove?'' You are here to be truly wise about what's valuable and to show others that there are more effective ways to manifest than by pushing with will alone. |
Sacral |
You have an undefined Sacral Center. You can experience sacral energy in unlimited ways, but do not generate it on your own. You can utilize other people's sacral energy to get things done, but this is not sustainable. You need a strategy for working as you are not designed to survive the 9 to 5 work world. If you can break up your schedule so you can rest or nap in between it will help. Your best sleep strategy is to go to bed before you are actually tired. This will help dissipate external energy so you can sleep soundly. |
Spleen |
You have an undefined Spleen Center. You have an unlimited ability to understand intuition. You may experience time in unlimited and undefined ways. You may lose track of time, having 15 minute conversations that last 2 hours. It is likely that you struggle with being on time, either watching the clock like a hawk to ensure timeliness, being extremely early to everything or always being late. You may also be vulnerable to sudden rashes of fear, because this is the center for survival based activities driven by fear. An undefined spleen can be a great asset to a hands on energy worker, drawing on universal energy and amplifying it with your open spleen center. Your immune system has an inconsistent supply of energy and is more vulnerable. As a result, you are likely to be sensitive to everything happening in your body. Sometimes people with undefined spleens can be viewed as hypochondriacs, but in truth, you are just more sensitive to the inner workings of your body. |
Your defined centers are the shapes in the chart, the squares the triangles and the diamonds that are colored in. Through these defined centers you have access to your own consistent energy. Because the center is defined, you will experience the energy from each center with a familiar pattern. It may not always be the exact pattern as described, but the description is to give you a flavor of how that energy will come to expression. |
Solar Plexus |
You have a defined Solar Plexus Center and are an emotional being. The Solar Plexus defines its energy in waves that move from joyful highs to melancholic lows. The emotional solar plexus provides clarity about decisions over time and it is essential that you ride the whole wave to achieve clarity. What feels right when you're at the top of your wave may feel wrong when you're at the bottom. When you are at the bottom of the wave don't look for the reasons, just know that it's a cycle and it will pass. A good strategy for the defined Solar Plexus is to track the cycle of your emotional wave. How long does it last? What makes it worse? What makes it better? It's okay to schedule downtime if you know you are likely to be at the bottom of your wave. It all serves a purpose! There are 3 types of waves and here is a description of yours. |
Root |
You have a defined Root Center. Root energy is fueled by adrenaline and this helps you to get things done. As you work though your task lists you will know when enough is enough. The defined Root Center is a pulse motor and is either on or off. When the root is off, there is no energy to push and get things done. It is time to rest. When the root is on, it is as if the clutch is engaged and you are cruising! |
Your defined channels have distinct characteristics in the way you act or react. Your defined channels will effect the flow of energy to and from the centers they connect with. As the energy flows through the expression of that channels characteristics will be added to the overall expression.
Channel of Recognition (Gates 30-41) |
This is an emotional channel that has an escalator-like wave over time. The energy builds higher and higher towards joy and happiness until it eventually reaches a peak and then plummets towards sadness and despair. It then begins its ascent back towards joy and happiness. This is the initiation of feeling moving into form with emotion and is ultimately expressed through laughter, tears or an emotion in between. |
Your defined gates are truly what give you definition. It is the sum of these that defines your centers and determines your type. It is all the individual expressions of each gate that make you who you really are. In this section you can look at each gate and its expression individually. Please remember two things: 1. That this is a high level description of the gate and it is just to give you a flavor of how you may express this energy. 2. That these gate attributes do not work in isolation so as they come together in your design the attributes may mutate or change into something greater or something less. Energy distribution: Collective 38% Tribal 27 % Individual 35 % At a high level there are three main types of energy: collective, tribal and individual. The expression of collective energy is ultimately to benefit the collective, or all of humanity. Tribal energy is focused on what is best for the tribe whether it's family, group, community, race or country. Individual energy is driven to benefit you and it does not really care about anyone else in the tribe or the collective. It is useful to see your energy distribution as you can see if you have a bias toward one type of energy. Most of us have a blend but some people have a concentration. If you have a percentage in one group higher than 55%, then you are going to have a bias. If that is individual, then you are going to care mostly about yourself. If the concentration is tribal, then your concern is for the tribe. And lastly, if it is collective, you will be focused on how you effect all of humanity.
Gate of Higher Knowledge (# 2) |
Gate of Privacy (# 33) |
Higher Knowledge is the energy of the driver of the self and moves your soul forward. The irony with this energy is that while you may have little awareness of your own direction, you are a great guide to others. |
Privacy is the energy to retreat and reflect on experiences and events before moving on. Before this energy can be expressed, there must be a period of time to retreat and collect thoughts in order to structure them into a cohesive expression or story. |
Gate of Self-Expression (# 1) |
Gate of Wanting (# 19) |
Self-Expression is the gate of the creative self. This energy wants to create in a big way and with a unique style. This creation energy is determined to draw attention to oneself. |
The Gate of Wanting is the energy that wants and needs community. It wants unrestricted access to community. People with this energy may also appear to be overly sensitive or easily disturbed and distracted. |
Gate of The Fighter (# 38) |
Gate of The Now (# 20) |
The Fighter is the energy to find out what is worth struggling for. It is about finding meaning in life and, through this process, becoming wise about the struggle to find meaning. |
The Gate of the Now is the energy of contemplation and recognition of what deeds should be brought into form. |
Gate of Sexuality (# 59) |
Gate of Saying Yes (# 29) |
Sexuality is the gate of seduction and the gateway to the sacral sexual power. This will often be the energy and drive to sexually reproduce. It can be the energy of coming together in an intimate way in a non-sexual relationship. |
This energy is the drive to say ''Yes''. It may lead to over commitment, but the energy includes the perseverance to push through where others quit. |
Gate of Spirit (# 55) |
Gate of Recognition of Feelings (# 30) |
Spirit is emotional energy seeking to bring abundance. Linked to spirit it can be abundance of spirit, but the abundance can come in many forms. This energy may feel stuck at times. |
Recognition of Feelings is the energy to recognize feelings that are pushing for change. Once recognized, the emotion to change is conceptualized into action that will relieve the pain or sadness and create real change. |
Gate of Leading (# 31) |
Gate of The Hunter/Huntress (# 21) |
The Gate of Leading is the voice of the leader. The leadership is only truly successful when properly supported by its complementary gate 7, The Role of the Self. |
It is the Hunter/Huntress who controls where you live, what you want and what you eat. This energy has the drive to create or gather material things and wealth. |
Gate of Extremes (# 15) |
Gate of Stimulation (# 56) |
The Gate of Extremes is energy that expresses itself through extreme rhythms. Whether it be your personal cycle with respect to times you eat, get up and go to sleep or other patterns, the gate of extremes will demand a change from a repetitive cycle after a while. This is also the energy of the love of humanity, the concern for fellow humans and the drive to bring other humans into the flow of life. |
Stimulation is the energy that brings the ideas and the past events into expression, often through stories. This is the energy of a story teller and is great for teaching and framing information that may be abstract, into cohesive pieces that can be remembered. |
Gate of Realizing (# 47) |
Gate of Contraction (# 41) |
Th energy of the Realizing Gate is to pull the abstract pieces from the complementary gate 64 into a whole cohesive idea in the ''AHA!'' moment. This is the epiphany and is the creation of a whole concept or process from the abstract, without using logic. Before it was pieces and now it is a whole. |
The Gate of Contraction is the energy of contracting or pulling back. It is an emotional energy of regrouping in preparation for the next expansion. |
Gate of Acceptance (# 60) |
Gate of Mystery (# 61) |
To get things started one needs a push or surge of energy. The Gate of Acceptance energy is like a car starting with bursts of surges. Not all tasks are like the 100 yard dash where the path is straight forward. This energy pushes you off the starting line, but not so fast that you can't change your course once you get going. |
The Gate of Mystery is about reaching to know the unknowable. This energy is about the ''why's'' in life. It can be about striving to know the answers just for sport. It is about the ability to ''know'' by just knowing, not thru logic, and trying to understand the Big Picture. |
Gate of Formulization (# 4) |
Gate of Alertness (# 44) |
The Gate of Formulization gives you the drive to want to find the answer. Not just any answer but the ONE answer. |
Alertness is the energy to look at past patterns, assess current supply and determine proper action to take. The outcome is awareness about what needs to occur to ensure that material needs will be met. |
Gate of Aloneness (# 40) |
Aloneness energy is part of the channel of community, yet this is the lonely side. This is the energy of being separate from the group or the family. |
Your incarnation cross made up of the four key gates based on the alignment of the sun and earth in your Human Design. Your incarnation cross gives definition and foundation to your overall energy design and is a cornerstone in your life purpose. Like a snowflake there are many underlying factors within your design that impact exactly how you carry your cross but this gives you another flavor of just how deep Human Design goes. Of course in order to carry out your incarnation cross you must live your design and most importantly that means to follow your type and strategy.
The Left Angle Cross of Refinement Cross Gates: 33 19 2 1 |
You bring the energy of having your own living space and nice things within it. Part of the driving force is about privacy and having your own space, not just for you but for the belief that it is everyone's right to have such a thing. In addition to the shelter a home provides, you desire some beauty within it to add to your life. You are here to ensure all of us have the right to our own private and inspiring space. |
You were born with a left angle cross of incarnation. This means that your life process is about dealing with karma and you need others to fulfill your life destiny. By moving through karmic interactions, both good ones and not so good, you live out your destiny. You are not designed to carry out your life purpose alone. |
Credits: The material in this report comes from a variety of sources.
Primary soucre for much of the information comes from the teachings of Ra Uru Hu who encountered "The Voice" in January of 1987.
Another primary source for information is Karen Curry, a former student of Ra, and my teacher.
The chart displayed in this report is created from software by Erik Memmert. To order Angelic BluePrint Reports for family or friends know go to: |