March 29, 2025

Dear Kelly

Dear Kelly Clarkson,

Please take care of yourself. While you showed a lot of heart and grit surviving and thriving through an appendicitis during hosting the Billboard music awards, your human design suggests you may be vulnerable to other health ailments, if you push yourself too far.

Wishing you blessings and Love!

Peter Roe ~ Human Design Coach

Kelly Clarkson has been on a whirlwind of productivity since she burst on the scene as the first American Idol in 2002. She has produced several albums, been on TV shows, produced a children’s book including an original lullaby and is a coach and mentor on the TV show The Voice. Most recently Kelly made the news as she hosted the Billboard awards, making a very energetic opening performance, all while in the midst of an appendicitis. Cringing in pain after the show she flew home for an emergency appendectomy. The Billboard Awards were sandwiched in between The Voice live shows which Kelly did not miss a beat and was back in the coaches chair the next week after her operation.

While I admire her perseverance, I am genuinely concerned for Kelly’s health as her human design shows she has a vulnerability. It is not public what her birth  time is so I will show a couple of charts. There are 2 things that pop out to me looking at her chart that don’t change through out her birth day.

  • Her Heart / Will center is completely open. This center is considered a pulse motor and needs to work then rest. Think about the heart. It beats, it rests, it beats, it rests. The Heart / Will is connected to self worth. People with an open or undefined center can push themselves to keep going to prove they are worthy, a true competitor. But without consistent energy, they don’t know when to rest.  The Heart / Will center is connected to the physical heart and the gall bladder. If you don’t allow the rest, you can end up causing physical damage. I have a friend who always accomplished things through will power. In their mid 30’s, they had their gall bladder removed. I ran their chart and sure enough the H/W center was open.
  • The other thing of Kelly’s design that stands out is what my wife Elvia calls the octa-Spleen. She has 3 channels and two hanging gates connected to the Spleen. Lots of splenic energy! She is wired to be in the moment, do in the moment, progress in the moment. It is not a surprise that she believes she can do it all, as she has all this energy to be in each moment.

If we take a deeper look at her connections to the Spleen this is what I see:

  • The 50-27 is the energy of Mothering and Fathering. It is nourishing and nurturing. Watching the voice you see her demonstrate these behaviors vividly as she coaches her flock of chosen artists.
  • The 34-57 is powerful energy to be and do in the moment. That is just what she does.
  • The 54-32 is a channel of progression, to work at it, to progress, to get better and better. I bet she pushed herself getting ready for her big number for the Billboard Awards.
  • Gate 44 – Is the instinctive or intuitive ability to recognize patterns or what needs to happen next.
  • Gate 28 – Is the energy of struggle or the fight to comprehend and understand more deeply what you are trying to push through.

All this make me think of her song Stronger:

Here she is appendicitis and all at the Billboard awards.

In conclusion, we can all get a little insight about the connection between our energetic design and our physical body, if we pause to take a look at our human design.

Since her birth time is not known, here are a couple possible charts for Kelly.