March 26, 2025

Grande, Tall maybe a better idea?

Ariana Grande cancelled her tour show in Kentucky this past Sunday with emotional posts on social media. Grande stated that she was very sick with sinus and sore throat issues and trying to get well quickly but she was too sick to perform. She announced this publicly as she wanted fans to know ahead of time so it would not catch them off guard.

While any of us can get sick, Ariana as a projector has put herself in a risky spot with the ambitious tour that she is in the midst of. Her Sweetener Tour started in March and doesn’t end until late December. She has been preforming every 2 or 3 days since it started, making over 40 stops in the US and 19 stops in Europe. Additionally, Ariana is more of a spotlight performer, which I would think have to be more energetically demanding than even being a lead singer for a full band.

When we look at Ariana’s design, what stands out is she has only one motor, the root. While the root is connected to adrenaline, the root is a pulse motor and needs to rest. When the root shuts off, Ariana is likely to have low or no energy. Ariana may be boosting her root with caffeine, I mean how could she not with a name like Grande, but over time the root and adrenals get worn down and with her tough demanding schedule she could be in for a big crash.

It’s not that projector can’t be out there and do energetic demanding things. But they are better served to be very wise about their strategy. On paper, according to her design, she would be better off with shorter tours, more days off in between shows, or recovery weeks where she has no shows. From the descriptions of the tour it has grown from the original plans and that maybe be a cost of being the hot ticket, but ultimately strategy would be beneficial for the long term.

As a cross of Service, Ariana is wired to be loyal to her fans as she wants to serve them so it is understandable she was upset in cancelling the show. The Cross of Service is all about delivering joy to life, so to cancel a much anticipated concert is no joy to a fan. Additionally, her undefined will may question if she is worthy of their love and that question of her fans could be hard for the total open Identity to take as it seeks love and approval.

It will be interesting to watch Ariana mature as a performer because she is so undefined in her Solar Plexus (emotions), Heart/Will (worthiness and willpower), Sacral (generator energy), Identity/G (self Identity and Love).

Though her definition she will continue to change and evolve to bring joy to life and with her defined 43-23 that defines the Ajna and the throat she will mutate and bring us genius or freak, only the timing will tell. I wish her blessings and pray that she will find the right manager that will honor her design, to keep her healthy and energized for a long and wonderful career.
See Ariana’s Full Report