October 22, 2024

Incarnation Cross of Prevention

Jimmy Buffett and George Orwell were born under the cross of prevention. But what are they trying to prevent us from? Casual observation might suggest they are saving us from missing the party and “Big Brother”. While this energy is named prevention it also could have a more positive name of “how to not miss the joy in life.” This is because ultimately the cross of Prevention brings together a pair of gates from the Vessel of Love and a pair of gate from the Cross of Service.
So what we have are 2 love gates and 2 gates logically looking to bring joy to life.

In simple terms, Jimmy Buffett, his music and his traveling show of troubadours are intent on reminding us to look at life and seize the opportunity to celebrate and party.  I you listen to  many of his songs he is discussing the fun things in life, or issuing a warning, “Don’t try this or you may wind up in trouble.”

George Orwell took perhaps a more direct approach in his book 1984. In this book he presented the concept of “Big Brother” the omni present police is watching your every move. Perhaps George spun this tail from his experience s suggesting that mankind needs to be aware that a police state could exist without our knowing of it’s existance.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Prevention.

  • Gate 17 – Opinion – Following – This is the presentation of logical analysis of what is or is not working.
  • Gate 18 – – Correction – Work on what has been spoilt – This is the logical adjustments to process or things to make them better.
  • Gate 10 – Behavior of the self – Treading/Fulfillment – In harmony, this is energy of being yourself and being one with your behavior and actions.
  • Gate 15 – Extremes – Modesty/Humbleness – Energy that prefers fluctuations and swings in rhythm to maintain the internal rhythm within.

Here are charts for Jimmy Buffett and George Orwell who were born under the cross of Prevention. The four gates of the cross of Prevention are circled in blue on the chart for Jimmy Buffett.

Check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Starseeds Radio

On October 4, 2010 at 8PM PST, (or 11PM EST), I will be interviewed about Human Design on Starseeds Radio by co-hosts Zoh and Heavenly Butterfly. This will be a good introduction into the world of Human Design. On the show we will probably talk about their designs to use as examples into the different aspects of design.

Join us Live or listen to the recording

Here are the charts for Heavenly Butterfly and Zoh.
(Click on charts for larger image.)

An Introduction Human Design on The Spirit Connection

I was recently interviewed by Lea Hill on The Spirit Connection a web/radio show on Web Talk Radio. In the interview Lea asked me about the basics on Human Design. You can get a basic understanding by listening to the show.

Click Here to listen

Free Teleclass on Human Desgin

I held a free Teleclass on October 21, 2009.


If you missed it or want to listen agian here is the recording.



Backgroun info on what the class covered:

How many times have you made a decision only to find it was not the right decision for you? That your decision made your life more difficult not easier.
In this teleclass I will get you started on understanding your design and on the way to decisions which will make your life better and easier for you.

This Teleclass will cover the history and basics of human design and focus on the 5 types and how they are designed to interact. By living your design you can lower the resistance in your life and make it easier. By living your type and strategy it allows the universe to bring things to you instead of you having to do all the work.

Make life easier for yourself.

Listen to the Teleclass and discover the possibilities.

If you don’t have your chart get it now.

Click the Free chart button on the upper right.

Human Design On the Airwaves

Love Your Human Design…

is taking to the airwaves on the Internet with FREE shows every Saturday morning at 11AM eastern time on Blog Talk Radio.

Join Peter Roe and his co-host and Human Design specialist Rev. Ric each week as they discuss various aspects of Human Design or the Angelic BluePrint. Each weekly program will consist of about 30 minutes on discussion of the weekly topic, followed by 30 minutes of questions and answers and reviewing guest charts. This is your opportunity to ask questions about your design or probe the weekly topic further. The shows are recorded so you can listen live or at a later time.

Show / Topic /Guest Hosts Show Date
Show Link
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Next Show
The 3 emotional waves of the defined Solar Plexus
There are 3 types of emtional waves that a defined Solar Plexus can have. In this show Rev. Ric and I will discuss the huge swings of the Individual wave, the huge drop in the Collective wave and the subtle but explosive tribal wave.
July 31st

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Future Shows
Human Design in Relationships
There are many ways our design interacts with another person. On this show we will talk about the different impacts we make with our partners, our friends, our families and other people we meet.
August 28th

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Past Shows
The Will Center
Only 35% of the population have sustainable will power yet we are trained to just do it with that pushy will energy. In this show Rev. Ric and I discuss the Will center, it’s gates and the proper way to use will energy. Many people suffer from illness due to using will energy we don’t have. Using will in the proper way will help ensure our physical and heart health.
July 24th

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G/Identity Center – The Gates of Direction
The G Center is the home of direction and the magnetic monopole. In this show Rev. Ric and I will discuss the 4 direction gates that make up the cross of the Sphinx. We will go into depth about the 4 gates of direction in this show. We will also discuss the magnetic monopole which creates the flow in our lives.
July 17th

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G/Identity Center – The Gates of Love
The G Center is the home of Love. In this show Rev. Ric and I will discuss the 4 love gates that make up the vessel of Love. We will go into depth about the 4 love gates in this show.
July 10th

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Human Design – The three energy type, Tribal, Collective and Individual
This week we will be discussing the 3 types of energy that make the world go round: Tribal, Collective and Individual. Understanding these can help you understand how the world works. Join me, Peter Roe of LoveYourHumanDesign.com and my co-host Rev. Ric of revric.webs.com to learn more about yourself and design.
June 19th

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Human Design – Mini Readings Part 3
Co-host Rev. Ric and I will do mini readings and take questions on the air. You can learn a great deal by seeing the chart of others being read and draw analogies to your chart.
June 12th

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Human Design – Mini Readings Part 2
Co-host Rev. Ric and I will do mini readings and take questions on the air. You can learn a great deal by seeing the chart of others being read and draw analogies to your chart.
May 22nd

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Human Design – Mini Readings Part 1
Co-host Rev. Ric and I will do mini readings and take questions on the air. You can learn a great deal by seeing the chart of others being read and draw analogies to your chart.
May 15th

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Human Design – profiles 1-4 and 4-1
In our continuing series we cover the 1-4 and 4-1 profiles. The 1-4 and 4-1 are steeped in foundation. Having a grasp on the information or skill required is paramount to these profiles. Also they are drawn to find foundation and stability in their home, work and relationships. Come join my co-host Rev. Ric and I as we discuss the 1-4 and 4-1 profiles.
May 1st

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Human Design – Reflectors
Reflectors are incredibly open people and make up less than 1% of the population. They are heavily influenced by the moon and the people around them. They can sometimes be seen as indecisive. Join us to find out why.
April 24th

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Human Design – Profile 5-2 & 2-5 The Heretic and Hermit
In our continuing series we cover the 5-2 & 2-5 profiles. The 5-2 and 2-5 profiles have magnetic, projective and social personalities but they need their alone time. Come join my co-host Rev. Ric and I as we discuss the 5-2 and 2-5 profiles.
April 17th

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Human Design – Generators
Generators make up about 35% of the population and are here to do things. They are powered by their sacral motor and have consistent energy to get things done. They are far more successful if they follow their strategy of doing in response.
April 10th

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Human Design – Profile 6-3 & 3-6 The Role Model/Martyr
In our continuing series we cover the 6-3 and 3-6 profiles. The 6-3 and 3-6 profile are designed to be highly experimental in their early years and grow to be wise role models in their golden years. Come join my co-host Rev. Ric and I as we discuss the 6-3 and 3-6 profiles.
April 3rd

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Human Design – Profile 6-2 The Role Model/Hermit
In our continuing series we cover the 6-2 profile. The 6-2 profile is a social being but can at times be withdrawn. Being a 6th line they face the life stages that all 6th lines face. The 2nd line is a hermit that gets called out. Come join my co-host Rev. Ric and I as we discuss the 6-2 profile.
March 27th

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Human Design – Openness in our Charts
We all have open or white areas in our charts. These are areas that we are not designed to live in consistently. But often we are influenced by those around us. This influence is called conditioning and we need to understand it so we can let go of it and live our design.
March 20th

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Human Design – Profile 5-1 The Heretic/Investigator
In our continuing series we cover the 5-1 profile. We have looked at some of the right angle profiles and now we turn to the left angle. The 5-1 profile can be a very magnetic personality. They form a projection field where ever they go. Come join us and hear about this dynamic profile and it’s personality.
March 13th

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Human Design – The Sacral Response

Did you know that if you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator you have a built in truth detector? Your truth detector is attached to your sacral motor. Like a child, it says uh-huh and un-uh to yes or no questions. You just have to ask it questions and find out your truth. Join us for a lively discussion and explanation.

Please join me and my co-host Rev. Ric of revric.webs.com .

March 6th

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Human Design – Profile 4-6 The Role Model/Opportunist
In our continuing series we cover the 4-6 profile. Of the 12 profiles in Human Design this is the only one that goes through 3 different life stages. This show is good to catch. Whether you are a 4-6 or not, understanding the 4-6 profile will help you to understand the 4-6 profiles you may have around you in your life.
February 27th

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Human Design – Intuition
How can you maximize your intuition to help guide you through life. Depending on your design there are different ways to go about it.Rev. Nina Roe founder of AngelsTeach.com
Kim Turcotte ALC® and founder of LaunchYourDivineBusiness.com and
Dawn Simpson ALC® of AngelsDawning.webs.com
February 20th
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Human Design – The Gates of Love
Do you consistently feel Love? Do you consistently give Love? On this day before valentines day we will explore the gates of love in Human Design. Understanding how you are design can help you in your relationships. You can form strategy to take advantage or augment your design and those around you.
February 13th

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Human Design – Parenting and understanding the energetic side to family relationships
It is important as a parent to understand the design of your children in relation to your design. Certain parenting techniques will work better and some won’t work at all depending on the design of your children. Join us as we talk strategy about using design to make parenting easier and more harmonious.Dumari Dancoes Human Design Specialist from LivingYourHumanDesign.com
January 30th

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Human Design – Profile 3-5 Experiment and Project the way
Your profile
in Human Design flavors all of your actions. In this show we continue to explore profiles, this time focusing on the 3-5 profile. The flavor that this profile adds is connected to experimentation and projecting the way so we can change for the better. Please join me and my co-host Rev. Ric of revric.webs.com .
January 23rd

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Human Design – The 2-4 Hermit /Opportunist – Come out come out wherever you are?
In Human Design much of what flavors how you act is determined by your profile. In this show we will talk about the 2-4 profile. People that have the 2-4 profile, the Hermit/Opportunist need a balance of being alone and being social. These people are often very socially integrated and have a bubbly or intriguing personality. These people of are the type that can start a conversation with anyone. To read more about it
January 16th

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Human Design – The 1-3 investigator – Why all the digging?
You all have someone in your life that asks all the questions, tries out things then suddenly loses interest and many of us sit in judgment that these people can’t make up their mind. The truth is that they are here to play that role for all of us so we don’t have too.Dulcy Hayes Human Design Specialist Rev. Nina Roe founder of AngelsTeach.com talk about having an investigative and experimental design.
January 9th

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Human Design – Defined and undefined that is the question?
Start the new year by getting to know you. We all have aspects that are defined or consistent behaviors and expression. We all also have area where our expression is inconsistent and we don’t understand why. Take a step in understanding why in our talk today.Peter Roe Human Design Specialist talks about knowing the defined and undefined.
January 2nd

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Human Design – Place is so important to those with the open G
If you have an open Identity center sometimes called the G center you need to listen to this class. The open G strategy is to be in the right place at the right time. The problem is that with inconsistent energy to the center you don’t know how to find that place. You need help from those around you to find the place and when you are in it you will know.Barb Andrew ALC® and manifestor talks of her journey.

Also Joined byRev. Nina Roe founder of AngelsTeach.com

December 19th

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Human Design – Introduction
Human Design is a valuable tool for understanding how you and those around you act, react and express themselves. Knowing your Human Design and living out the energies or the energetic skill set you were born with can make it easier to flow with life. In this hour long radio program we give you an overview of the system and how it impacts your world.Join me, Peter Roe and my co-host Rev. Ric Human Design Specialist of revric.webs.com
December 12th

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Human Design – Knowing your authority is key to making decisions
Most of us have an inner authority to help us make the correct decisions for us. That inner authority varies by design. Many of us let our mind be our authority when in reality the mind plays favorites to our ego. Learn about your authority and how you can make more accurate decisions for you.Dulcy Hayes. Human Design Specialist ([email protected])and Rev. Ric Human Design Specialist of revric.webs.com
December 5th

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Human Design – Riding the Emotional Wave
All of us are influenced by the eb and flow of emotions. In this show we will discuss how to understand your emotional design and put strategy into action to make your life swing and flow in an easier way.Judy Wilk – has learned her wave and life flows so much better.
Also as a Guest is Karen Curry of TheProsperityRevolution.com and HumanDesignForEveryone.com
October 31st

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Human Design – The Life of a Manifestor
Manifetors are less than 10% of the population yet they influence and impact our lives. This show we will talk about how manifestors need to follow a balanced strategy of informing others to keep life harmonious.Rachel Maskell ALC® of TheraBe Healing Arts at TheraBe.com and manifestor talks of her journey.
November 7th

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Human Design – Activation Energy
Every moment of everyday we are affected by the neutrino streams from the key planets and planetary bodies that circle our planet. By looking at the energies that cycle in and out of our lives on a daily, weekly, monthly and even longer term we can see how we are impacted and plan in some cases to take advantage of the changing energies in our lives.
Rev. Ric of revric.webs.com talks about the activation energy and how to use his weekly guide.
November 14th

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Human Design – Guide and Lead us all you Projectors – but wait to be invited?
Projectors are here to guide, manage direct and lead us all but none of us we resist the leadership unless we invite it. We talk about how to make the strategy work for us.Kim Turcotte ALC® of LaunchYourDivineBusiness.com and projector talks about coming to understand the strategy or “wait to be invited.”
November 21st

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