March 12, 2025

Get Your Report!


Wouldn’t it be helpful to have your own 10-12 page, custom generated report about your unique Human Design?!! (Or perhaps the design of your spouse, friend or child?)

1000’s who’ve walked this path before you have said YES!

Your detailed Human Design report will give you all the aspects of your chart including…

  • Your type
  • Your strategy
  • Your profile
  • Your centers
  • Your channels
  • Your gates
  • Your incarnation cross


To get YOUR personalized report

The report will be emailed to you directly as a pdf generally within a few hours on business days and on weekends within 24 hours.


Click Here to see a sample report.

Thank you!
I can’t even begin to explain how helpful and precise your first report for me was.


Please know… ALL information you provide us for the reports is private and will not be shared. We highly value your privacy and respect your integrity.


Health and Your Design

Learn about the relationship between your Human Design and your health.
Listen to this seqment on Blog Talk Radio hosted by Elvia Nina Roe of .

Begin Here

Here are several links to get you started learning about design.


Introductory Video: What is Human Design? (15 minutes)


Introductory audio: What does this chart represent? (15 minutes)

Audio: What are the 5 Types within Human Design? (1 hour)

MP3 File

Get a deeper understanding of your design with these products.

  • Understanding your design coaching Package
  • Have a full length (90 minute) Reading of Your Chart
  • Order your own personalized 10 page report
  • Other Free Information

  • Audio recordings from my weekly radio show
  • Articles on different aspects of Human Design
  • An Introduction Human Design on The Spirit Connection

    I was recently interviewed by Lea Hill on The Spirit Connection a web/radio show on Web Talk Radio. In the interview Lea asked me about the basics on Human Design. You can get a basic understanding by listening to the show.

    Click Here to listen

    Human Design Basics

    An expert in Human Design,  Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Phd,  offers this free pdf download on
    The Introduction to The Human Design 64-Gate Basic Body Graph & Mandala.
    To see more on the ground breaking work that Eleanor is doing visit her site

    Private Human Design Reading

    Nothing will give you a more personalized view of your Human Design than an individual reading. I offer three options for doing this.

    A 30 minute reading to get your feet wet. We will cover the basics of your design and get into some of the details. Great for a self led explorer.

    A 60 minute reading to really get to know yourself. This is a directional reading using events, situations or issues in your life which allow me to relate how your design is tied into that and suggest micro strategies.

    A coaching package. This includes 2 – 60 minute readings 2-3 months apart. The first session gets you a good understanding of your design and I suggest 3 points of your design to focus on between sessions. The second session we go to a deeper level, capitalizing on what you have observed in your interactions, relating to your design.

    All the readings and coaching sessions I do are recorded so you can play them back later on your pc or mp3 player. Listening to them again is a great way for the information to sink in.

    Order Here