February 23, 2025

What is Your Song?

I ran across this song yesterday, Seasons of Love from Rent the movie and musical. As I was listening to it I got chills and that energy surge from deep inside that can only be identified as my life source.


As I was thinking about the song I remembered I had the same experience with this song when I first saw the play years ago. I guess that is the beauty of an open Head and open Ajna as you can experience the same joys over an over again like they are fresh.


As I was driving along last night I was contemplating, “What is it about this song that sings to me?” The song is about a year in life. Minute to minute and day to day the joys, sorrows and the in between. And yes it’s about Love. That’s when it hit me. This song sings to my Human Design.


My cross is the vessel of Love. I have the gates of the love of humanity(gate 15) and the love of the body(gate 46), the physical experience we carry out here on earth. I have the love of the expression of the self(gate10) and the love of universal love(gate25). If you listen to the song and look at this aspect of my design which as the incarnation cross is a core piece of my design, how could I not be so moved?


Now I will admit that I have been blessed to have a design centered around love which may be lloked at as an easier design.  But we all have a part in this grand play. We need crosses of Sphinx to give us direction, we need crosses of Laws and Rulership to guide us and give us boundaries, we need crosses of Tension and Confrontation to help keep us together and move through things so we aren’t stuck. I could go on but the point is that we are all hear to do our part.

Take a few minutes and think about, “What song or songs really move you deeply and energetically?” Examine what they are about either litterally or metaphorically. Once you figure that out you have an arrow directing you as to why you are here.

