March 26, 2025

A brief glimpse at the Human Design of the top 7 contenders for Democratic Presidential Primary 2020

Many of us are going to vote in the primaries next week as Super Tuesday rolls in or will be voting in the coming months. I will vote Tuesday but I have to say, I am still undecided at this point. Since I have been steeped in Human Design for the past 15 years I thought it would be worth while to look at what each candidates Design says about how they are wired to act and express themselves should they become the next President.

To keep this brief, for each candidate I will focus on the incarnation cross as I believe this is the platform we stand on for our life purpose. I will also include the profile as I feel, like spices, this energy flavors all of our expressions. Lastly I will add one or 2 other aspects I see in their design.  I will do my best to be objective, but we humans cannot prevent some filtering from occurring because we all have a design and look at the world through the lens of experiences that we have had. I will then close with a question. This may carry more of my opinion, but I am phrasing it as a question as maybe you too are wondering about that quality or thing within that candidate.

At the bottom of the post are links to the full Human Design report for each candidate.

If you are interested in ordering your own full Human Design report click here.

Note – The birth times for Klobuchar, Steyer and Warren are unknown so the default is to use noon but mention the other possibilities I see for them during that day.

These reviews are in random order as I literally picked their names out of a hat.

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is supported by the cross of the Vessel of Love. So at the core of her energy is Love. It appears her focus of this love is to make sure every person gets a fair shake and corporations and other large entities need to act in a loving and compassionate way. If they don’t she is going to take it to them. Her design here is a 3-6 but since we do not know her time she could be a 3-5. Either way the 3rd line is about learning about life through trying things out, experimenting. She seems to have an air that says “I know this” as she speaks which is coming from the experience of her life. It is also possible if she was born in the first 3 1/2 hours of the day that she has the knowing channel in the mind which would further add to this “I KNOW” sentiment. Through her spleen to the Throat channel she is knowing in the moment. Her lead gate is gate of extremes(15) so she can come on as extreme or belabor a point to the extreme. Her Achilles heal in the design might be the hanging gate 36 which can cause  confusion or hesitation when faced with an unknown or new possible experience. She has the gate (7)  of leadership.

Is her perceived frustration due to the slowness and resistance to what she believes is the right thing to do, going to turn off voters or get in the way should she become the nominee and/or President?

Amy Klobuchar

Amy Klobuchar is supported by the Cross of Duality. Duality energy understands the art of being busy and using that energy to duplicate. So if there is a program or model of how to do things over here, then you can use that same model to do it over there. Amy would likely be good at focusing on things that are working in certain places and helping them spread. She is either a 5-1 or 5-2 profile. Here 5th line is projected and sophisticated. I don’t know if we will fully understand Amy until she is in the public eye for a much longer time. It just takes longer to get to know 5th lines. She has a complex single definition, which is a good thing as the energy can all communicate together, like voices in the choir coming together to express themselves in harmony. She does carry a lot of tribal energy to support, sustain and carry the tribe forward in a direction that is safe and sustainable. While she is  wired emotionally, which at times may take longer for her to respond, this is well balanced by the tribal energies which will help make it a decision that will support the tribe properly. She also has the gate (7)  of leadership.

What does “tribe” mean for her since it is an integral part of her design?

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg is supported by the Cross of Laws. Laws are all about doing things a certain way so they are safe and sustainable. These are not necessarily literal laws but basic behaviors that are repeatable so we don’t run out of food and we stay safe and warm etc. There are times when laws need to be changed, but that is generally a slow and measured process so we don’t make mistakes. But since the cross does carry mutation, Pete should be able to make change happen at a certain pace with caution in hand. Pete is a 4-6 profile so his network is very important to him and presents him opportunities. His 6th line is on the roof so he may seem aloof or reserved at times. He has a split definition, where his 3 motors are wired to the spleen meaning he can get things done quickly when it is the right thing to do. His defined channel to the throat is the story or hi(story) teller so it explains why he often uses stories to illustrate his points. He will be best with policies if they have a good story that will help him be strong at supporting them. He has an open solar plexus which can be influenced or overwhelmed by drama if he doesn’t shield it but he appears to have a good handle on that.

While the cross of laws is stable, will it allow him to move forward in a timely manner while supporting a broad enough coalition, because laws do tend to be tribal in nature?

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is supported by the Cross of Dominion. Dominion is heavily influenced by the mind, gates 64 and 63. They want to ingest thoughts and ideas and consume them. This is the ability to ingest a lot of data. However this thought energy is not fully grounded in reality, it is more theoretical. Bernie is a 5-1 profile so he carries the magnetism that has fueled his popularity. His 1st line behind the scenes carries energy to investigate and get to the detail level on issues. He is a projector here to guide and lead through his will to the identity. This means he will do what Bernie wants to do as he identifies with that cause or issue. His main channel is from the heart. With the heart as his only motor and his recent heart trouble, it does give me concern. The heart needs to work to rest. Will the demand of the oval office allow for that? He has the leadership gate (31) that is a social leader so it is no surprise socialism is a main theme.

Are the thoughts and ideas Bernie is pushing grounded enough to be achievable without mass disruption in the USA? 

Mike Bloomberg

Mike Bloomberg is supported by the Cross of Contagion. Contagions are here to spread ideas and things that they are passionate about. Mike has a 2-4 profile which makes him a social connector.  His 4th line is a net worker and opportunist while his 2nd line is a natural at picking things up be they ideas or concepts. Mike has a quadruple split definition which is comprised of four separate  groups of defined centers. Essentially it is like having 4 voices within you when you are in the moment. For Mike these voices are:  abstract thought – putting the pieces of the puzzle together;  rulership – what I want for me;   doing it – what I am going to do and get done; what’s it gonna be – the experience that I am passionate that we have.  On one hand a split definition can make a person more balanced as they have multiple perspectives on things. On the other hand it can take time for the voices to come together under pressure and maintain the full balance of all the voices. Mike also has the gate (31) of the social leader.

What is Mike passionate about and which of his voices am I hearing from?

Tom Steyer

Tom Steyer is supported by the Cross of Service. People on this cross are here to serve and be of service. When things are not of service it does not sit well with them. This is likely why Tom presents a focus of beating Donald Trump. In his mind Trump and his actions are not of Service. Tom started a hedge fund company that did very well but in 2004 began to get protests from Yale students about the environmental policies of some of the investments. Over time, Tom made a shift away from these investments and began funding and supporting environmental causes. So his support and talk about global warming seems based on the enlightenment where he realized taking care of the environment was very important to being of service to the greater good. Tom is either a 2-5 or 3-5 profile. The 5th line makes him complicated and harder to get to know. The 2nd line would explain why he said he was not going to run a year ago because for a 2-5 the limelight of running for president might be daunting. 2-5’s really need their down time. The 3rd line might explain the shift on the environment, when he saw that his investments were not working in conjunction with his service energy.

Have we really seen the full extent of Tom Steyer?

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is also supported by the Cross of Contagion. Joe is here to spread what he is passionate about. It would seem that his main thrust is ideas and policies that are a return to the old standard policies that were the focus of the Clinton and Obama presidencies.  I think that may be why his campaign seems to lack excitement. It is harder to spread excitement about something old and established. It is easier to generate energy and excitement for something shiny and new. As a 4-6 profile Joe is off the roof and into his role model phase. He also carries the gate (31) of the social leader and this is bolstered by his role model stage. His 4th line means he is a good at networking. Joe has a split definition with the his identity power by his sacral motor. This voice speaks about what he can do or what he has done. He also has a defined mind that will think abstractly on how things go together. His split in conjunction with several hanging gates on his throat are probably why he has been struggling to get the words right when he is speaking in the recent debates. Simply put the throat cannot keep up with his excitement behind the ideas or point he is trying to make. The split does create a potential dilemma in his decision making. Is the decision is coming from the mind or is it coming from what is right to do right now. From the Human Design perspective the mind is an adviser and should not make the decisions.

Does Joe represent the changes and policies you want from our next President?

Human Design Report For Joe Biden
Human Design Report For Mike Bloomberg
Human Design Report For Pete Buttigieg
Human Design Report For Amy Klobuchar
Human Design Report For Bernie Sanders
Human Design Report For Tom Steyer
Human Design Report For Elizabeth Warren