March 11, 2025

Incarnation – Cross of the Four Ways

The Incarnation cross of the Four Ways represents the coming together of 4 energies that each have a voice in where we humans are going. There is a real evolution written here in the 4 gates
as each gate has a way for us as humans to go.

Gate 24 is a mental gate. It is looking at something repeatedly trying to come to a deeper understanding. It’s guidance forward is through understanding.

Gate 33 is a manifesting gate. It caries the story of our experience but it is also directing us to be keep secrets. Not all of our experiences should be shared.

Gate 44 is about alerting the troops to coming needs. This is about what we need to do to  preserve our selves and is rooted in fears of the past.

Gate 19 is to have a sensitivity about what we are doing to our world. The approach to the future is to make sure we take care of all of us. This means that we need to care for the earth and it’s resources as a way to approach the future.

Here is a brief description of the 4 gates of the cross of the Four Ways.

  • Gate 19 – Sensitivity – As we as a tribe approach living as spiritual being together we need to be sensitive to how we live physically.
  • Gate 44 – Coming to meet- Identification of what we need to due now, to be prepared for the future, but based on our past experience.
  • Gate 33 – Manifesting Privacy – As we bring together the experience of the collective we need privacy to be ourselves.
  • Gate 24 – Returning – Rationalizing over and over until we as individuals truly understand.

Here are charts for Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld who are two different versions of the cross of the Four Ways. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation – Cross of Laws

The Incarnation cross of Laws is focused upon building, creating and keeping structures in place to ensure safety and continuity. The laws can pertain to the structure of anything from a family to money, to an international community. Without structure there can become chaos and lack of order so structure has played and important role in creating community, countries and civilizations.

However, there is an interesting dynamic at work here because most structures resist change. Instead of mutation most structural change comes through a new layer of rules or laws. The tax code in the United States and Health care reform are two prime examples of this. Over the past decades instead of recreating the structure, our politicians have just added layers of new law upon the old. In the case of the tax law, even though there have been candidates that have proposed eliminating the old system with a new straight percentage graduated system, they have been dismissed mostly out of hand as there is fear that removing the old structure would lead to chaos.

(The Mandala to the left is of the cross of Laws and can help you understand how crosses are formed. Click on the image to the left to enlarge it. This will allow you to see how the cross is formed. The cross is created by the gates of the I Ching in the Sun and Earth, from the two critical points in time, the time of birth and 88 days before birth which is the point when the soul crystal is planted.)

Here is a brief description of the 4 gates of the cross of Laws.

  • Gate 3 – Ordering – Once we make change or mutate we must finish the change into a new form of structure.
  • Gate 50 – Values – Preservation which is achieved by the act of nurturing.
  • Gate 60 – Acceptance/Limitation – We must accept what we have got and limit changes so not to rock the boat.
  • Gate 56 – Sensation/Wanderer – The perception of continuity of what we are sensing as we explore what is around us.

So quite simply, people born under the cross of Laws are here to keep us safe, help provide continuity and structure. A key strategy for someone on this cross is to strive for balance between the old and the new. Structures serve there purpose but they cannot last forever. A cross of Laws may be a parent but the child eventually grows up and then the structure must change one way or the other.

Chart of James Woods and Jim Cary who are two different versions of the cross of Laws. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of the Maya

People born into the Incarnation cross of Maya are born with an internal pressure to know Why. This energy has driven humankind to be explorers. It has pushed us to explore the continents, then to the seas, then to outer space and now to the universe. But it is not just outward exploration as we have gone the other direction too. Through science, religion and spirituality we are exploring the inner space inside of us.

In a way you could say the channels between the head and Ajna represent 3 ways to solve this question why. The right channel is logical and scientific. The left channel is abstract and represents religion. The middle channel represents pure spirituality, the simple yet powerful connection to knowing on a personal level.

The Mandala to the left is of the cross of Maya and can help you understand how crosses are formed. Click on the image to the left to enlarge it. This will allow you to see how the cross is formed. The cross is created by the gates of the I Ching in the Sun and Earth, from the two critical points in time, the time of birth and 88 days before birth which is the point when the soul crystal is planted.

So you can see that each cross is composed of 4 gates, two from the sun and two from the earth. The cross of penetration is made up of the following 4 gates.

  • Gate 61 – Mystery. The energy and pressure to know why.
  • Gate 42 – Growth. The maturity of a project or process to set the ground work for the next cycle.
  • Gate 32- Continuity. A historical memory of what has been needed to continue and carry on.
  • Gate 62 – Small details. The Gate of putting a name on things so we can analyze them.

Below is the chart of the third President of the United states Thomas Jefferson. One of the things he is known for is the commission of Lewis and Clark to find a river route to the Pacific Ocean . While the project started in earnest in 1803, it was brewing within Jefferson and the new country for the 50 preceding years. A key side project that Jefferson entrusted to Lewis was to make detailed documentation of the flora and fauna along the way. The Lewis and Clark expedition in many ways typified the cross of the Maya.

  • Providing details and drawings of new flora and fauna and putting names on them.
  • Obtaining information to make way for the next cycle of growth.
  • Trying to understand how the continent, rivers and oceans are connected.
  • Obtaining information about the native American tribes living in the west.
  • Creating a knowledge base or history to stabilize and provide continuity for the young nation the United States of America.

If you are feeling the pressure to know more and the subject matter interests you I would highly recommend the book Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose which details the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Chart of Thomas Jefferson. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation Cross of Penetration

People born into the Incarnation cross of Penetration carry an energy that drives them to get to the point. It is an energy that is designed to break down hemming and hawing and create action, change or movement. People with this energy when stuck and really trapped may tend to just shut down when they see no way out.

The energy of this cross, is very present in the moment and is here to “Wake us up.”

The Mandala to the left is of the cross of Penetration and can help you understand how crosses are formed. Click on the image to the left to enlarge it. This will allow you to see how the cross is formed. The cross is created by the gates of the I Ching in the Sun and Earth,  from the two critical points in time, the time  of birth and 88 days before birth which is the point when the soul crystal is planted.

So you can see that each cross is composed of 4 gates, two from the sun and two from the earth. The cross of penetration is made up of the following 4 gates.

  • Gate 57 – Intuition in the moment. An instant knowing what to do, how to act, what step to take,
  • Gate 51 – Shock. A wake up call to the spirit. A jolt to bring love of all things to light.
  • Gate 54 – Ambition. The adrenal energy to move forward or to make progress.
  • Gate 53 – Beginnings. The energy of starting out and taking that first step.

Below is the chart of actor, martial arts specialist Jackie Chan. He was born with the cross of Penetration. If you are familiar with his work think about some of his movies. In the martial arts aspects he is always aware in the moment of what is going on around him. Ready to pounce or penetrate if necessary. His movies always have a sense of humor or comedy. This entertainment is designed to penetrate the soul. After all laughter is the best medicine. Watch a movie and just look at his actions and the way he holds himself. It has that air of penetration. Jackie is a good example of someone who embodies their  design.

Chart of Jackie Chan. (Click on image for Larger image)

What is Your Song?

I ran across this song yesterday, Seasons of Love from Rent the movie and musical. As I was listening to it I got chills and that energy surge from deep inside that can only be identified as my life source.


As I was thinking about the song I remembered I had the same experience with this song when I first saw the play years ago. I guess that is the beauty of an open Head and open Ajna as you can experience the same joys over an over again like they are fresh.


As I was driving along last night I was contemplating, “What is it about this song that sings to me?” The song is about a year in life. Minute to minute and day to day the joys, sorrows and the in between. And yes it’s about Love. That’s when it hit me. This song sings to my Human Design.


My cross is the vessel of Love. I have the gates of the love of humanity(gate 15) and the love of the body(gate 46), the physical experience we carry out here on earth. I have the love of the expression of the self(gate10) and the love of universal love(gate25). If you listen to the song and look at this aspect of my design which as the incarnation cross is a core piece of my design, how could I not be so moved?


Now I will admit that I have been blessed to have a design centered around love which may be lloked at as an easier design.  But we all have a part in this grand play. We need crosses of Sphinx to give us direction, we need crosses of Laws and Rulership to guide us and give us boundaries, we need crosses of Tension and Confrontation to help keep us together and move through things so we aren’t stuck. I could go on but the point is that we are all hear to do our part.

Take a few minutes and think about, “What song or songs really move you deeply and energetically?” Examine what they are about either litterally or metaphorically. Once you figure that out you have an arrow directing you as to why you are here.

