February 23, 2025

Jewel Kilcher – Expression of Spirit

In this song Jewel epitomizes the gate 55 line 5. As you can see from her chart she carries this in her unconscious sun. Your sun and earth gates are the most influential in your design. Gate 55.5 is known to be the embodiment voice of Spirit or the voice of God. It carries the spirit which is the definition of gate 55 and in line 5 it is projected outward for the world to see. Listen to the song and see how it shines through.

In additon, Jewel voices the energy of the defined throat and the empathy for the open throat. In this song she sings, “Where there is a man who has no voice, I will go there singing.”.

Jewels Chart

1 is the lonliest number …

solar_will_throatThis line from a Beatles song was going through my head as I awoke from a dream this morning. The dream had been about the 37-40 channel in Human design which involves community and aloneness. The 40 (gate 40) is about being a part of the family and community. Community has rules and to be part and parcel you follow the rules and do your part. The gate 37 is about being alone. You can do your own thing as there are no rules to follow. Being part of a family or community is a bargain where you give up certain freedoms and take on certain tasks to be a part of the community.

The story in the dream was about a person I recently encountered. They were very willful and often pushy about what they wanted to do or what they wanted to have. Most of the time they wanted it NOW!  In Human Design this willful push comes from the  gate 21 the Hunter Gatherer.  When this is a push to manifest in a purely individual way  supercedes the flow of the community or family and it can push the person out of the community into aloneness.

The message here is clear.  Being part of community or family is all about going with the flow. We can still get what we want most of the time and still be part of our family, friends or community as long as we do it within the flow. The more we push to make things happen our way, on our schedule,  the more we break the bonds that tie us to the groups that we want to be a part of, and the more we push ourselves toward aloneness. There is a high degree of aloneness in the world and I believe a lot of it is driven by instant gratification. Let me take care of me right now. But falling for the instant gratification is actually punishing us with aloneness down the road.

Compromise is the key. Don’t allow the ego control and the push for now, now, now. Make compromise and go with the flow and you will find yourslef part of the whole, your family, and or your group. Compromise, you’ll be glad you did!

Know Your Type

In May of 2009 I gave a Free Teleclass talking about Human Design and the 5 types. Listen to the class to learn your about your type and your strategy.

MP3 File

What is Your Song?

I ran across this song yesterday, Seasons of Love from Rent the movie and musical. As I was listening to it I got chills and that energy surge from deep inside that can only be identified as my life source.


As I was thinking about the song I remembered I had the same experience with this song when I first saw the play years ago. I guess that is the beauty of an open Head and open Ajna as you can experience the same joys over an over again like they are fresh.


As I was driving along last night I was contemplating, “What is it about this song that sings to me?” The song is about a year in life. Minute to minute and day to day the joys, sorrows and the in between. And yes it’s about Love. That’s when it hit me. This song sings to my Human Design.


My cross is the vessel of Love. I have the gates of the love of humanity(gate 15) and the love of the body(gate 46), the physical experience we carry out here on earth. I have the love of the expression of the self(gate10) and the love of universal love(gate25). If you listen to the song and look at this aspect of my design which as the incarnation cross is a core piece of my design, how could I not be so moved?


Now I will admit that I have been blessed to have a design centered around love which may be lloked at as an easier design.  But we all have a part in this grand play. We need crosses of Sphinx to give us direction, we need crosses of Laws and Rulership to guide us and give us boundaries, we need crosses of Tension and Confrontation to help keep us together and move through things so we aren’t stuck. I could go on but the point is that we are all hear to do our part.

Take a few minutes and think about, “What song or songs really move you deeply and energetically?” Examine what they are about either litterally or metaphorically. Once you figure that out you have an arrow directing you as to why you are here.



Sample Chart

Sample Chart

The Penta or Group Dynamics

When 3 or more people get together a group energetic is born. This energy in Human Design speak is called a Penta. Through mapping out the Penta you can discover how successful the group will be at accomplishing task, presenting a solid and polished image, delivering a message and manifesting money. A penta could be a group of friends, a family, a sports team or a business.

There is much I could talk about the Penta but today my focus is on the number in the group. The Penta is most stable when there are 5 or a multiple of 5 in the group. So 10, 15, 20. I guess Jim Naismith had it right over a hundred years ago when he invented basketball. There are 5 on the floor from each team at all times. Groups that have 3 or multiples of 5 + 1(6,11,16,etc.) are the least stable. We even talk about them, the third wheel, the odd man out…
The energetic dynamic is such that as a couple moves toward becoming a group the 3rd creates unbalanced energy so the 3rd is either left out or the group finds a 4th. The same is true when a group of 5 gets a 6th, either one leaves or they look for a 7th. You can see the dynamic in football as well. Even though they have 11 on a team, they make it more balanced with the quarterback being the general and leaving a balanced group of 10 as the rest of the team.

This holiday season have some fun with this. If you are in a group of 3 and one is feeling left out look for a 4th to balance things out. If you go out to dinner with 6 see if someone, and maybe not always the same person, is getting up, to go to the bathroom, take a phone call or talk to someone they know. This happens because the energy is trying to get to 5. Maybe even a 7th will join you. Just remember if your the odd woman out it’s not personal and directed at you, it is just the energy.

The Collective, Tribal Dance we Weave

There are 3 basic types of energy within the Human Design system, Collective, Individual and Tribal.

  • Collective energy is interested in the welfare of the entire collective. In a big city the collective would include all people from all walks of life and all ethnic and social backgrounds.
  • The Individual energy is interested in being the expression for that person. Often artists who do their own thing are expressing Individual energy.
  • Tribal energy is about what is good for the tribe, the family or the community. There is a common goal and set of rules that a tribe lives by. Outsiders or those who are different are not really tolerated.

When one expresses a particular energy from a gate or series of gates within your Human Design the expression it is going to take on the energy type of that particular circuit. A clear example of this is gate #37 of of the Solar Plexus. Gate #37 is the gate of family or community and is always going to reach out to create or enforce family and tribal values.

We are in the midst of a collective realignment. Triggered by events in the late 60’s and 70’s the collective movement gained ground and began the acceptance of collective rules for the countries to live by. Until that time much of the western world order was controlled by white men and essentially what ever country you lived in that was the tribe in control. They set the rules and if you were not part of the tribe you were on the outside.

But the 60’s and 70’s saw a lot of change with with the beginnings in breaking down the color barrier, moving on to the acceptance of homosexuals and Title IX that moved for men and women’s equality on the college sports fields. These changes unseated the tribal dominance and made way for a new collective order to be established.

As the new collective began to take hold in the 80’s and 90’s a new world order began to develop. The fall of the cold war and the opening of trade with almost all nations on earth hastened the collective in as the new era. As global trade increased so did the complexities of finance and the stock market. Since one of the guiding forces in the collective is acceptance of different ways of doing things, the door was open for some of the questionable and unethical business practices to gain control in the marketplace.

Now as a collective we are paying for some of these actions. In order for a collective to have cohesiveness and a presence there needs to be some rules and structure. Without any structure and commonality the collective has no bounds and begins to dissolve.  Nina and I belonged to a church for a while and because it was so collective that it was open to all beliefs there was this effort to not use any secular words so as not to offend anyone. However without using God or other words for a higher divine power, the spirtual passion became lost for us and we ended up seperating to find that else where.  

Ultimately the collective boundaries will be defined for the benefit of humanity, all life and the world. But we can’t hide our heads in the sand and expect that tribal influence will not strike out and try to take back or implement some measures of control. Rules often come from the tribe so they can’t help but have some tribal characteristics.

This is a delicate dance that we are in, adopting to individual expressions that have a resonance with the tribe, infusing tribal rules into the collective to keep it together and discarding tribal beliefs that are overly beneficial to individuals or certain tribes and detrimental to the collective as a whole. The dance is relatively new and we will make missteps as we learn but I have faith we can learn to twirl and spin like the earth, together.