March 28, 2025

Spice of Life – The Profile

I often describe the profile in Human Design as the salt and pepper. It is like seasoning in cooking. Sometimes you’re going to taste it strongly and other times not as much, but it will categorically affect everything you do. For this reason I think your profile is extremely important to understand because it will put a slant or a spice on every decision, every relationship and in sum, how you show up in life.

Not only is your profile important for you to know, it’s also a big part of other people’s experience of you. For example, if you’re a 1-3 profile (like my wife), others may experience your energy as introverted, inwardly focused and possibly even self-absorbed. This is because the 1-3 has to always get foundation within themselves before they can do anything else and be present for others.


What is the profile? 

Each person’s profile consists of two lines. One comes from the sun and the other from the earth locations in the design. This sample chart has a 3-5 profile. The 3rd line is on the Personality sun and earth and the 5th line comes from the Design sun and earth. (circled)





Each line in Human Design has an orientation and specific characteristics. There are 6 lines in Human Design. When we look at the 1st line, it is very inwardly focused and as we move up to line 6, it is becoming more and more outwardly focused. So lines 1-3 have an inward, self focused view and lines 4-6 have an outward, or looking out towards others in their life. The diagram below illustrates the relationship of the 6 lines and gives their keynotes. (Special thanks to Rev. Ric from Healing Spirit Ministries for the next 2 images.)














Overview of the 6 lines.

  1. Investigator(1) – The first line is a foundational investigator. This is a person who will ask a lot of questions. They have a need to have a solid understanding of the details before they can proceed. This need to understand provides an underlying feeling of comfort. When they understand it all, they are comfortable and when they don’t, there is the nagging drive to find out more. For example, if a 1st line is learning a new profession, they will get all the books, take as many courses as they can and feel they need to know it all before starting to take clients or customers. When planning a trip, they will be driven to investigate it in great detail, including ways to get there, what to do, places to stay, etc. The 1st line gathers all this information and applies it to themselves. How does this affect me? How does this change what I am going to do? Am I comfortable doing this now that I know all about it?
  2. Hermit(2) – The second line is a hermit. However, there is a projected social aspect to this profile. So while there is a part of them that needs alone time, there is a part of this energy that projects out to other people and says ”Hey this person needs to be called out of their hiding!” Therefore the second line cannot be a successful hermit. There is an important aspect to this need for alone time. It is only in this alone time, only when they are allowed to draw within, that they can integrate the happenings around them. Whether this is to absorb and react to interpersonal dynamics or processing some new skill or information they have learned, they need some down time for integrating this into their being. So it is important for a 2nd line to take their alone time but accept some invitations too, as they are designed to have this balance of hermitting and going out.
  3. Martyr(3) – The third line is an experimenter. Or we could also call it an experiencer. It is through experimentation and experiences that the 3rd line understands how the world works. They will try things many ways until they get it right. With each experiment, they take the results and apply it back to themselves. So for example: ”Well, I went to work on a rainy day without an umbrella, I was cold and wet all day and felt uncomfortable so I will always take an umbrella to work.” Time passes. ”Ok, I have carried this umbrella to work for 3 months and it has only rained twice and it is inconvenient to be hauling this around. I will only carry the umbrella when it looks like it’s going to rain.” Third lines may feel embarrassed or ridiculed by the failed experiments. Remember, this is how the 3rd line is designed to learn. They are designed to become experts at things so they can advise others and pass on what they have learned. There is no failure, it is just part of their experience on the planet.
  4. Opportunist(4) – The fourth line is a social networker with a need for foundation. The 4th line desires the next thing to be lined up before it is ready or willing to move forward. This foundation is based around house, significant other, close friends and career. If it is moving on from a job, then they will typically want the offer letter in hand before they resign from their current job. In relationship, they will want at least prospects for a replacement before moving on. Fourth line people tend to get stuck in relationship for fear that the replacement won’t happen. When faced with the prospect of moving, they are likely to have the next place all lined up before moving out of the current one. As a 4th line profile most of the opportunities for jobs, friends, or significant others will come through their social network. This is how the energy revolves around the 4th line design.
  5. Heretic(5) – The fifth line is a projective line and they have a projected field around them, meaning that the 5th line energy is outwardly expressed. This acts like a magnetic force that carries their energy out to people and can draw people in. But like a mirror this energy that is projected out can also be reflected back upon the 5th line by people they encounter. For example,if they have sexual energy in their chart they can be accused of flirting even if that is not on their mind. If they have the energy of opinions, they can be judged as opinionated without saying anything. If they have an undefined G center, people may say ”They don’t really know who they are” even though they may feel grounded. Because of this projection they will at times need alone or down time to get out of the field of projection. They need to take care of themselves and honor their need to be alone some of the time.
  6. Role Model(6) – The sixth line lives out 3 different life stages. From birth to about 28.5 years the 6th line profile is prone to experimentation, (similar to a 3rd line profile). They take the results of the experimentation and experiences and try to internalize them. In an attempt to become wise, they sort through what works and what doesn’t work and how it has affected them. From age 28.5 to age 50 the 6th line withdraws. There is a realization that the experimentation didn’t really work and during this period of their life it is said that ‘they go up on the roof.” It is sort of an aloof observational period where they look outward at the world to figure out how things really do work. They observe how other people do things and use their examples of what works and what doesn’t work to figure out what works for the 6th line. Around age 50 the 6th line profile comes off the roof and moves into the role model phase of life. They have tried things the first 28 years and they observed things for the next 22 years, now they are wise and ready to step in the role of mentor or role model. This is a passive role model not aggressive. People will seek them out for their expertise, help and advice. The 6th line will get involved, only when they deem it to be a worthy cause for those who are asking as well as for 6th line themselves.

As I mentioned before, you have two lines, or unique energies, in your profile. It is a combination of these two lines that make up your complete profile. In the Energy and Keynote chart below you can see the pairings that make up the 12 different profiles in Human Design. If you understand your profile you can see how your seasoning is going to impact your life and you can become more aware of cause and affect, expression and reaction and use it to make more balanced decisions to maximize your life experience.

Quick links to an in-depth look at each profile