February 22, 2025

Incarnation cross of Consciousness

People born under the cross of Consciousness are under pressure to make sense of certain aspects of the world. They are here to bring rhythm and change into are lives. They are here to make us aware of aspects of our lives so we can follow a progression of change or choose to stay the way we are. But whether we change or not the awareness they bring cannot be ignored.

Walt Disney spent most of his life bringing change to the way people experience  life. Through his cartoons and movies he gave people art, entertainment and the opportunity to explore patterns. Often it included age old contemplations of concepts like good verses evil.

Through his theme parks he gave people an opportunity into a wide variety of experiences. At Disney World, you can experience the thrill of roller coasters and log flumes, take a quiet boat ride through the jungle, plunge below the surface in a submarine or ride through the plains of wild animals from Africa. At Epcot you can sample foods from all over the world and learn of cultures from near and far.  It seems a major theme of  his life was to bring this awareness to each person he touched.

For many years Paul Harvey was a radio news broadcaster for ABC radio. At his peak he reached 24 million listeners a day. He delivered the news with a rhythm and a flair for making the listener aware of what was happening in the world. He would typically add in human interest story, dubbed “The rest of the story”,  to add to the listeners experience.  He also did the commercials for sponsors in an informative way as opposed to a big sales pitch. He often spoke about how things were changing by presenting the facts so you could decide if the change was good or not. Each day you could listen to Paul Harvey and he would bring an awareness into your life.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of  Consciousness.

  • Gate 64 – Confusion – Before Contemplation – This is the recognition of lots of elements that are related but asks the question, “How do these all fit together?”
  • Gate 63 -Doubt – After Contemplation – This is logical energy that judges the validity of a pattern or product and asks, “Does this work?”
  • Gate 5 -Fixed Rhythm – Waiting – This energy is being in sync with the natural rhythms and may be visible in eating, sleeping and working.
  • Gate 35 – Change – Progress – This is the energy that can tell us what the experience has been about and how we should change are approach, if necessary,  to make it different.

Here are charts for Walt Disney, Paul Harvey and Beyonce Knowles, all born under the cross of Consciousness. The four gate of the cross of Consciousness are circled in blue on the chart for Walt Disney. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of the Sleeping Phoenix

What is behind the scenes that makes people act, behave and pursue their dreams the way that they do? “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind”, or that is how Bob Dylan might put it. From the Human Design perspective the answer is in the solar winds, or I should say the solar rotation that affects the stream of neutrino energy that sets up our wiring at birth. A key piece of that wiring or your Human Design is the energy from the sun and earth that create the incarnation cross. This week we are going to talk about the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

This cross brings together a powerful combination of gates including the 34-20 channel of Charisma. This channel is a motorized energy which carries energy from the Sacral center to the Throat center. This channel defines both those centers and makes anyone who has it, including all Sleeping Phoenix’s,  a Manifesting Generator type. So there is a lot of energy “to do” in this cross.

However, I have always felt that this cross carries a bit of the mystical qualities of the mythical Phoenix, rising from the ashes followed by a flurry of activity that creates something magical, then bursting into flames and turning to ashes, to rise again on another day . Thus,  I see pronounced cycles in this incarnation cross.

Where do the cycles come from you ask? Well if we start with the 34-20, this channel is powered by the sacral and the sacral has a built in cycle. A defined cycle starts churning when we wake up and powers us through the day and then burns out at night. So we have a daily cycle. Now add to it the gate 59 a gate of reproductive energy. Reproduction has a cycle that is much longer. As humans, our gestation period is 9 months and the cycle of being fertile for woman is from about 13 to 50. Add in gate 55, the gate of Spirit and you have another cyclical element. This gate is in an emotional channel that flows in a wave up and down over time. If you think about it, your spirit may be always present, but there are times when it is quiet and times that it bursts forth. So together we have blend of cycles ranging from daily to when years.

Bob Dylan has been that Phoenix of sorts. He has been a constant in the music scene, but over the years he has risen to prominence and then faded back and then risen again, time after time.

Scarlett Johansson burst on the scene as a young actress and was very present for a few movies and I would say has faded a bit as of late. If you follow my logic look for Scarlett to burst forth again at some point in the future.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

  • Gate 34 – Power – This is raw sacral power and the gate with the most potential energy in the system as it can create three motorized channels.
  • Gate 20 – Now – Contemplation – This is the voice of now, perhaps your Facebook status?.
  • Gate 55 – Spirit – Abundance – This is the emotional energy and expression of spirit.
  • Gate 59 – Sexuality – Dispersion – This is the energy of sexuality and the drive to continue the species.

Here are charts for Bob Dylan, Scarlett Johansson and Barb Andrew, all born into the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of Contagion

Put simply people born on the cross of Contagion are here to spread the mutation. What that mutation is depends on the individual carrying the cross. It could be something as simple as getting more people to use sporks, (a cross between a fork and a spoon), or something more complex like the understanding of Human Design.

Radio Show Link

The four energies that come together in this cross are desire, commitment, channeled energy to achieve with an  expressionistic style.  Two of the energies carry a theme of mutation so it is highly likely that what is being spread is new or a new look on an old idea.

My Human Design teacher, Karen Curry, a cross of  Contagion,  has been spreading the word about Human Design for many years. Human Design contains components like the I Ching and astrology which have been around for centuries yet through Human Design they have come together through synergy, assimilation and mutation to give us a new understanding of how human action and interaction works.

Karen also has a passion to help people live joyful enlightened lives. She does this through offerings at her primary web site Quantum Alignment.

Ted Turner, the media, mogul literally put together a mechanism to spread information. He was one of the pioneers to put together a TV super-station, using satellite broadcasting to connect  independent stations across the United States in order to compete with the major networks. In addition to his flagship WTBS, he added other ways of spreading the word with the Cartoon Network, CNN, TNT movie channel and many more.

Turner has also been passionate about conservation and has land holdings over 2 million acres which he farms in innovative and ecological friendly ways. He has a bison herd of over 50,000 animals which he has put together to save the species and potentially make them a sustainable farming product.

H.P. Lovecraft was an author of “Horror Fiction”. During his life he was not widely known, but through the years after his death in 1937,  he has become more famous.  Modern day horror writer Stephen King attributes his fascination with horror and macabre was due in a large part to the works of H.P. Lovecraft. So despite his death at an early age,  his influence in the spreading of the distorted, twisted tales continue.

Here are  the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Contagion.

  • Gate 8 – Contribution – Holding Together –  This is individual creative energy which connected to the throat that creates self expression. Since it is individual energy it can be mutative energy.
  • Gate 14 – Power Skills – Possession in great measure –  This is the energy to do the things that empower us. It is the energy of self empowerment.
  • Gate 29 – Saying Yes – The Abysmal – This is the energy of commitment. As the I Ching name Abysmal implies if we are not selective in our commitment we can be pouring our energy into a deep hole.
  • Gate 30 – Recognition of Feelings – The Clinging Fire – This is a yearning or an emotional desire. This energy pushes us as individuals to new experiences that may not benefit the individual but generally results in benefiting the collective.

Here are charts for Karen Curry, Ted Turner and H.P. Lovecraft, all born into the cross of Contagion. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of Explanation

What do Whoopi Goldberg, Anne Hathaway and Dennis Rodman have in common? Well if you answered they all played for the same basketball team you are incorrect. The correct answer is they are all born into the Incarnation cross of Explanation.

The incarnation cross of Explanation carries a unique channel of self expression and individual knowing. This channel, the 43-23,  carries the nickname of the “freak to genius” channel. This is due to the fact that the expression coming from this channel is very individual in nature and at times can be so strange or new that no one gets it. On the other hand the information contained in this expression can be such a fascinating way of looking at something that it can leave people in awe of the genius to come up with such an idea.

The other two gates; gate 4,  contains the energy to evaluate a pattern and create a hypothesis about that pattern and the other gate 49 is the gate of revolution.

In general when you blend this all together you have the energy to logically evaluate what is going on and then lend an individual commentary or expression about it. In some cases it might agree with the status quo and in other cases it might drastically be different.

If you google “Dennis Rodman pictures” you will find that he has a drastically different fashion sense from the status quo. I might call it freakish but others might call him a genius 😉

Here is a brief description of the 4 gates of the cross of Explanation.

  • Gate 23 – Assimilation – Bringing a structured understanding to possibly complex knowing, perhaps simplified into an individualized concept.
  • Gate 43 – Insight – This is the “I know” gate because it is unique understanding in an individual way. People with this gate without the gate 23 may say “I know” or “you know” frequently.
  • Gate 4 – Formulization – Nick named “the answer”, this gate evaluates patterns and proposes the are correct or how they are wrong. But really this is just the hypothesis, hence the I Ching name Youthful Folly.
  • Gate 49 – Revolution – If it works it is good but if it doesn’t it is time for a change.

Here are charts for Whoopi Goldberg, Anne Hathaway, and Dennis Rodman all born into the cross of Explanation. (Click on image for Larger image)

Introduction to Human Design

Click on chart for larger image.

Human Design is a blueprint of the energetic wiring of this physical body that you were born into. The design determines your potential expressions in terms of consistency and variability. The main aspect of your design is represented in a chart as pictured below. The areas that are colored will tend to be consistent expressions of the qualities associated with that part of the chart. The white areas will be variable or inconsistent expression of the qualities of those ares of the chart.

There are 5 major categories or types that a design falls into. Based on your type there is a high level strategy that you can use to optimize your designs interaction in the world. The 5 types and strategies are …

  • Manifesting Generator – Respond, envision, reprocess, inform, act
  • Generator – wait to respond
  • Projector – wait to be invited
  • Manifestor -Inform whom your actions will impact
  • Reflector – wait your cycle for clarity

By following these high level strategies you can work with the universal dynamic energies flowing through you and the universe around you to create the experience and situations you were meant to encounter.

Each design has two aspects of of personality that drives an individual to act in certain ways. Human Design classifies this as your profile. Under the profile section in your chart you will see two numbers. The numbers, often called lines correlate to the following personality traits.

  • 1 – Is the drive to investigate and find out foundational knowledge about the things that affect you
  • 2 – Is the drive to have quiet or alone time on a regular basis to help process and integrate life’s experience..
  • 3 – Is the drive to experiment and or experience different ways of doing things. It is from these that you learn how things work.
  • 4 – Is the drive to have foundation in relationships, jobs, school and or home. It is through this foundation that opportunities arise.
  • 5 – Is a magnetic force that pulls people toward you but can push them away. This is a projected energy and can be complex to understand and thus lead to misunderstanding or lack of clarity.
  • 6 – Is an energy that shifts focus through out your lifetime. In the early years it is experimental and inwardly focused, in the middle years it is aloof, observational and outwardly focused and beyond 50 years it is a role model energy that will help when deemed necessary.

The Open Throat

The Throat center is the nexus within the Human Design System. It is the Throat where all the circuitry comes together to produce expression. Now the expressions produced is not just words. It can be songs, music, gestures, art, many forms of design, the way we dress or even the car we drive.When someone has a design with an open or undefined Throat it creates a bit of a quandary. The Throat is all about expression yet with the open Throat the design lacks a consistent path to expression. With this lack of energy, there is unconscious recognition by others that you don’t have the energy to speak. The result is that open Throat’s don’t often get the chance to speak.In order to overcome the quandary of the open Throat people with this design often resort to one of two behaviors.

The first is to be flamboyant and or demonstrative. This draws attention to the person with the open Throat so they are recognized and then can express themselves. When I was pondering an example of this Lucille Ball jumped to mind. She was one of the most flamboyant actresses . Guess what? She had an open Throat. All her antics were her compensation to get recognition to speak.

Check out this short clip from I Love Lucy.

A second method used by the open Throat is to allow the energy to coalesce and come out in a fuller expression. However what this means is that the expression is not always available on demand. Some times the open Throat will freeze or stumble to bring the thoughts together when put on the spot. But interestingly enough that is maybe part of the reason that people with an open Throat are not recognized to speak right away. There is energetic recognition that the open Throat needs more time.

In group settings an open Throat may struggle to get the floor. They may feel they never get the chance to express their thoughts. The trick for the open Throat is patience. If they can wait their turn and speak when finally recognized, they will have allowed their energy to come together, they will be more cohesive and they will be heard in a deeper way.

Many singers have an open Throats. It allows them to have a wider range of expression in their voices and through the act of singing  which may involve the writing of lyrics, composing of music and practicing, it allows the expression to come together in its fullness and command the audience.

Here is a song from Sarah McLachlan who has an open Throat. Interestingly enough she has one defined gate on the Throat center. This gate, 33, is about mindfulness and remembering or forgetting the past, as in past lives. I find this excerpt from the lyrics profound.  It feels like she is speaking directly about the 33rd gate and the pain of the open Throat.
“I’m so tired,I can’t sleep,
Standin’ on the edge of something much too deep,
It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word,
We are screaming inside, we can’t be heard.

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don’t let your life pass you by,
Weep not for the memories ”

Watch the video “I will remember you” by Sarah McLachlan

Here are the Charts of Sarah McLachlan and Lucille Ball.
(Click on chart for larger image.)

Jewel Kilcher – Expression of Spirit

In this song Jewel epitomizes the gate 55 line 5. As you can see from her chart she carries this in her unconscious sun. Your sun and earth gates are the most influential in your design. Gate 55.5 is known to be the embodiment voice of Spirit or the voice of God. It carries the spirit which is the definition of gate 55 and in line 5 it is projected outward for the world to see. Listen to the song and see how it shines through.

In additon, Jewel voices the energy of the defined throat and the empathy for the open throat. In this song she sings, “Where there is a man who has no voice, I will go there singing.”.

Jewels Chart

Health Care Reform – Live Your Human Design

We are born on to this earth in a vessel called the human body. It is a intertwining of our ethereal spirit  with a mechanical and physical vehicle. From day one expectations are put on us. We are all expected to walk, talk, play and be social. But we are not all created equal. We are as unique as snowflakes and though we may look alike, we act and preform very differently from each other. Human Design is one method of exploring the differences and knowing the potential of what we are meant to be and what we are not.

Many of us go through life living what in Human Design is called the Not Self. We carry out lving up to those expectations that were placed on us or that influenced us when we are young. Some even believe we may carry these forward from past lives. Regardless of where they come from, your Human design has defined energies and ways of expression that you are designed to live. These are the colored in areas of your chart. This definition gives you a consistency of expression and behavior that you can carry throughout your life.

The Not Self is the areas of your chart that are white. When we are unduly influenced to live out characteristics in the Not Self we are destined to struggle eventually. The reason is simple. We do not have energy defined to do that. If we try to live the Not Self  the energy is inconsistent. Since it draws on energy we don’t have it puts a strain on the parts of the body that those areas in the chart have a direct connection to. Over time we may end up burning out our body in certain parts.

Take for example the Heart/Will center. Our society expects a lot of people to use will power to get things done. Yet only 1/8 of the poulation has it. There are four major parts of the body connected to the will center. The heart muscle, the gall bladder, the kidneys/blood  and the stomach. This reads like a laundry list of our societies top ailments. Perhaps the best Health care reform plan would be to give everyone their Human Design chart  and have them live their Human Design. It sure would be a lot easier.

What got me on this topic was an aritcle I read  in Sport Illustrated. The article was about a well known baseball player named Alex Rodriguez or nick named A-Rod. He is most notably known for his record contract, that he signed in 2001 for 10 years and 252 million dollars. Great expectations were placed on Alex for that amount of money. In fact so much so that despite the fact that he is a very good player he has not lived up to them all. If you look at his Human Design he is the cross of the unexpected. So what do you expect, not the expected, atleast not all the time. That doesn’t mean disaster but it does mean that he will have sudden unexpected things pop up in his life. That is his energy and his design. The opening day game after signing his big contract, he dropped a routine out, slipped on the grass and fell down and tripped on his shoe laces. Unexpected or not!;-)

One of the biggest expectations placed on Alex was for him to be a team builder and leader. There are two things in his chart that suggest that wasn’t going to happen. The first is that his energy for leadership, the gate 31 is more of a Socialist leader. While it could work if he was properly supported, like Obama, it is more likely that in an environment like professional sports is going to be more of an alpha leader with the gate 7.  In addition, Alex doesn’t have the channel of community, (gates 37 & 40). In fact he only has the gate 40 which is the gate of being alone. A person with a gate 40 will choose to be alone if the personal freedoms that they loose as part of being in a community are not worth it. Alex has sometimes been labeled as an individual and not a team player but it really is not his fault. Alex is just living his design.

We are all born into a body that is wired to do many things but not all things. We would all be healthier and happier if we lived our Human Design. Are you living yours?

Below is the Human Design chart for Alex Rodriguez. Mouse over the red circles to see more information.

Karen Carpenter

Karen Carpenter and her brother Richard together as the Carpenters clearly demonstrate the emotions of an undefined Solar Plexus. Neither of the 2 have a defined Solar Plexus the center tied directly to emotions. This is why although many of their songs were about being in love or “saying “Goodbye to Love”, they could put that out their with the same tone, intensity and a smile on their face.
It is almost as if the emotion is intellectualized in their songs. Whether they sing “Top of the World” or “Rainy days and Mondays”, while the words have emotional impact, and the instruments convey the mood, the emotions underlying their vocal expressions are almost neutral and not nearly conveying the joy or despair of the lyrics. Now contrast that with the pained expression by the band Nazareth in their sing “Love Hurts”.
The undefined Solar Plexus can empathize and experience the swings in emotions from sadness to despair and every flavor in between. This is what helped Karen and Richard write so many songs about Love and hardship but they couldn’t live and express that on stage consistently at the true level of those emotions.
Below is Karens chart and if you hover over the red circled areas you will learn more about her design and how it manifeted in her lifetime.

Ode to the Open G by Sarah McLachlan

Sarah McLachlan is a beautiful singer and song writer. In this you tube she explains how she came to write the song Angel. The song expresses the empathy and extreme sensitivity of the open G/Identity center. She talks about life on the road and despite being surrounded by loved ones she needs something more, the arms of an angel to comfort the open G.
In addition, the song takes on the struggle of the gate 28, the struggle with meaning in life. For a musician the road can be endless. Despite a rewarding career it can beg the question, “What is this all about?”
Sarah explains how she came to write the song in 3 or 4 hours, demonstrating the power of the channel of abstraction, gates 64-47. While Sarah doesn’t have the gate 64 this is an example of her amplifying that energy around her, perhaps even from the writer of the Rolling Stones article she was reading when the inspiration hit her. Yes even writing is an energetic expression that you can amplify. From this inspiration she brought the pieces of the sensations and feelings of life on the road for all musicians and assembled them into this masterful expression of a song called Angel.
In much of her work, Sarah utilizes her open throat to bring a wide variety of sounds and expressions to life. Her songs often very on topic, pitch, rhythm and beat.
All of what I described is outlined in red in her chart below.
Follow the link below the chart to listen to her explanation of the song and then her beautiful rendition of the Ode to the open G.

Listen to her sing the Angel song.

Heath Ledger

One of the most convincing acting jobs I have ever seen was by Heath Ledger in his portrayal of the Joker in Batman, The Dark Knight. An unpleasant role, yes, but also an amazing performance. By looking at Heath’s Human Design chart, you can see how his design supported the molding of his character and personna around the identity of whom he was playing. He was so consumed by the character that he told reporters he barely slept two hours a night during filming.

If you look at Heath’s design, his open G/Identity Center and open Sacral Center left him wide open to be consumed by the identity and the energy of the role. Not necessarily a good thing for the role of the Joker. As you probably are aware, he died shortly after filming of the movie finished. The final straw was probably having an undefined Spleen Center which powers the immune system. Between the amplification of energy that he couldn’t fully handle, taking perscription medicines to try and sleep and having inconsistent energy with his immune system to process the medication, his body just shut down in his sleep.</p?

If you move and hold your mouse over the red circled areas you will see more information about how Human Design ties to the characteristcs displayed by Heath.

Also check out my custom Human Design report for Heath by clicking Here.

Barack Obama

Below is President Barack Obama’s Human Design chart. Here are some brief tidbits.

Obama is a Projector and he is here to guide and lead. His incarnation cross exhibit the belief that everyone deserves to have four walls around them for shelter. These four walls should have some nice stuff and be refined. He has energy to evaluate and allocate resources.

If you move your mouse over the chart’s areas that are circled in red it will reveal further properties about his design and where they tie in on the chart.

Also check out my custom Human Design report for Barack by clicking Here.