February 22, 2025

The Magical World of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

Fred Rogers created a world where children could learn about the world in a safe and loving environment. He talked to children about all kinds of topics including death, divorce and racism. At a time when some white people were blocking and harassing black people in public swimming pools, Mr. Rogers had Officer Clemmons, played by Francois Clemmons, share a foot pool with him, to demonstrate acceptance, equality and friendship. While they were sharing the pool they were singing “There are many ways to say I love you”.

See Francois’s comments in this clip.

So where did the magic come from. I would say the magic came from the stars. Fred Rogers was born on March 20, 1928 into a human design that is on the cross of the Vessel of Love (VOL). Powered by the Love gates and led by his lead gate of Universal Love, Fred was born into a design to show that everyone and everything deserves love equally.

In Fact, I think it was the universal quality to his love that made it so appealing.  As you may know, there are 4 variations of VOL’s and I think another flavor may have slewed his energy in another direction. For example, if he had Lead Gate 1o, Behavior of the self it might have felt more judgmental; or the lead gate 46, Love of the body, may have been more into physical stature or appearance; or the lead Gate 15, Love of Humanity, gate of extremes, might have gone off in a more specific direction.   But he was just universal, the love was just there, persistent, present in  all directions in everything he did.

Here are a couple quotes by him that we could all take to heart.

The greatest thing we can do, is to help somebody know, that they’re loved and capable of loving.

Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all relationships, love or the lack of it.

The last part of the quote, “love or the lack of it” is something a Vessel of Love knows innately. Seeing love, being in the presence of love is like water or air, VOL’s need it to survive and thrive. Based on the descriptions of his upbringing and his life it seems he was well nourished.

So while the magic was in the seed of his design, his life and his actions allowed it to flourish. He followed his passions of music, flying, swimming and TV. He wanted to go into TV because he felt it was a powerful tool that was not being used for education. Boy, did he change that.

Fred’s Vessel of Love, gets extra power from his sacral center, with the channel 29-46 to say yes and push through getting it done, and the channel of rhythm 5-15 to flow when it is ready to flow. In addition, he has a well powered throat, with the 21-45 powering it with heart/will energy and the 35-36 providing the emotional energy to have and ride out the experience.  Reading his history on Wikipedia, you can see his manifesting generator path, responding to opportunities presented. He transferred after a couple years in college to focus on music. He was at NBC and decided to move to a local TV station to work as a puppeteer. In fact during that time he developed some of the puppets that became characters on his show. It was at this station, a few years later that the 2-4 opportunist got his opportunity to create his show that ran for over 30 years. His 2-4 profile was likely beneficial in creating his opportunities via the 4th line. Also, both the 4th and 2nd lines to added to his VOL qualities in making approachable, while the 2nd line got invitations as well as invoked some quiet time to absorb, digest and naturally develop dialogue for children on challenging subjects. All along he delivered sometimes challenging messages with an underlying blanket of love.

His work didn’t stay within the boundaries of the show as he was a champion of 5 human rights issues. More on that here.

So did the design make the man or the man make himself? I would say a lot of column A and and a lot of column B.

We all have magic and gifts within our designs. They are just the seeds and it is up to us to become aware of them and maximize the potential. Be a great neighbor!

Here is a trailer from a new movie out about Mr. Rogers and his great work.

Here is his chart.

The Vibration of Energy

You have heard it said, “It is all energy!”. What does that mean? We all carry and emit vibrations of energy in various flavors of the rainbow. A rainbow that has a spectrum far beyond the rainbows we see in nature. The Spectrum is beyond the over 200 colors that Crayola has created with their crayons.  The energies are vast and different and that is what makes human design so special as it is a symphony of energies and how they are expressed. The vibrations of energy come from the universe, our sun, our moon and our planets and beyond. It is interesting how energy vibrations strike us, shape us and effect us.

I woke up this morning around 4 AM which isn’t uncommon, but normally I can get back to sleep after a while. By 5 AM I was pretty sure I was not getting  back to sleep. My mind was racing on various topics and while that happens sometimes, I can often quiet my mind. But not today, so I climbed out of bed and got the day rolling.

As you have probably guessed I had a suspicion that the energy of the day had a lot to do with my vibration of being awake. I quickly ran the human design activation energy of the day, August 16, 2018, and found the 63-4 channel is in for the mind. This is a channel that evaluates things and processes and forms an opinion if they are “good” or “flawed”. Well that makes sense for the busy mind this morning. I also know that today is the first day of a 13 day cycle of energy within the Mayan human calendar called the Cholqij. I have experienced that on the first morning of a cycle I often wake up early in the AM, perhaps my body senses the change in vibration the new day brings. Whatever the case, I picture all these energies like the strumming of strings on an instrument and when they vibrate in a frequency that has some resonance within us, it invokes some kind of expression from us. For me, this morning, it was a busy mind and a focus of what needed to be done. Well and that did include this article, LOL.

OK, so I was conscious of the new Mayan cycle so you could say maybe it was a mind thing. But how about this? As I lie awake, Dan Fogelberg’s song. Leader of the Band was playing in my mind over and over again.  So I ran his chart, ;-). I was not surprised to find that he was born on August 13th so similar energies as today, and his primary lead gate is the 4. He also carries the 63 in his design so he has the whole 63-4 channel. Feels just like a guitar string just strummed and now I am vibrating.

There are other reasons I think I vibrate with Dan Fogelberg. We both have the tribal channel, the gate of extremes(15) and the love of being in body(46). Leader of the band is truly a tribal dedication to his father as you can hear him express in this video.

When I look at Dan’s chart I see other elements of his great gift. He is a natural born story teller with the 11-56 channel between the Ajna and Throat. His head and Ajna are wired to sequence things logically(63-4) and with an abstract view(64-47)  and he can bring these to expression in the throat, in a unique way, via his 43-23 channel. It is also not surprising that he did several different styles of music from ballads to rock to folk tales as it flowed in rhythm with his gate of extremes (15).

So as you go through today, take a look around, What are you vibrating with?

Here is Dan’s chart.


Joni Mitchell – Every Picture tells a story


Every picture tells a story. The human design chart of Joni Mitchell is no different. Born under the cross of the Sphinx she is here on earth to give people direction through her expression. Girl, did she do that.

  How many people did Joni Mitchell give direction? Did her music and expression influence you? Her music, painting, self-expression  and creativity has been noted by many popular artists as inspiring them. I’m sure there are thousands, maybe millions like me that were impacted by her as well.


Joni was born with her lead gate 1 in the Sun. This is a gate of self-expression and direction. Individual expression. She has the gate 47 of abstract thinking or putting the puzzle together. I watched an interview with her and she talked about how when she played her guitar she would tune it with the ambient sounds in the area. She talked about one song, the Magdalene Laundries that she wrote on the steps of her apartment, and she had tuned the guitar taking in the sounds of the birds and other sounds of the city, putting those abstract pieces together. The song itself was inspired by a news story in a paper she had read. Her open solar plexus along with her gate 36, a highly charged emotional gate amplified the story and brought to life the sad tale of women of the Magdalene Laundries. I think that the melancholy in many of Joni’s songs are expressing the combination of the emotionality of gate 36, the undefined Solar Plexus amplifying the emotions and the sensitivity and melancholy of the gate 19.

See the interview and song http://youtu.be/ATaFyIbd5hY


The direction that Joni gave a lot of us was not do this or that, but through the influence of her expression we were moved in a direction one way or the other. In fact this piece was moved by many years of listening to her music and last night I watched a movie that had reference to the Magdalene Laundries. I remembered her song about that so after listening to it this morning, here I am being given direction by Joni to write this piece. Sphinx’s are not here to tell us what to do, they are here to move or influence us in some direction. The rest is up to us, to move or not.


Another notable  part of Joni’s design is her throat. It is busting with expression with 2 channels, 4 hanging gates and 2 other potential gates. She is designed to sing about:

  • Leadership or leading via the channel 7-31
  • Secrets via the channel 13-33
  • Rulership via the gate 45
  • With talent and enthusiasm via the gate 16
  • Emotionality or anxiety via the gate 36
  • Individual thought via the gate 23
  • Individual expression via the gate 1

When I think about her song Big Yellow Taxi can’t you see a bunch of these come together?



It is no surprise in reading about her this morning that Joni solely produced most of her music. She has the gate 40 without the gate 37. People with this configuration are more likely to go it alone then make the bargain and give up some of their individuality to be part of a team, family or tribe. That doesn’t mean she didn’t or wouldn’t collaborate, but especially with the individual expression of her gate 1 and gate 23, she would want enough control to make sure her expression made it through the collaboration. Marriage too is a team effort and the end of her marriage of 12 years to bassist Larry Klein may have fallen victim to the aloneness of gate 40. That is not to say that people with just the gate 40 are doomed to get divorced, it just means they should be acutely aware of their need for their personal freedoms/expression and communicate with their partner to keep the balance of this energy.


Joni’s career lasted more than 40 years and a lot of that was due to her talent and her creative expression. From her folk singing days to rock to Jazz back to rock she kept adding individuality into her music. In fact, some of her later work she retooled her earlier songs to both fit the change in her vocal range and perhaps fit the change in her emotional perspective.

This live performance of both sides now, shows a masterful rework of her classic for her youth and expresses a lot of the elements in her chart.

Compare the 2 if you will







Will the real Sara Bareilles Please Stand up!

Sometimes when you go to run a Human Design chart you just don’t know the time. Some days it doesn’t matter much as the planets are consistent through out the day. Other days there are major changes and many designs. Typically you can get a feel for the persons chart by asking some questions that resonate or oppose certain aspects of design as related to their potential charts. Through a series of questions you can start to rule things in or out.

Now if I were friends with Sara, I would just phone her up and say, “Hey Sara, what time were you born? I want to run you a Human Design chart.” Judging from her sense of humor she might reply, ” Why are you checking if I’m Human?”. But since calling her is out, I will show you my process for trying to figure it out. While I can’t ask her questions, there are a lot of interviews and video clips I can use to ascertain how she expresses herself.

The first thing I do using my HD software by newsunware.com, is run through the possible designs from morning to night.

Here are the things that do not change and are present all day.

  • Generator
  • Defined Centers: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart-Will, Head and Ajna.
  • Undefined Centers: Root and Spleen.
  • Centers that vary: G, Throat

Here are the things that vary.

  • morning til 9:17 – 4-6, undefined G, right angle cross of Consciousness
  • 9:17-12:15            – 4-1, undefined G, juxtaposition cross of Habits
  • 12:15-14:14          – 5-1, undefined G, left angle cross of Separation
  • 14:14-23:31         – 5-1, Defined G, left angle cross of Separation
  • 23:31-midnight  – 5-1, undefined G, Defined Throat, left angle cross of Separation

Note – I have left out a couple hanging gate changes. If I am working with someone I might come back to those later.

Typically the first thing I look at is the profile. I feel profile flavors everything a person expresses. In Sara’s case it is kind of tricky as she has 3 potential profiles. Overall I would lean toward her being a 5-1 as she seems to have that magnetism in her expression that draws you in. Her personality has a projected feel about it. But, I could be wrong, it could be her dynamic talent and voice that is the draw. But then again that is part of her expression so I will go with the 5-1.

If I could ask her questions they would focus like this. In parenthesis is what I am trying to address.

4-6 Cross of Conscious

  • Were you highly experimental as a child and though your teen years?(6th line)
  • Did you feel a shift in your 20’s to late 20’s from being heavily involved or immersed to becoming more reserved or on the roof watching life?(6th line)
  • Do you struggle when you change foundational things like friends, where you are living, where or how you are working?(4th line)
  • Do you doubt a lot? About yourself or others?(Gate 63? gate of doubt)


  • Do you struggle when you change foundational things like friends, where you are living, where or how you are working?(4th line?)
  • Do you find when you get an idea or working on resolving something that you need to keep digging or asking questions before you can move forward?(1st line)
  • Are you relatively open to new opportunities and meeting new people and or trying new things?(Gate 22? gate of Openness)

Some answers to these questions might help confirm my guess of 5-1. Two of the lead gates change on the transition from 4-6 to 4-1. In Sara’s case she only loses the gate 63 and gains the gate 22. I am not sure I see the doubter of the 63 in her expressions but she does seem to be open to trying things. Throughout her career she has had a wide variety of performances, from starting out in local theatre to being in an acapella group in college, to pop artist, to being a judge on the show Sing Off, to collaborating to write the songs for a musical and perform for several weeks as the lead.  So it’s thin, but still another slight nod away from the 4-6. Of course is she resonated with the 4-6 questions above that would be a different story.

The other part of her design I would look at is undefined G verses the Defined G. My hunch would be undefined because she has a way with putting herself into character as she writes and performs her music. It is not that a defined G couldn’t do this, but an undefined G is more malleable. Also, a lot of her songs are looking or seeking love which is a more common experience with the undefined and open G.

If I were working with Sara, she probably could find out her birth time if she didn’t know it and we create her exact chart. But you will come across people that just don’t know there time and the records don’t exist to find out. I see human design as a tool of self understanding so I don’t think you can go wrong starting with a chart and working with it, to see what resonates and what doesn’t. Over time I think the correct chart will become clearer as you become more familiar with how you are expressing yourself in life.

In this music video, you can see how much expression and passion Sara poured into the lyrics and performance.

Here are some of the variations that could be Sara Bareilles’s design. The largest chart is my hunch but the smaller are certainly possibilities.


Extremes in Rhythm

One of the things that amazes me about Human Design is as you get to know it and understand the expressions in energies you can recognize it in other people. To me that is a level of confirmation about the accuracy of Design. I mean if you can take a person you know very little about and observe a trait and then validate they have it by running their design, isn’t that an unbiased test?

My daughter and I share having gate 15 the Gate of Extremes. Extremes is energy in the rhythm channel. To me it is energy to maintain a rhythm or at times completely go off the deep end in one direction or behavior. I guess you could say people with the gate of extremes will sometimes take it past the limit.

A classic example of observable extremes is the show Family Guy by Seth MacFarlane. There are many sketches in Family Guy where they take a concept or an idea and then they take it to the extreme. One example is the chicken fights between Peter Griffin and a human sized chicken. When these fights occur in the show, they often go on for minutes exhausting nearly every possibility of defeating or injuring each other. Since the fights are violent and graphic, I chose to demonstrate with this clip instead, where Stewie is simply calling for his mother Lois repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly. They take a simple idea and well you will see.

Take a look…

If you watch Family Guy, you can see the gate of extremes poke its head out in the show in a variety of ways.

What is the purpose of extremes? Extremes is about bringing a return to balance by shifting things up in some way or form. In a way, it is an exploring energy to see how far we can go in one direction or not. It is an interesting energy to dance with as at times it can take you out of balance, while actually trying to get you back in balance. Can you say conundrum?

So as you go out in the world, take a look around you and see if you can see extremes peeking out at you? I am sure you will catch a glimpse at some point.


Seth MacFarlane’s full report.

Order your own report.

The Super Power of the Open Throat

The open throat in Human Design has some amazing powers. But that power often comes with little or no words. This is because the open throat has very limited access to energy. It can’t sustain expression that connects with it’s targeted audience for an extended time, but it can distill a concept or a feeling with precision and depth in a direct way.

I think this song, “When you say nothing at all” by Alison Krauss sums up the super power very well.

And since I have an open Throat, I will let the sacral powered throat of Alison do my talking!

Click to see Alison’s full report on her Human Design.

Order your report here.

Doreen Virtue and her Christian turn

Doreen Virtue surprised the Angel Community and New Age world when she announced she would no longer do Mediumship and would be withdrawing her name from anything associated with tarot cards. In a video she published on YouTube, click to watch, she talked about an experience where she saw Jesus and went on to explain how that experience has changed her life and her relationship with God.

Her announcement has caused quite a reaction with the Angel and New Age communities. I don’t claim to know Doreen or have ever talked to her. In this post, I will outline some aspects of her design that can explain why her energetic design supports and possibly precipitated this change in direction and belief.

The most prominent thing in her chart are her completely open centers. The head being open indicates she is completely open to ideas and inspiration. Her identity being completely open means she has the potential to be heavily influenced by her environment and those around her.

Doreen grew up in a religious setting with her parents being Christian Scientists. Note, that two strong influences with Christian Science are focused prayer and the bible. With an open identity center it is likely Doreen absorbed these teachings, in Human Design we would call this conditioning.

Her open head would have been a great facilitator over time as she discovered her gifts, seeing and communicating with spirits and Angels. The open head would have allowed unlimited ways to process these experiences and interpret the meaning of them. As these grew and her reputation grew to be an expert Doreen took on the identity of medium, psychic and the Angel lady. In teaming up with Hay House, she became quite prolific in producing Angel cards, Tarot cards, books and trained thousands of practitioners to use their intuition and communicate with spirit.

Her open identity more and more took on these personas. The open identity craves love and to be reminded they are loved, so how could she resist a metamorphosis with this flow of followers, students and worshipers?

Even in her personal life there is evidence of this need for love and not having it fulfilled, as she is currently on her 5th marriage.

Doreen says in the video that her Christian roots were always there but when she tried to express it within the New Age community there was push back. This would be a classic dilemma for the open identity, trying to push forward with something you believe in yet not being supported, not loved, by the New Age community you are immersed in.

Doreen has two other factors in her design that play a prominent role in her shift. Her profile being a 1-4 is determined to get foundation. Both lines support foundation by getting foundation in detail and getting foundation in community. In her cards and books you can see she is quite foundational with the detail of the words and illustrations. In addition, her lead energy is the gate 24, reincarnation, an energy that mentally goes over and over things, trying to polish the rock until it is round, trying to figure how to fit a square peg into a round hole.

When Doreen married for the 5th time her world had already changed. She had taken a less involved role overall, where her son Charles had taking over the training programs. She entered a more Christian world, finding a church and becoming a regular member with her husband.  So with dilemma of trying to fit her Christian belief into the New Age persona she had grown into, the 24 had her likely pondering how to make these two worlds fit.  Her 1-4 profile would have pushed her to get foundation and through these 2 forces it appears a mutation occurred. When the mutation occurred, she had to make changes to allow her changed internal identity to fit with her perceived outward identity.  While it must have been tough to announce this change, her channel 36-35, which is to have gone through an experience and know whether you are done or not, helped her to move on in the direction to support her new identity. This likely play a role in her moving on from the 4 previous marriages as well.

I don’t doubt Doreen had a mystical experience with Jesus. I am just presenting that these energies in her design would support the outcome that we have witnessed. I also don’t think it discounts or diminishes the cards, the books, the training that she has given in the past. Those were produced by the identity of Doreen at that time, and as we can see here and open center has the ability to change and or mutate.

You can see Doreen’s full report here. You can order a report for your design here.

Getting right to it!

The Cross of Penetration is an interesting energy and it can be quite useful but it can be a bit abrupt or shocking. But it is all good because that shock is here to wake us up, to cut through the bull crap and get’er done!

There is a concept called fractals which when referenced in Human Design indicates a segment or pattern that we tend to attract. For my wife and I, people on the Cross of Penetration are certainly a primary fractal. Our son and many close friends are on this cross so I have become quite familiar with the energy.

So the other afternoon I was watching this YouTube of Kenny Loggins and Daryl Hall and the interchange they had at the beginning of this video struck a cord. The are about to sing, I’m Alright and Daryl suggests that instead of doing the gospel beginning normally done that they just get into it. Kenny immediately agrees, in fact before Daryl can finish his sentence. In fact, in watching these two interact, there really isn’t a lot of banter or negotiation it is just cutting through and getting down to business. See if you can see what I mean.

So of course I had to run their charts and low and behold both Kenny Loggins and Daryl Hall were born on the Cross of Penetration.









As I further thought about them and their songs I also realized how several of their titles and songs have that Cross of Penetration vibe. Think about it for Kenny; I’m Alright, This is it, Footloose and for Daryl; Wait for me, Rich Girl, Sara Smile. The songs are not particularly deep or complicated but the titles cut to the chase and the lyrics stay laser focused on the title’s theme.

While the Cross of Penetration can help to get us there in a hurry and cut through the red tape, I have on occasion witnessed a shadow side. Getting  there fast often means skipping some steps which can lead to back tracking or a do over. In a way, it can almost look experimental when this happens.

Here is another one from these two and again not a lot of back and forth, just getting to it.

Here is some additional information about the cross.

If you really want to go deep, here is also a radio show I did with Rev. Ric.

Incarnation Cross of Penetration



Speak your truth

It is always more powerful when you speak your truth!

That is a common saying but what exactly does it mean? In human design terms it means expressing yourself with your authenticate energy. Energy in your design comes in 2 basic different flavors.

  • Defined energy is consistent and you can typically draw on it at will.
    • In the human design chart it is represented by:
      • a colored in line called a channel.
      • a colored in half line called a gate.
      • a colored in shape called a center.
  • Undefined energy is inconsistent so you cannot rely on it all the time. It is energy that you can draw from those and the environment around you or I also believe you can channel at times from the universe.
    • In the human design chart undefined energy is represented by a white line, white half line or white shape.

There is a special case of undefined energy in human design called an open center. An open center has no defined gates to affect the energy so by being open it can more dramatically amplify or channel energy related to the expression of that center. See the chart of James Earl Jones below, he has 4 open centers.

So the power of human design is to bring awareness to what energies/expression you have consistently and what energies you don’t. With this awareness you can use your defined energies as your “go to” or base, and let the undefined energies compliment or enhance your authentic expression. Please note, the undefined energies need to have an authentic basis. If you try to manufacture them from nothing they will come off as phony.

Since the first time I saw this in the movie Field of Dreams, I felt it was one of the most powerful speeches I had seen. I wasn’t sure why, I mean I like baseball but am not really a baseball historian or avid fan.

Watch the clip and I think you will see what I mean.

Then after studying the chart of James Earl Jones I now see why. James was born on the incarnation cross of Laws. Your cross is extremely powerful defined energy so you will consistently express it. The cross of Laws is all about the history and moving forward cautiously with a foot in the past. In fact in a lot of ways his speech represents the cross of Laws better than words.  His open centers compliment or embellish this speech. His open Head and Ajna can amplify the inspiration of  story of these baseball players and the history, his open solar plexus is channeling the emotion and his open G/Identity can morph into the character, the baseball writer that he portrays in the movie. It is almost Jedi like akin to “these aren’t the droids you are looking for!”, when he says, “People will come!”.

If you bring awareness to your own design you can speak your true self and become a more powerful you!

Here is James Earl Jones Chart.

Bad Blood ?!?

Ever heard this one? “Some say it is in the stars.”

Well in this case it’s in the stars as well as it’s with the Stars.

The Stars are Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and the Stars (and planets) are what formed their human design.

So I am not into gossip but human stories are great illustrators of how Human Design works.

The feud:

This story goes that Katy and Taylor were pretty tight friends for several years. In 2012 Katy had a year off from touring and  some of her dance troupe members signed on with Taylor for her tour. Katy said she told them she wanted them back the following year for her tour. In 2013, Katy was gearing up for her tour and recalled the dancers. Apparently, Taylor’s reaction was to quickly fire them and so it is said the feud began. Shortly after that Taylor wrote a song and produced a video called Bad Blood that was rumored to be about Katy.

In the beginning of the video it is not hard to make the leap that the villain is Katy, dressed in black, who kicks Taylor, dressed in white, out a window and the bad blood starts.

Bad Blood video

When we look at their designs it is easy to see the roots of why this happened. Taylor is a manifestor and she has the channel of rulership. One of her lead earthly gates is the gate of rulership. So imagine you are Queen Taylor and Queen Katy takes some of your dancers away. She has undermined your rulership. It does not matter they were first with Katy.  So Taylor, who is also born under the cross of confrontation, was not likely going to take this lying down. Her energy is going to react confrontational, and through that energy  the feud and the song are born.

In fact, Taylor has a history of making songs out of her ex-relationships including a song about John Mayer, whom Katy dated after her. Hmmm, Katy says this is not about a guy but maybe that energetically contributed to Taylor feeling she was being taken from? Hard to say.  Easy to say is Taylor wants control of her Queendom and with the emotional solar plexus and the gate 36, which has anxiety, excitement and fear of the experience, control is extremely important to Taylor.

As for Katy, she is not defined emotionally and she does not have such a need to control so this drama may be hard for her to understand. Easy to understand is that Katy as a 1st line had found foundation with her dancers and was very tight with them. So she felt entitled to recall  them as soon as her tour started up.

In the recent skit/interview with James Corden, Katy talked about the issue with Taylor. Interestingly, she also acknowledges her experimental/experiential 3rd line. Katy says  “I believe in everything having a reason and a purpose and a destiny, and I had to make all those mistakes to get to this mistake right here! (meaning the skit with James)”

Now 3rd lines, remember, there are no mistakes it is how you learn but it can feel like it cause the experiment is not perfect the first time.

Finally, both these ladies have the gate 10 which is often called the behavior of the self. This energy pushes you to believe that there are certain ways people should behave in relationship to others. If this story is true I am guessing Taylor feels that Katy crossed a line and vice versa. Interestingly, this energy can also be hypocritical, do as I say, not as I do!

I wonder if they would still be friends if they both knew it was just energy and not personal??

Here are the charts for Taylor and Katy.

If you are interested in the full story with videos, see it on Digital Spy where I found a lot of the background information.
