February 22, 2025

The Sounds of Spirit, Melancholy and Freedom

Emotional energy expands and contracts. It lifts us up towards joy and ecstasy and then it contracts and we fall back toward earth in the form of sadness or melancholy. We can drown ourselves in our sorrow or we can utilize the melancholy in a creative and productive ways. In fact melancholy can be a great fuel for creativity. As we work away expressing the melancholy, often we begin to release the sorrow and spark the emotional energy to rise.

I began to ponder this as I was drawn to songs by Sara Bareilles, Jewel and the Carpenters.  In the 3 songs below, the artists sing mired in melancholy expressing the sad side of the gate 55, the Gate of Spirit. Gate 55 is an emotional gate which is about expressing our spirit or our spiritual feelings. Richard Rudd in his book of Genekeys writes, “The gift of the gate 55 is freedom”. We are talking about freedom of the spirit to transcend our physical bodies and be emotionally free to mingle in ecstasy with the collective energies of the divine. You might even say being in or part of heaven.

Take a few minutes to listen to these 3 performances. See if you can feel the melancholy working its way to try and find the emotional freedom of spirit. Also see if you notice that there is a slight difference in the authenticity of the expression of the melancholy. Both Sara and Jewel have the gate 55 defined but Karen and Richard Carpenter do not have the 55 defined. I think as you listen you will here more depth to the melancholy in Jewel and Sara and perhaps a slight hollowness in Karen’s song.

On a side note see if you here Jewels undefined G, taking the hurt personally, almost saying “You don’t really love me”.

Here are the charts for the 4 artists.

Mini Reading Charts for December 11, 2010

Here are the Charts for Today’s readings.
If you are listening live you will need to refresh your page when I tell you to.
The new chart will appear at the top of the post.
(Click on the chart for larger image.)

Mini Reading Charts for December 4, 2010

Here are the Charts for Today’s readings.
If you are listening live you will need to refresh your page when I tell you to.
The new chart will appear at the top of the post.
(Click on the chart for larger image.)

The Open Solar Plexus Center

The world is full of emotion. The open Solar Plexus takes in that emotion and can amplify, empathize and become that emotion.

If you have an open Solar Plexus you are designed to experience the emotional energy from all around you, but you are not design to live this energy in a continuous manner.So maintaining balance with emotional energy is key to the health of the open Solar Plexus.

People who are open in the Solar Plexus may resort to different tactics to work through the energy they take in. Some get caught in the drama of those around them. Rising and falling with the trials and tribulations. Taking on the battles or struggles the emotions bring. Others run for cover. They avoid emotions like the plague. They may in fact go so far as lying to avoid reliving an emotional event. Maybe that is why in general memory of the negative things fad more quickly with time. Maybe it is a built in survival mechanism for the half of the population that has an open Solar Plexus.

If you have an open Solar Plexus your natural state is cool, not hyped up or down in the dumps. The people and events around you are swinging up and down, toward joy and happiness and sorrow and pain. You are designed to take in and feel that energy and then let it go.

But most of you don’t live alone in seclusion like living in a cabin in the woods. The odds are 90% that you will form an emotional channel when you get together with 2 other people. This means that most people through work, school or home life are consistently under the influence of emotional energy. While emotions over time can provide clarity, to the open Solar Plexus they can cause disruption or discomfort.
So what can someone with the open Solar Plexus do to clear themselves? Here are some tips…

  • Visualize a protective layer around you or specifically covering your open centers. It can be anything that resonates with you: a screen; a bubble; armor; or bright light. The protection allows you to sense what is going on but does not take in the energy from around you.
  • Use discernment. Emotional drama, especially involving a loved one can draw you in. Is it your drama or your fight? We all have lessons we need to learn. Lend a hand if it is warranted but don’t own the drama of others.
  • Take a hike! Or a walk or get outside. If you are in a volatile emotional setting get outside and let nature help clear the emotional charges you may have taken in. Leaning against a tree trunk or standing on a large rock can be grounding and restorative to your balance.

The world is full of emotion. It can be beautiful, melancholy, ecstatic, and sad and every shade in between. The open Solar Plexus can become extremely wise about the emotional world. Just be careful not to let it consume you.

The Open Spleen

The Spleen is one of the more diverse centers in Human Design and it’s functionality includes awareness and body processes involving the immune system.

It is our oldest awareness center in our Design. The ancient mechanism of fear for survival has kept us alive by seeking shelter in caves from the wild large toothed animals. It causes us to jump back when we come across a snake. It is typified by that momentary flash of awareness which can instigate reflex actions.

The flash of awareness, like a lightening bolt in the sky, is the calling card of Spleen, for the Spleen is all about being in the moment. This awareness is fleeting so it needs to be captured when it arrives or it is lost.

In addition, the Spleen is often called the washing machine of the body. The Spleen functions to recognize intrusion, imbalance or foreign material within the body and holds the memory of how to take action to correct the situation.

With an open Spleen you have inconsistent energy. This means that these functions of awareness and the immune system regulation are going to be inconsistent. At times you may have incredible intuition but in other moments you may have nothing. Likewise, your immune reactions may be quick or slow. It is important for a person with an open Spleen to build a deep recognition system within the Spleen to counter the inconsistent nature of the energy. Basically you are building a warrior within, to take care of your body. A defined Spleen already has that warrior in place.

In general, holistic medical approach is better for an open Spleen design, as it is working with the body recognition system. Powerful western medicines like penicillin, step in an take over for the body and the immune system. This could be counter productive to the open Spleen. Essentially you are training it that you will step in with powerful medicine each time this illness occurs. Granted there are situations where urgency may require these medicines but in general the holistic approach is better for the open Spleen.

Because the Spleen is connected to the moment the open Spleen may have trouble with time. This may surface in being on time to appointments or it may just be about being lost in time.  The open Spleen may be so into the moment that they don’t have the consistent energy to be aware of other commitments. This can have a positive impact of being able to get very deep into something, but can have the not so positive impact of being very late or forgetting the appointment all together. Also the open Spleen may not be aware when the moment is over. This is why the open Spleen may sometimes hold on to long to things. I should know,  I have an open Spleen and a garage full to prove it.

Both Rev. Ric and I have open Spleen Centers
(Click on chart for larger image.)

Awaken your Spiritual Power with Auriella

This show is an over view of Human Design. We will talk about the basics of the Human Design System and how you can use this tool to better understand your life and make decisions that help you have the experiences you are here to have in this lifetime.
Show Link

I am introducing a new product called the Turbo reading. This custom 15 minute recorded reading for your design using everyday language. It focuses on how you are design to act and react and how you are designed to operate and impact your world. Read More about the Turbo Reading.

In the show we may discuss aspects of Host Auriella’s design. Here is her chart.
(Click on chart for larger image.)

The Open Throat

The Throat center is the nexus within the Human Design System. It is the Throat where all the circuitry comes together to produce expression. Now the expressions produced is not just words. It can be songs, music, gestures, art, many forms of design, the way we dress or even the car we drive.When someone has a design with an open or undefined Throat it creates a bit of a quandary. The Throat is all about expression yet with the open Throat the design lacks a consistent path to expression. With this lack of energy, there is unconscious recognition by others that you don’t have the energy to speak. The result is that open Throat’s don’t often get the chance to speak.In order to overcome the quandary of the open Throat people with this design often resort to one of two behaviors.

The first is to be flamboyant and or demonstrative. This draws attention to the person with the open Throat so they are recognized and then can express themselves. When I was pondering an example of this Lucille Ball jumped to mind. She was one of the most flamboyant actresses . Guess what? She had an open Throat. All her antics were her compensation to get recognition to speak.

Check out this short clip from I Love Lucy.

A second method used by the open Throat is to allow the energy to coalesce and come out in a fuller expression. However what this means is that the expression is not always available on demand. Some times the open Throat will freeze or stumble to bring the thoughts together when put on the spot. But interestingly enough that is maybe part of the reason that people with an open Throat are not recognized to speak right away. There is energetic recognition that the open Throat needs more time.

In group settings an open Throat may struggle to get the floor. They may feel they never get the chance to express their thoughts. The trick for the open Throat is patience. If they can wait their turn and speak when finally recognized, they will have allowed their energy to come together, they will be more cohesive and they will be heard in a deeper way.

Many singers have an open Throats. It allows them to have a wider range of expression in their voices and through the act of singing  which may involve the writing of lyrics, composing of music and practicing, it allows the expression to come together in its fullness and command the audience.

Here is a song from Sarah McLachlan who has an open Throat. Interestingly enough she has one defined gate on the Throat center. This gate, 33, is about mindfulness and remembering or forgetting the past, as in past lives. I find this excerpt from the lyrics profound.  It feels like she is speaking directly about the 33rd gate and the pain of the open Throat.
“I’m so tired,I can’t sleep,
Standin’ on the edge of something much too deep,
It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word,
We are screaming inside, we can’t be heard.

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don’t let your life pass you by,
Weep not for the memories ”

Watch the video “I will remember you” by Sarah McLachlan

Here are the Charts of Sarah McLachlan and Lucille Ball.
(Click on chart for larger image.)

The Open Root

Under Pressure? This is the pressure to get things going and to get them off of your list. This is the pressure to finish to be free.

The open Root is under this pressure to get started and be done. It can be relentless. It can run your life. It can push you to keep working after you are tired. It can make you skip lunch or work way past quitting time. The open root can have you spinning your wheels as well.

The reason the open Root can be so intense is that the pressure of doing things causes the body to release adrenaline to create energy to do things. Because the open root lacks definition or consistency, it will manage this physical energy in an inconsistent way. Some times it will flounder to get started and other times it will push to finish, everything.

So how do you tame the open Root?

The strategy to combat the shadow of the open Root is a mental one. Keep tabs on your open Root. If you have done enough for this morning, go to lunch. Give your self permission to take a break. If it is quitting time, go home. The list will be there tomorrow. Besides, the boss will add more things to do so just because you finish doesn’t mean you are free.

The Root center is also designed to be off at times to rest. You can’t pump adrenaline 24×7 yet that is what our over caffeinated society is trying to do. Take advantage of the Root’s down time if you can. Do something more passive. If you are at your desk trying to get those emails out, or finish that report and it is not happening, take a walk, read a book, stretch or do something to allow the Root to rest. Once recharged you will actually be more productive than if you just try to struggle through.

The gift of the open Root is that it can amplify the energy around you. In the office or on the sports field the open Root can harness the energy of the defined Roots and get an amazing things done. It can be super human. So be super human and then get the rest you deserve.

And when you do take that rest, leave the lists mentally behind at the office and enjoy your time off, even if it is brief.

Here is a chart with an open Root.
(Click on chart for larger image.)

Starseeds Radio

On October 4, 2010 at 8PM PST, (or 11PM EST), I will be interviewed about Human Design on Starseeds Radio by co-hosts Zoh and Heavenly Butterfly. This will be a good introduction into the world of Human Design. On the show we will probably talk about their designs to use as examples into the different aspects of design.

Join us Live or listen to the recording

Here are the charts for Heavenly Butterfly and Zoh.
(Click on charts for larger image.)

The Flow

We are a part of this universe not just a separate aspect. The universe we live in runs on a continuous flow of magnetic pulls and pushes. This flow is primarily controlled by electric charges both positive and negative. Whether you experience life as a series of collisions or a stream of flows, is highly determined by how you ride your vehicle.

In this case we are talking about your body as your vehicle. It has a specific design that you were born with. This design is often referred to as your Human Design or we sometimes call it the Angelic BluePrint. You could also call it your Magic Passport. For if you ride your vehicle as it is designed to be ridden, then you will experience a magic of flow in your life.

At the core of our design is what is called a magnetic monopole. This is a one ended magnetic force. Or one polarity. It is designed to push us away from things that are not intended for us to encounter and pull us toward things that we are designed to encounter. The things might be pople, places, jobs or experiences. Essentially it all works the same way. With Flow!

To “Get into the Flow” we must honor our design. We must live out the energies that we were designed to express in the way we were designed to express them. We can also experience energies we were not defined with but we need to take from those the wisdom of that experience and then let them  go. Many of us hold onto these energies that are not ours and this pulls us out of our flow.

Ultimately if we live our design and follow the strategies of our design we will move into the flow. In fact we can’t help not being in the flow as the monopole will direct us there. So live your type and strategy and embrace and express  your defined energies and let go those which you are not. It is that easy to get into the flow!

The 5 Types and Strategies

There are 5 types within the Human Design System and these are:

  • Generators
  • Manifesting Generators
  • Projectors
  • Manifestors
  • Reflectors

Chart data comes from a study by United Life Sciences

Each type plays a critical role in the interaction of the human species. Generators and Manifesting Generators have powerful internal motors to churn out work, Projectors have vision and projective energy to guide, lead and manage, Manifestors are stirring the pot, creating and initiating action to create and manifest new things. Reflectors act as a mirror to society to show us how and what we are doing. If everyone on this planet lived their type and strategy of the design they were given, there would be a lot less struggle and discontentment in the world.

Generators – The Generator has the Sacral motor, the most powerful motor in the Human Design system. This is consistent energy. The motor turns on each morning and runs all day until it burns out at night. The Generator is here to do work. This can be manual work and or creative work and the energy is there to work for long periods of time in a sustained manner. The motor burns out each night and is recharged at night to begin a new each day. The motor needs some degree of physical production to help it burn out by the end of the day or it may be restless at night. This can interrupt sleep and the recharging process. For the Generator there can be many types of work, the trick is to find work that is inspiring.

Generator Strategy Wait to respond

As a Generator in this world, there is a constant array of things to respond to. The world is like a pinball machine and it is the generating energy that bounces the ball around. For the Generator, the trick is to wait until the “ball” comes “to your flipper” or within reality. It is easy to get drawn into pushing forward to force things to happen. That is often the motto in our world, “Just Do it!” The Generator in pursuit of the bigger things in life you can, “Just do it!”, as long as they are responding to something in their reality. It should be more direct then just seeing it on TV, and the more concrete it is in your reality the better. This is where the Generator intertwines with the Law of Attraction. For example, a Generator sees an ad on TV for training to start a new career in life coaching. The next day in a conversation a friend mentions that they are good at coaching people. At this point the idea of life coaching has become more concrete within their reality. It is more of a concrete situation for the generator to respond to. Not necessarily to the point of dropping everything they are doing but at least enough to investigate the coaching opportunity at bit more. Ultimately, for the Generator it must feel like the right thing to respond to in their core, at the center of their being. A Generator that follows this strategy of response will be much more successful then trying to push to make things happen or trying to respond to everything that comes their way.

Theme: Frustration

Manifesting Generators – The Manifesting Generator, like the Generator has the powerful sacral motor that provides consistent energy everyday. This is sustainable energy to work and produce. This production can be manual or creative in nature. It is the consistency and duration that sets the Manifesting Generator and Generators apart from the rest. The difference from a generator is that the Manifesting Generator has a defined and motorized throat. The throat is motorized by energy flowing in a defined channel or series of channels from one of the four centers that are motors. The 4 motor centers are the Sacral, the Will, the Solar Plexus and the Root. This motorized throat adds a degree of initiative and creative energy to the power of the Manifesting Generator. It also adds a degree of speed to the energy. Some Manifesting Generators are very quick to act and respond and get bored if there is not enough going on. Their Manifesting energy is at times pushy and pushes them into thinking they are a Manifestor. They are not a Manifestor, they are a Manifesting Generator.

Manifesting Generator Strategy – Respond, envision, reprocess, inform, act Much like the Generator, Manifesting Generators need to respond to events and occurrences in their reality. The difference is the Manifesting Generator can push the gray area of initiation a little bit. In some situations they may respond, repeatedly so quickly that it appears more of initiation than a response. But to truly maximize the energetic return they need to be responding. Take job hunting for example. A Manifesting Generator has much better odds responding to occurrences in their reality than pounding the pavement or hawking the classifieds. An occurrence may be a mention of an opportunity by a friend or from a social network connection or it could be training seminar promoted at a local store. For a Manifesting Generator it is these threads within their reality that create the optimal energetic exchange when responding with the proper intentions.

Theme: Frustration

Projector – The Projector is here to mange, guide, direct and lead. They are here to project thoughts, ideas, patterns, solutions and inspiration. Like a movie or overhead projector, this energy is outwardly expressed to society and the universe. It lights the way to a more organized or better way of doing things. The Projector does not have the sacral motor so their energy is not sustainable for work over long periods of time. They need to rest and take breaks. A projector is best suited to work a flexible schedule that allows for this rest, and perhaps even an afternoon nap. The Projector should go to bed half an hour before they intend to sleep in order to discharge the sacral energy that they have picked up and amplified during the day.

Projector – wait to be invited

The Projector must be invited in order for the energy to flow properly. How many of us have had the experience in a group or social situation when someone starts guiding and directing and everyone is thinking “Who invited you (to be the boss of me?)” It is this dynamic that requires the Projector to participate by invitation. The invitation can be formal, informal or implied but it is critical for the energetic exchange that it is there. The invitation is needed for employment, to participate in a group discussion, play on a sports team or even as part of dating. The people in the life of the Projector can help aid and orchestrate the invitations a Projector receives.

Theme: Bitterness

Manifestor – The Manifestor is here to create, initiate, and manifest. The manifesting energy is quick and flows to the throat center through channel(s) from one or more motor centers within the design. The throat center is all about the creative and initiative expression. The Manifestor uses this energy to create opportunity for themselves and others. As a society we depend on the Manifestors to get things started or get things going. Once initiated, it is the other types, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors, that come in and help the creation of the Manifestor to truly manifest.

Manifestor StrategyInform before you act

The manifestor energy is fast and that is the beauty and the flame in the creative process. To take time and explain in the midst of this process is a hindrance and annoying to the Manifestor. However, the Manifestor is reliant on an influx of energy from the other types once the initiation or initial manifestation has taken place to have the desired effect or take the manifestation to a higher level. Therefore the Manifestor must inform before acting to keep the energy flowing around them and their actions. A Manifestor that does not inform creates a vacuum isolating themselves from the dance of the others energies.

Theme: Anger

Reflector – The Reflector is the mirror of the energies and actions within society. A Reflector has no defined centers. All of the centers in the chart are white. They are like crystals able to amplify and reflect the energies around them. Reflectors can be highly sensitive to their environment. Reflectors do not have sustainable energy. Because of their open design they are significantly influenced by the energetic gates created by the cycles of the moon.

Reflector Strategy – Simply wait 28 days

The strategy for the reflector is to ride their lunar cycle and make the big decisions only after experiencing their full 28 days. This can pose difficulty for the reflector, yet understanding this in many cases can provide relief. They may have struggled finding consistency in their changing nature. The reflector will be very sensitive to their immediate environment due to their openness, and certain energies of people may unduly influence their decisions. The reflector should look at having a lunar reading of their human design to identify the cyclical augmentation to their definition as the Moon passes through gates that add definition to their charts.

Theme: Disappointment

Much of the Information contained within is from the teachings of:

Karen Curry of karencurry.com

Ra Uru Hu of Jovian Archive Corporation

*The percentage data used in Chart data comes from a study by United Life Sciences

Document Copyright 2008 – AngelicBlueprint.com

The Emotional Waves of the Solar Plexus

In the Human Design system a defined Solar Plexus is powered by waves of energy that rise towards joy and happiness and fall towards sadness and despair. There are three types of waves and they each behave a bit differently.  The truth is that whether we have an emotional wave or not we are all impacted by emotions as we interact with others. Here is a newer take on an old classic song Emotion.

To understand how emotions flow, here is an overview of the three waves and a chart highlighting the connections called channels that they make to the other centers.

Tribal Wave

The Tribal Wave is the mildest of the three waves. The emotional feeling that is part of this wave flows up and down in a gentle way and most people may not even notice its flow.  It can often work like a ratchet within family or community relationships. For example, someone in your group/family may do something that irritates  you. The first several times you brush it off and ignore it. However over time it builds up an emotional charge until the wave cannot sustain it any longer and it  snaps,  coming into expression in the form of an outburst like “Stop doing that!’.  It also might take the form of disconnection or distancing from the iritant person like a timeout. In a more severe cases it could result in a complete disassociation from the person or the group.  This is a tribal energy and the connection demands that to be part of the tribe we live by tribal rules or we get out of that tribe.

Individual Wave

The Individual wave is the most dramatic wave of the three. This wave travels in big swings up toward joy and euphoria and big swings down to pain,  saddness and despair.  These swings are rhythmic and vary in length depending on the individual.  An up and down cycle can range from daily to yearly with most falling somewhere in between. One of the struggles of this wave is at the bottom it can feel like it is never going to come back up. Too much mental focus on this can actually prolong or create a stuck pattern in the down cycle. It is important for someone with this wave to understand it will go up and down and if you are down the up side is on its way.

Collective Wave

The Collective wave is like an escalator. It rises and rises toward joy and happiness in a slow and steady way. But this energy is not sustainable and like a bubble it pops, falling abruptly down to sadness and sorrow. The bottom of this wave does not last long as the wave begins building again back toward joy. When the wave drops it can lead one to question what happened. In relationship it might be the question of “Did I say something wrong?”. But in the case of this wave it is just energy that has run its course and needs to drop back to rebuild again.

Here is a Chart of the Emotional Wave Channels

(click on chart for larger image)

The Will Center – Are you worthy?

The Will center in Human design is also the home of the ego. This is pushy energy to get or posses material things. It can also be about getting your way, staking your place or enforcing your ownership. The will center is intertwined to the heart and it’s processes which is why it is often called the Heart/Will center. Improper or over use of that pushy will energy can lead to health problems with the heart, the blood and the gall bladder.

Heart/Will Center

Underlying all this is a burning question. Am I worthy? The will center and it’s energy want to prove that you are! That you are worthy to have a nice car, a big house or a place at the table. That you are worthy because you get good grades or your team wins or you look great. But the catch in proving all this is that the will and or the heart must work and then rest. In our western society we are often conditioned to push, push push and forget about the rest. This is a recipe for disaster. It is not surprising that the rate of heart, blood and gall bladder health issues are so high!

Now about 35% of the population have defined Will centers and that means they have consistent energy to do this willful pushing. With a defined Will you are more likely to recognize when you have pushed too long and take a rest. The people with the undefined Wills have a harder time, as they often don’t know when to stop pushing. They also don’t always have will energy around them so when they push they don’t have the defined energy to support the push and it puts a greater strain on their body. Open or undefined Wills can often struggle with worthiness. In school for most a B+ is a sufficient grade but the open will center will continue to push for that A just to feel worthy.

Overall, a good strategy is to use the will energy sporadically. Like a runner when you need that kick to finish. For accomplishing things that we often think take will power like dieting or quitting a bad habit, using other strategy not will power is a better route to success. For example, if you are trying to cut down on caffeine, don’t go into Starbucks. Strategy like that can go a long way in helping you accomplish what you want with out straining your heart.

Gates of Direction – The cross of the Sphinx

The Gates of the incarnation cross of the Sphinx are here to provide direction. Even if you do not carry any of these gates you receive direction as you encounter individuals that carry this cross. Each gate has an orientation of direction. Ra uses a metaphor of the car to illustrate this. Gate 2 is the driver and also home to the magnetic monopole. The monopole is the magnetic energy that pulls you through life and also attracts things to you. As you can imagine the driver has the best view that is made up of multiple lines of sight. Gate 13 is looking in the rear view mirror. They only know what has gone by but can use that to determine how to go forward. Gate 7 is looking through the windshield watching for what is in the future. They know nothing of the past. Gate 1 is in the passenger seat, not really looking out but contemplating the here and now as the car moves forward. They are in the moment.

In this diagram I have highlighted the 4 gates of direction. As you can see they are all of the G or Identity center. They are here to provide direction for the all of us Humans.

In this chart below we breakdown the different aspects of the gates. The chart gives the direction of orientation, the Gate name and the I’Ching name. As you can see the directional aspect of each gate in the chart is different. While Sphinx’s do have all 4 of these gates,  they will give you direction as oriented by their lead gate.

(Click on chart for a larger view.)

Here are sample charts for George Clooney actor, Bob Cousy basketball legend which is of the incarnation cross of the Sphinx.

In the chart below you can see that Suz has the gate 13 as her lead gate, (circled in red). By looking at the chart above, we see that gate 13 provides direction by looking at the past. Suz guidance or direction to you will be based on her view of what has been. This direction does not necessarily come verbally, it may come to you just in passing by spending a moment or longer in the energy of Suz.

Gates of the Vessel of Love

The Gates of the incarnation cross Vessel of Love are all of the G or Identity center. While not unique it is less common for all the gates in one’s incarnation cross to be on the same center. Since all 4 cross gates are of the Identity center there is going to be a big impact by these people as the leading part of there identity is fueled by the love aspect underlying all these gates. If you carry one or more of these gates you to have the consistent energy of the love in that gate that you carry forward each day.

In this diagram I have highlighted the 4 gates of the Vessel. As you can see they are all of the G or Identity center. Thus they are all coming from the self. The self or the souls perception and expression of different aspects of love.

In this chart below we breakdown the different aspects of the gates. The chart gives the High level aspect of the gate and the love aspect. This is how the energy is going to be expressed out of each gate. Again if you have a defined gate it is going to be a more consistent exprience and expression for you. If you are undefined in one or more of these gates it will be inconsistent but possibly more diverse a range of expressions for you.

(Click on chart for a larger view.)

The chart goes into further depth by giving you a keyword on how each gate will be expressed depending on which line in the chart it is defined with. To give you and example look at my chart at the bottom of this post. I have the gate 46 in line 6. If you look that up on the chart you will see that the keyword is integrity. So Integrity of the love of the body. I am fairly athletic and have a sense of pride about being in shape. When I am in physical shape I feel better about myself and when I am injured or out of shape, lacking integrity I feel inadequate. I think earlier in life I was more judgmental about people who did not take care of their bodies. While I find this embarrassing or shallow, part of it is just a natural expression of my defined gate 46 line 6. Obviously this is one example. You can go thru and look up any gate line combination. If your gate is undefined, I believe you will be most influenced by the personality profile line in your design. So if you are a 1-3 profile with an undefined gate 25 your most likely expression is selflessness in the love of humanity. This is a person that might commit random acts of kindness every now and then.

Here is my sample chart which is of the incarnation cross of the Vessel of Love.

The 3 types of Energy

There are 3 major types of energy in the world, Tribal, Collective and Individual. Understanding these energies and how they work is a helpful foundation in understanding your interaction with others. Understanding your energetic makeup and the makeup of those around you can make it easier to predict how people are going to react in certain situations.

Tribal energy is all about the survival of the tribe. A tribe has rules and roles that everyone in the tribe is expected to live by. Members of the tribe often sacrifice personal freedoms to be a part of the tribe. A tribe can be a family, a team, an organization, a country and all of these may express a lot of tribal energy. Most of the conflicts in the world are caused by two or more tribes with conflicting beliefs. These can be as simple as two tribes believing they own the same piece of land or tribes having different religious views. Tribal energy  tends to be black and white with little gray. You either fit within the rules of the tribe or you are out of  the tribe.

Individual energy is unique to the individual. It is an expression or understanding that is uniquely ones own. Because of this it can be hard for us to understand individual energy or expression. Art is a common form of this expression. Often when we look at art, we either get it or we don’t. If you are having a person with a lot of individual energy explain something to you, you may get it or not. It can be frustrating for someone with individual understanding to explain something because the way they understand is so integrated within them that it is hard to come up with context to explain it to us.

Individual energy is often mutative. The individual takes an existing thing, like a dance step, and transforms it into something new like Michael Jackson when he invented the moon walk. Now I think most of us understood his moon walk, but it was so individually talented that not many of us could imitate it.

Collective energy is having harmony with everyone doing their own thing. Think of a big city where there is a neighborhood that is a real mix of cultures. Each family carrying out their own beliefs and traditions in this neighborhood everyone is okay with the other families doing their own thing. In another similar neighborhood, there are problems as the tribal energy creates distrust over the others being so different.

Collective energy doesn’t care it is really about the experience. Individual energy doesn’t care it is all about the expression. Tribal energy cares deeply that the ways of the tribe are kept.

Ultimately most of us are a blend of these three energies. Some of us lean more toward one then another. Usually it is the situation that will bring out a particular type. On the sports team we are tribal but out for a social get together we may wear a purple shirt and flash our individuality or take in the array of different people and relish in the collective.

Here is a chart of 6 of the 7 circuits in the Human Design system. The 3 energies are labeled by color. (You can click to enlarge it)

Mini Chart Readings – June 12, 2010

Here are some charts for the June 12th Radio Show.

Charts for May 22nd Radio Show

Here are some charts for the May 22nd Radio Show.

Charts for May 15th Radio Show

Here are  the charts we will read on the May 15th show.

Manifesting Generators – Why So Busy?

Manifesting Generators are 1 of the 5 types in the Human Design System and make up 35% of the population. These people are busy by nature. Often they are multi-taskers and they get bored just doing one thing. The Manifesting Generator or Man-Gen is here to do things and they have a lot of energy to do it!

To be a Manifesting Generator you need two things. First you need a defined the Sacral Center. The Sacral center is the most consistent energy in the System and with a defined Sacral it makes you a Generator. Secondly you  need motorized energy that connects through a channel to the throat. There are 4 motor centers in the Human Design System. They are the Sacral, the Root, the Solar Plexus and the Heart/Will centers. If you have one of these that is defined and there is a channel connection(s) from a motor center to the throat you are a Man-Gen.

So what make the Man-Gen so busy? The throat is all about expression of energy. With motorized energy having a direct connection to the throat it can be expressed in many ways, even simultaneously. In addition, Manifesting Generators have a quickness about them. The motorized energy to the throat can also be quick and be initiating like a true Manifestor. So the Man-Gen straddles the line between the Generator, who is here to do, and the Manifestor who is here to spark and initiate. The Man-Gen works best by following a strategy of rapid response. They get something to respond to and respond quickly often in a chain of succession.

Sometimes the Man-Gen is fooled into thinking they are a Manifestor. This can be a trap as the Manifesting Generator will have more success manifesting if they manifest in response to things in their reality because ultimately they are not true Manifestors.

Here are some charts of Manifesting Generators. Notice the different pathways that the energy can get from a motor center to the Throat.

Profile 1-4 & 4-1 – Can I please get some foundation?

The 1-4 & 4-1 profiles are steeped in foundation. For these personalities to function they require a foundational basis which they can rely on as they extend themselves outward to others. The difference in these two lines is the the orientation. The 1st line is oriented toward an inward foundation of information, while the 4th line is oriented toward the outward foundation of key aspects of life.

The 1st line is also known as the investigator. The investigator is driven to know detail. This is why a 1st line person often asks a lot of questions. Though investigating and asking questions the 1st line builds up a platform for which they can base their actions on. Most 1st lines who are going to work with people, whether one on one or as a teacher of many, will take multiple classes or workshops until they feel the foundation is complete. Part of this is to feel comfortable. They will often not reach their comfort level until their investigation has unearthed a deep amount of detail.

The 4th line is also known as the opportunist. The opportunity lies within the foundation of the 4th line persons network. It is through their network, that 4th lines will most often find a job, meet their significant other, find their house or their place to live. The foundation of the 4th line is their friends, their co-workers, their home, their family, their job and the groups they are a part of. Because of this 4th lines will often look to have a replacement lined up before moving on.   When they do move on from friends, job or location, they will likely hold fast to at least one of these other foundational pieces. For example. if they are moving to a new city, they will probably hold tight to old friends or family until they are settled in the new city and have begun to build a new group of friends.

So what is the difference between these two profiles? The difference is that the 1-4 will be more inwardly or self focused and a bit more driven to get details and or experience. The 4-1 will be more outwardly focused on interpersonal interaction with the investigation coming as second nature. The 4-1 would typically let the 1-4 ask the questions so they can benefit from the detailed information in the answer.

Here is a 1-4 and 4-1 chart.

Reflectors – Mirror, Mirror

Reflectors make up less than 1 % of the human population. Yet they are here to play a vital role. Their design is unique in that none of their 9 centers are defined. If you look at their chart, (see below), they are but a ghost of a design with all their whiteness. The truth is that they are our mirror, designed to be extremely empathetic and understand humanity in a deep way, and give the rest of us a reflection of where we are at, and how we are doing in life.

Since reflectors have an open design they are heavily influenced by the energy around them. The people, the places and the events they take part in, are going to deeply impact their energy and sense of being. With any open center, the energy from around can be amplified and experienced in unlimited ways. The reflector can become wise about energy because they experience all the flavors of the rainbow. With emotions they can experience the extremes from sadness and depression to hilarity and ecstasy. With will power they can experience the subtle finesse of someone trying to get their way and the brute force of “I want it my way, now!”.  They can experience the revved up energy in a room full of generators and the clam serene of a peaceful mountain top. Their experience can take on all these dimensions yet the underlying theme is going to be inconsistency.

Because of their openness they will intensely experience these energies when they are around and then the energy will dissipate when they are not around. The reflector may have difficulty making decisions because in the moment their is the energy to do something and then it is gone. In another moment they are identifying with a workshop they want to take and then that identification fades. The key for the reflector is becoming wise about the energy that surrounds them. If they are with a Generator it may be a good time to get that project done. If they are with a Manifestor it might be time to start something. If they are with someone who is oppressive or overbearing they need to shield themselves. The reflector has openness for wisdom but it can also be a vulnerability.

Additionally reflectors are heavily influenced by the moon. The moon makes a pass through all 64 gates of the I’Ching about every 29 days. As it activates each gate, if this gate activates a channel in the reflectors design, the reflector becomes defined in certain centers. While this definition only lasts for about 10 hours, they are defined and they can take on the characteristics of the type associated with that definition. They can become or feel like a Projector, Manifestor, Generator or Manifesting Generator. This is a cyclical pattern that they will experience over and over again each 29 day cycle. It is therefore useful for the reflector to look at that pattern as they can begin to understand how this cyclical energy impacts them and how to potentially use it.

Below is a chart of a reflector and 6 snapshots of the impact of the moon within their 29 day cycle.

Profiles 5-2 & 2-5 – Is this illusion or seclusion?

The 2-5 and 5-2 profiles can add a magnetic and alluring quality  to ones personality. While this can draw others in, it can also create a heaviness or pressure that is associated with the 5th line projection. Ultimately the 2-5 and 5-2 will need to escape the pressure and get their alone time away form the energy. Lets look at the affects of these two lines.

As we said the 5th line is projective. It is inwardly projecting energy, yet the orientation of the 5th line is looking outward, watching and wanting to interact with others. The result of this inward projection and outward view creates a magnetic vortex and other people are drawn to see what it is about. But since it is a projection the qualities within the projection are not always real or substantial. There is the potential of interpretation by others that is an illusion. Others often make a quick assumption about what the 5th line person is really about. But this quick assessment lacks depth and over time there may come surprise or judgment when the 5th line person does not match the assumption. This interaction can create pressure on the 5th line and they will seek recluse from the projection so they won’t be judged.

The 2nd line is called the hermit. So with the 2nd line profile there is also a need to withdraw. But this need is fueled not by the pressure but by the need for alone time to assimilate. Anything a 2nd line encounters, whether it is knowledge, personal interactions, or physically mastering a new skill, the 2nd line needs down or alone time to integrate the new information or experience. But the 2nd line also produces a projection of energy going outward. Mixed with the inward orientation of the 2nd line, this energy acts like a beacon that others are drawn to call out. So try as they might the 2nd line will get invitations to come out and play.

Because of the interplay of the projections, the magnetic draw of others, the pressure to be alone and the need to assimilate, 2-5 & 5-2’s are social beings, but it can take time to get to know them. You need to peel the onion so to speak, to get deep into their skin.

Here are some charts of 2-5 & 5-2’s.

Generators – Respond and Flourish

Generators are one of 5 types in the Human Design system. They make up about 35% of the population. Generators have an internal motor like the engine of a car which gives them a consistent physical energy. When utilized properly, the generator motor is the electric power plant and supplies the energy to do things.

This power center is called the Sacral Center or Sacral Motor. It is the red colored square in this diagram. If you have a colored in Sacral Center in your chart you are either a Generator or Manifesting Generator. Manifesting Generators are similar but slightly different. Manifesting Generators in addition to the defined Sacral lso have motorized power to the throat. I will be covering Manifesting Generators in more detail in a few weeks.

With this power the Generator is here to do things. But ultimately the Generator will be more successful when they follow the strategy of doing in response.

What this means is to do things in response to people, invitations, suggestions that are in the Generators reality. Most of us think they we need to initiate or go out and make something happen like the Nike mantra of “Just Do it”! And we can do it but for the Generator it will work more smoothly when we do it in response. There is so much to respond to in this world.

Lets compare this Generator engine to a machine, say a dishwasher. What would happen if the dishwasher just started up when it wanted to. Perhaps it would be mostly empty and waste water, or even worse, the door would be open and flood the kitchen, What works best for the dishwasher and us is for it to respond to the door being closed, hopefully you remembered to add the soap, and then the button being pushed. Then when the dishwasher does it, things flow smoothly.

Most of the time the response works in a chain. Lets take this scenario where a friend is over and asks me if I want to go to the movies. I have an opportunity to respond yes or no. If I respond yes, we will probably work through following questions with an opportunity to respond to each one. What movie? What time? What theater? Who is going to drive? Should we get food after or just eat popcorn?As I go I am responding to each question and doing something or not. I might not get popcorn ;-).

Whether it is a big or small question make sure you bring it back to your heart and soul to determine if it is your passion. You want to spend your time and your life responding to things that make your heart and soul sing. That is what Generators are here to do.

Here are some charts of Generators.

The 6-3 and 3-6 Profiles – It is all in the in the experience

The6-3 and the 3-6 profiles are bound by a need to learn from experience. The profile is labeled the Role Model / Martyr or Martyr / Role Model depending on the which comes first. From an outsider they may see many failures from people with this profile but in reality nothing here is a failure for all experiences bring wisdom.

The 3rd line as we know is experimental or experiential in nature. It slants this persons  personality to have an encounter and internalize the results. “How did that affect me?”. The 3rd line must try it to know it. People with the 3rd line cannot rely on the experience of someone else as they must have that experience to know it. The fullness gets lost in words. There is an inward focus so they can’t just watch anther do it and vicariously experience it for themselves. They need to  know it so they live it.

In addition with these profiles we have the 6th line that goes through the three life stages. In the first 28 years the 6th line behaves like a 3rd line. So in essence until age 28 we have a double 3rd line personality. Experiment & Experience. This profile has got to try it! At age 28 the 6th line realizes it is not actually a 3rd line and the orientation shifts. Instead of being internally or inward focused the 6th line becomes observational and watches how others experiment and experience. The 6th line continues to watch and build wisdom until about age 50 when they “come off the roof” and step into their Role Model stage. The Role Model is full of wisdom from experimenting and observing and will get involved when it is worthwhile to themselves and the others seeking guidance.

The difference between the 6-3 and the 3-6 is in the lead orientation. The 3-6 will be more inwardly focused on first impression while the 6-3 will have a more outward look. Both profiles will have outward and inward orientation and typically will start out life more inwardly focused and turn more outwardly as they mature especially after age 40. By age 40 the experimentation and experience has led to wisdom so its necessity diminishes.

Here is an example of a 6-3 and 3-6 chart.