February 22, 2025

I Gotta Be Me

One of the gifts of Human Design is it helps you to uncover and or discover who you truly are. It points out the parts of you that are defined or hard coded and illuminates areas, thoughts, beliefs or expressions that are not you. In Human Design we call these defined and undefined areas or characteristics. There are three major pieces where we talk about definition in a Human Design chart and those are Centers, Channels and Gates.

  • Centers are the shapes and their origins are linked to the Hindu 7 chakra system.
  • Channels are the entire line between the Centers. They are made up of 2 gates and are associated with the Kabbalah Tree of Life.
  • Gates are the numbers in the centers and are represented by half the channel line between the centers. They are a synthesis from the I Ching.

When a center, channel or gate is colored in it is called defined. It does not matter what the color it is. By being defined it signifies that you will have a consistency of expression with the architype or characteristic that the gate, channel or center represent.

When a center, channel or gate is white is is called undefined. This represents that you are open to feel, carry or amplify energy with these characteristics or architypes associated with that center, channel or gate.

As you start to understand your design and the energies that are defined and undefined with, you can discover that maybe part of your expression in life is not coming from you but from others or the world around you. That is not to say it is good or bad being influenced by these energies, but the awareness of their origin can be helpful especially if they are creating conflict.

Lets take a look at a few examples from the singer and model Dua Lipa.

On the top right she has an undefined Channel of Logic. This is the beginning of the logical process where you are looking at a process or a product and coming up with the initial judgement is this good, bad or maybe ok but it needs improvement. Since it is undefined, on her own Dua might not really know or or have a firm that conclusion. However if she is around or surrounded by more logically defined people, she might take on a more logical approach to things. The truer version of her energy in the mind come from the defined gates 47 and 61. She would tend to look at things in either an individual know way, “it’s a given understanding” (gate 61) or an abstract way, “this is how things fit together”(gate 47).

Moving down the logic circuitry she also has an undefined gate 17 of opinions. Again, since it lacks consistent energy, she might not express her opinion much or if she is around opinionated people she might express an opinion quite boldly. You see undefined area can amplify the expressions they are exposed to. With the next gate in the logical circuit being defined, gate 62. the gate of the gate of details, her more natural expression might be to start listing the ingredients of a product or talking about where it was made without much of an opinion at all.

Lastly lets take a look at her Undefined Identity center and in this case it is called open which is an extreme case of an undefined center. Open centers can be extremely impactful as there are no gates defined on the center so there is no consistent influence. Two items stood out regarding her Open Identity center from the Wikipedia article I read.

  1. She was heavily influenced by her father who was a musician and she started singing at age 5. The undefined G, (another name for the Identity center), can often be influenced to become something from a parent or significant mentor or partner.  It will be interesting to see if she stays with music and singing or at some point decides “Hey this is really not my passion”.
  2. She has had a series of relationships over the last years but nothing has lasted. The Identity center is home to the 4 Love gates so there is a lack of that energy and most open G’s are looking for love and to be loved. Her last relationship ended because of incompatible schedules. It is likely much harder for an Open G to carry on a long distance relationship without the persistent presence of felling that love energy.

Again, it is not about whether an undefined area is being influenced, but it is about bringing awareness of an influence. From awareness you can then think about if the influence is in harmony or bringing you discord. Dua has a lot of passions, acting as a feminist, speaking out about sexism in the music industry, acting as a philanthropist supporting a variety of charities and modeling and her interest in fashion and clothes. She may find over time that some of these aren’t really resonating and will let them go. The bottom line is thru Human Design you can shine a light on how you are designed and come to a more harmonious place because for all of us, ” you gotta be you!”


Dua Lipa singing her hit son Levitating:

Sammy David Jr. sings I Gotta Be Me:

Credit to Wikipedia for the picture and info

Note – There is conflicting birth times for Dua Lipa on the astrological sites I reference some have 12:18 AM and some have 23:45. The difference in her chart in terms of definition are very minor, however there is a great difference in profile, the earlier time being a 5-1 and the later which I have used being a 6-2.

Updates in process

Thank you so much for visiting LoveYourHumanDesign.com! As you may know, there is A LOT of content here that is available for you to learn about Human Design. We are in the process of upgrading the website and reorganizing to make it easy for you to find information, relevant articles, etc…

All content is still available, you just may need to scroll and sort through until we have it better formatted. Thank you for your patience!

Stay tuned and as you have any feedback , comments and/or questions, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected].

Love, peace and light,


Extremes in Rhythm

One of the things that amazes me about Human Design is as you get to know it and understand the expressions in energies you can recognize it in other people. To me that is a level of confirmation about the accuracy of Design. I mean if you can take a person you know very little about and observe a trait and then validate they have it by running their design, isn’t that an unbiased test?

My daughter and I share having gate 15 the Gate of Extremes. Extremes is energy in the rhythm channel. To me it is energy to maintain a rhythm or at times completely go off the deep end in one direction or behavior. I guess you could say people with the gate of extremes will sometimes take it past the limit.

A classic example of observable extremes is the show Family Guy by Seth MacFarlane. There are many sketches in Family Guy where they take a concept or an idea and then they take it to the extreme. One example is the chicken fights between Peter Griffin and a human sized chicken. When these fights occur in the show, they often go on for minutes exhausting nearly every possibility of defeating or injuring each other. Since the fights are violent and graphic, I chose to demonstrate with this clip instead, where Stewie is simply calling for his mother Lois repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly. They take a simple idea and well you will see.

Take a look…

If you watch Family Guy, you can see the gate of extremes poke its head out in the show in a variety of ways.

What is the purpose of extremes? Extremes is about bringing a return to balance by shifting things up in some way or form. In a way, it is an exploring energy to see how far we can go in one direction or not. It is an interesting energy to dance with as at times it can take you out of balance, while actually trying to get you back in balance. Can you say conundrum?

So as you go out in the world, take a look around you and see if you can see extremes peeking out at you? I am sure you will catch a glimpse at some point.


Seth MacFarlane’s full report.

Order your own report.

Jim Carey – Just living his design

Jim Carey gave the incredible inspiring graduation speech below. I invite you to watch all or part of it and after I will show you 10 reasons why he was wired by human design to do and say what he did.














  • Projected spirit (gate 55 line 5). Jim has just past his Chiron return and his theme for the 2nd half of his life is spirit or spirituality. In line 5 it is projected. This is an emotional energy.
  • Guiding Hand (The incarnation Cross of Laws). As the cross of Laws he is wired to express the laws that govern our safety and well-being. He projects in the video that our well-being is dependent on following the laws that he has come to understand in the universe. Love not Fear. Faith not Hope.
  • Nurture (gate 50). This whole video is like a talk from dad. The gate 50 is Jim’s lead energy and by being in the 1st line he is wired to be very fatherly, nurturing and give foundational guidance.
  • Experiment and find the best way (1-3 profile). Jim’s life has been an experiment of what works and what does not. He found that faith and not religion is a way to open your mind and heart and to allow the universe to provide for the things you need in your life. Also, to allow the universe to provide those things without building a structure or expectation around how they will arrive.
  • Opinions and Correction (Gates 17 and 18).  Opinions and correction are part of the logical circuit. The circuits energy is oriented to logically evaluate a thing or a process. His energy to expressing opinions of what works and what does not and offer corrective action to make it better and bring joy to life.  Jim’s expression about choosing through Love and not though Fear is targeted to help you bring Joy to life.
  • Mutation (60-3 channel). This is probably more evident in his movies than in the speech but this is energy to create through mutation. He does talk about walking through that door when it opens and we all know that those doors can often mean or lead to change. Mutate from who you think you are supposed to be, into actions of who you are to be.
  • Direction (gates 7,1,13). Jim has 3 of the 4 gates of direction. He gives us direction by looking forward, direction from looking at the past and direction from being present. More info at  (http://loveyourhumandesign.com/2010/07/16/gates-of-direction-the-cross-of-the-sphinx/)
  • Be who we are (undefined identity center). Jim has experimented with who he is both in his movies and life. He has come to foundation that who we are, that spiritual self is greater than our personality or those archetypes in his painting. In think this fits so perfectly with human design as he is really speaking about being our true selves, letting go of that fear, emotional baggage and ego and just being yourself as you were designed to be.
  • Been there done that (gate 35). He has looked at life from many different angels and he has foundation as to what works best.
  • Knowing(Gate 61). He is designed to think and think or maybe paint and paint, and bring into knowing deep, deep thoughts.

Incarnation Cross of Uncertainty

Now these ladies have certainly left there mark on the world but Jamie Lee Curtis, Goldie Hawn and Cher all were born under the cross of Uncertainty. People born under this cross carry a high dose of energy that is bound to create mutation an change. One underlying reason for this is that 3 out of the 4 gates are individual energy by nature. Individual energy drives us to do things “our own way”. When we do things in a unique way it can bring about recognition in others and become adopted by the greater collective. Of course the other side of this is that different thing we do can fall flat on its face.

Cher, for example, has a long history of doing things differently. Some of them were quite successful for her and became hip, and other aspects did not really pan out. One choice she made was the naming of her daughter Chastity. Recently, there has been a lot in the news about her daughter as she has gone through a transsexual process and now calls himself Chas.

Goldie Hawn while known for her acting, is a bit controversial in her religious views. She considers herself a Jewish Buddhist, and has a foundation which teaches children mindfulness awareness techniques. To some they might consider this combination of beliefs lacking certainty.

The most uncertain thing in Jamie Lee Curtis’s life may be what acting genre she will appear in. She started out in the horror genre but has since worked her way through comedy and drama. In addition she has made appearances in a number of television shows and has written many children’s books. Talk about mutation, she has a patent for for a diaper with a moisture proof pack that contains a diaper wipe that can be retrieved with 1 hand. She went so far as to limit it’s marketing to a company that created a biodegradable diaper.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Uncertainty.

  • Gate 8 – Contribution – Holding Together – This is individual creative energy which connected to the throat that creates self expression. Since it is individual energy it can be mutative energy.
  • Gate 14 – Power Skills – Possession in great measure – This is the energy to do the things that empower us. It is the energy of self empowerment.
  • Gate 55 – Spirit – Abundance – This is the emotional energy and expression of spirit.
  • Gate 59 – Sexuality – Dispersion – This is the energy of sexuality and the drive to continue the species.

Here are charts for Jamie Lee Curtis, Goldie Hawn and Cher who were born under the cross of Uncertainty. The four gates of the cross of Uncertainty are circled in blue on the chart for Jamie Lee Curtis.

Check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation Cross of Obscuration

Hunter S. Thompson, Richard Branson and A.J. Foyt were all born under the Incarnation Cross of Obscuration. People born to this cross can get lost trying to understand some interest, passion or passing fancy. Being lost in something is not a negative thing. It can have both negative or positve side effects.
Take A.J Foyt and his passion for racing. A.J. got so lost in his passion that he was the first person to win the Indianapolis 500 4 times. According to Wikipedia he is the only driver to win the Indianapolis 500, the Daytona 500, the 24 hours of Daytona and the 24 hours of Le Mans. You could say he was driven to really know racing in many different forms and types of race cars.

Richard Branson is probably most famous for starting Virgin Records and Virgin Atlantic Airways. He has made numerous attempts to set world records. Some of these have been to break the speed records of sailing from one place to another. His most notable was an attempt to circumnavigate the world in a hot air balloon. You might say he is trying to reach for the unreachable.

Hunter S. Thompson is an author and known for a variety of writings including including Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Where the Buffalo Roam and the Rum Diaries. Early in his career he spent a year riding around with the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle gang documenting their existence. His works often took a deep but obscure focus on the subject at hand. He is portrayed in his movies as a lush, obsessed in alcohol and drugs. Was this just a foggy obscuration of his reality?

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Wishes.

  • Gate 3 – Ordering – Difficulty in the Beginning – Once we make change or mutate we must finish the change into a new form of structure.
  • Gate 50 – Values – the Cauldron – Preservation which is achieved by the act of nurturing.
  • Gate 61 – Mystery- Inner Truth – The energy and pressure to know why.
  • Gate 62 – Small details – Preponderance of the small. This is the energy to put a name on things so we can analyze them..

Here are charts for Hunter Thompson, Richard Branson and A.J. Foyt who were born under the cross of Obscuration. The four gates of the cross of Obscuration are circled in blue on the chart for Hunter Thompson.

Check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation Cross of Wishes

What do Eddie Albert of Green Acres fame and Kevin Kline from a Fish called Wanda have in common? They were both born under the Cross of Wishes.
Eddie Albert on green Acres probably wished the people who lived in his town were a little more normal, though perhaps he did get his wish with the lovely wife played by Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Kevin Kline wished he could have all the diamonds in a Fish called Wanda but he didn’t get them in the end. Or did he?

Join us as we discuss the cros of Wishes on the BlogTalk Radio show. It is recorded so you didn’t miss a thing.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Wishes.

  • Gate 3 – Ordering – Difficulty in the Beginning – Once we make change or mutate we must finish the change into a new form of structure.
  • Gate 50 – Values – the Cauldron – Preservation which is achieved by the act of nurturing.
  • Gate 41 – Contraction – Decrease – This is rhythmic expanding energy but in order to fuel the expansion it first needs to contract. This energy can feel like melancholy.
  • Gate 31 – Leading – Influence – This is the energy to lead and step forward to voice that leadership in certain situations. This is leadership to the cohesive collective.

Here are charts for Eddie Albert and Kevin Kline who were born under the cross of Wishes. The four gates of the cross of Wishes are circled in blue on the chart for Kevin Kline.

check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation Cross of Separation

The Left angel Incarnation cross of Separation contains the energy and rhythm to realize when it is time to separate and move on. A key aspect of this is to realize when we are done with an experience coupled with being open to new things.

Take a look a our two celebrities Prince and Kim Bassinger. Prince was a rock icon in the midst of hugely wide popularity. His movie and album purple rain drew vast attention from the public and media. And then an interesting thing happened. He decided he wanted to change the experience and so he changed his name into a symbol. This certainly changed things because all the radio an media now had to refer to him as the artist formerly known as Prince as there was no way to say the symbol on the radio. I’m not sure if that was what Prince was after but it sure did make a change.

Kim Bassinger was a budding actress in the 1980’s with a great deal of popularity. Yet she struggled with the popularity and diminished in visibility from the public eyc. She was married a couple times, the latest to Alec Baldwin. After they divorced in 2001, she went to great lengths to keep him separated from their daughter.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of the Separation.

  • Gate 22 – Openness – Grace – This is the energy to openly share emotional experiences with others. This is a gate of being social.
  • Gate 47 – Realizing – Oppression – This is abstract thinking and the energy to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together or filter out the one nugget from the mass of data that makes sense. There is a lot of pressure in this process.
  • Gate 5 -Fixed Rhythm – Waiting – This energy is being in sync with the natural rhythms and may be visible in eating, sleeping and working.
  • Gate 35 – Change – Progress – This is the energy that can tell us what the experience has been about and how we should change are approach, if necessary, to make it different.

Here are charts for Prince who were born under the cross of the Separation. The four gates of the cross of the Separation are circled in blue on the chart for Prince.

Check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation Cross of Planning

Michael Jackson, Tony Randall and President John F Kennedy. I guess you could call that an odd couple. But they are paired together as they are all born under the Incarnation cross of Planning.
The cross of Planning brings together the channel of the family or tribe with energy that is talented, enthusiastic and focused. So in essence people born under this cross will focus and be enthusiastic on things that enrich or move their “family” forward.

Take a look at Michael Jackson. You could sum up the King of Pop as talented and focused with an extreme sense of dedication to his family. So much so that he built Neverland as his own family retreat.
Imagine the planning that took. Also, if you look at some of his most popular songs you will find they often have an enthusiastic element within them. In the movie, “This is it”,  released after his death you can see glimpses of the intense focus he had on the music, the sound the choreography that went into each number.

Tony Randall had a long career in TV, film and stage. He is probably best known for his role as Felix in the TV show The Odd Couple. In his role as Felix, Tony portrayed many aspects of this cross, always planning and working to keep the family of he and Oscar together. In a broader sense he always had a hand in trying to keep the poker playing tribe of guys moving forward in their own lives. In real life Tony  of shared his enthusiasm for Opera.

John F. Kennedy was also a  loyal family man. It was perhaps Kennedy’s Family values coupled with his talent for speaking, his enthusiasm and focus that helped propel him into the White House. I think it was possible that voters could sense the energetic message of his cross stating, “I am talented and focused to lead this tribe, the USA,  forward through the perils and concerns of the cold war”

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of the Planning.

  • Gate 37 – Friendship – The Family – This is the energy to be part of a community or group to be one in kinship and to be part of the tribe.
  • Gate 40 – Aloneness – Deliverance – When one lives alone they have personal freedom to live according to their will.
  • Gate 9 – Focus – the taming power of the small – This is energy that can be extremely focused on the pertinent details but can also become hyper focused and get lost.
  • Gate 16 – Skills – Enthusiasm – This is energy that is talented as it comes out of the throat to express itself and generate enthusiasm.

Here are charts for Michael Jackson, Tony Randall and John F. Kennedy who were born under the cross of the Planning. The four gates of the cross of the Planning are circled in blue on the chart for Michael Jackson.

Check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation cross of Individualism

While individual in nature, the cross of Individualism is a left angle cross and so people born under it will be oriented toward bringing their individual energy into their interactions with others. The net result will be other people get it or not. Regardless of the lean in your political direction, I would bet that there were perhaps a few times you thought, “I don’t get it” during the 8 year reign of George W. Bush in the U.S. presidential office. Part of this can be explained by this individual energy George had in his cross.

Actor Sylvestor Stallone is probably best known for his Rocky movies. In a way, these movies represent the individual energy and effort required to make Rocky into the boxing king. It is all about his training, his concentration, and his struggle and over coming struggle, to be the hero the movies portray. Sylvestor and the energies of the cross of Individualism contributed greatly to making this one man’s effort a believable saga.

Actress Dyan Cannon was also born under the cross of Individualism. In Dyan’s case it seems that she put together a career of individual efforts. While she had the trade mark of her blonde curly hair, her resume of movies contains an array of different roles and characters that is not so typical of the actresses of her era.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of the Individualism.

  • Gate 57 – Intuition – The Gentle – An instant knowing what to do, how to act, what step to take,
  • Gate 51 – Shock – Arousing – A wake up call to the spirit. A jolt to bring love of all things to light.
  • Gate 38 – The Fighter – Opposition – This is the energy to wrestle and move through dilemma or inability to see value in something.
  • Gate 39 – Provocateur – Obstruction/Hardship – This is the energy to push buttons with the intention of getting unstuck.

Here are charts for George W. Bush, Sylvester Stallone and Dyan Cannon who were born under the cross of the Individualism. The four gates of the cross of  Individualism are circled in blue on the chart for George W. Bush.

Check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation cross of the Unexpected

If you are born under the Incarnation cross of the Unexpected you may expect some twists and turns in life. But don’t jump to the conclusion that it is all bad. Take a look a singer Katy Perry and all her recent success. She just wrapped up a 122 date concert tour. She has had five #1 singles off her latest album. She married her love, actor Russell Brand last year. Life can be pretty good for the unexpected.
But her success was a more recent twist. Her first album in 2001 was unsuccessful and her second album was never released.

John Belushi’s life took a twist that proved fatal. As you may remember, John died of a drug overdose in 1982. Even his death took a few twists. At first it was ruled accidental. Two months later his girlfriend admitted in an interview that she had been with him and given him the lethal dose. The case which had been closed was reopened and she pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and served 15 months in prison.

Barbara Steisand’s life has taken twists and turns through a variety of artists venues. She has spent her life acting on Broadway, singing, then acting in movies, returning to Broadway and then back to singing. She has been quite successful at each stop with some down years nestled in between.

So why the twists and turns? The primary driver of the unexpected comes from the gate 28, sometimes called the game player and often referred to as struggle. This an energy of understanding life and it’s value. Each phase of one’s life can take on a twisting or turning until the real value of that phase clicks into place. Of course the energy of the other 3 gates come into play as well. In Human Design it is all about how the energies come together.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of the Unexpected.

  • Gate 28 – Game Player – Preponderance of the Great – This is an energy that is working it’s way through aspects of life trying to get to a deeper meaning with the aspects of the physical reality
  • Gate 27 – Caring – Nourishing – This is loving energy to care for and sustain the body and life so it can continue on.
  • Gate 41 – Contraction – Decrease – This is rhythmic expanding energy but in order to fuel the expansion it first needs to contract. This energy can feel like melancholy.
  • Gate 31 – Leading – Influence – This is the energy to lead and step forward to voice that leadership in certain situations. This is leadership to the cohesive collective.

Here are charts for John Belushi, Katy Perry and Barbara Streisand who were born under the cross of the Unexpected. The four gates of the cross of the Unexpected are circled in blue on the chart for John Belushi.

check out our discussion of this cross on our radio show. Click to Listen.
(Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)

Incarnation Cross of Demands

If you look at the energies of the 4 gates that make up the Incarnation cross of Demands, they are all very demanding.  LOL!  I am sort of teasing my radio show co-host, the Rev. Ric but if we look closer there is a thread of truth to this claim. The energies to some degree are demanding. They demand stillness, demand depth and demand securing what is needed to bring joy to life. This is a cross that demands betterment in life.

Now of course there is duality and one can choose to ignore the calls of their energetic design, but people born under this cross will internally be pushed to be still, dig deep and go out and bring back the things that make this a better life.

Besides Rev. Ric, our other 2 featured charts this week are of Anthony Hopkins and Michael Phelps.

Anthony Hopkins has always struck me as an actor that is driven to go the distance, to go that extra mile so he can really get into his part. There is a real attitude of preparedness when he graces the stage.In Silence of the Lambs and the other movies in this series, he is disturbingly good as a psychotic serial killer, Hannibal Lector. According to Wikipedia, he was quoted as saying that he goes over and over his lines, as many as 200 times, so that he can say them naturally without even thinking about them. Mr. Hopkins has certainly brought the joy to life to movie goers everywhere even if we were a bit scared!

Michael Phelps, also has demonstrated, that drive, hunger and devotion through his swimming prowess. Obviously, he was gifted with the near perfect body for swimming, but his energy has propelled him to accomplishments that very few have ever achieved. Also, in Michael I think in Michael you really see how the stillness works into the mix as well. All of that training and repetition. It has helped to allow him the depth of focus that he puts into action in the big races.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Demands.

  • Gate 52 – Inaction – Keeping Still – By being still, one can take in the bigger picture creating more depth to what you are trying to bring into focus.
  • Gate 58 – Aliveness – Joyous – This is bringing joy to life through the use of a great product or an efficient process.
  • Gate 21 – The Hunter/Huntress – Biting Through – This is energy to go out and get what is needed to survive.
  • Gate 48 – Depth – The Well – This is the drive to dig into things in a broad or deep way to further understanding and bring about foundation.

Here are charts for Michael Phelps, Anthony Hopkins and our own Rev. Ric who were born under the cross of Demands. The four gates of the cross of Demands are circled in blue on the chart for Michael Phelps. (Click on any image for Larger version of that image.)
#Note – Michael Phelps birth time is unknown so this chart may not be completely accurate. I have provided 2 different charts, to highlight and illustrate some differences in his possible design. Regardless of his birth time, all charts that day do fall under the Incarnation cross of demands.

Incarnation cross of Cycles

People born under the Incarnation cross of Cycles are born with 2 channels that drive their design. These two channels define the three centers that they connect so all people born under this cross will have the Root, Spleen and Sacral centers defined. This means that they will be a Generator or Manifesting Generator and are designed to have energy to make progress and move forward with a periodic or cyclical rhythm.

The 54-32 channel of Transformation which connects the Root to the Spleen center, is energy that is driven to work its way up the hierarchy or push forward change. The 53-42 channel of Maturation which connects the Root to the Sacral, is energy that has a cyclical wave, staring, then growing stronger, moving forward, and then easing into the finish.

Bill Cosby whose Mandala is pictured above, was born under the cross of cycles. As you look back over his career as a comedian, you see a steady progression of development of projects for TV and film that he managed or participated in. He started as a stand up comedian and then progressed to TV with the Bill Cosby show, Fat Albert and the kids, and the more successful The Cosby Show. At a macro level, each effort went through this cycle of development, progression and maturity that is embodied in the energy of these 4 gates that create these two channels.

I think if you look on a micro level at the detail of some of Bill’s stand up routines, and some of his TV episodes you will see the cycle and progression of the energy as well.

The pattern exists in his personal education as well. He left Temple university to pursue his career as a comedian before graduating, but returned to finish and get his degree. He then went on to get an MA from the University of Massachusetts.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Cycles.

  • Gate 42 – Growth – Increase – This is the energy at the end of a cycle, and as we let go of what is completing we make room for new growth or increase.
  • Gate 53 – Beginnings – Development – This is the energy of starting a new project or venture or a new page for an old one.
  • Gate 54 – Ambition – The Marrying Maiden – This is energy that is looking to work its way up, to climb the ladder to a higher position or a greater place of being.
  • Gate 32 – Continuity – Duration – This is energy that picks up, or smells when change is needed for stability or knows when things are safe to remain.

Here is the chart for Bill Cosby born under the cross of Cycles. The four gates of the cross of Cycles are circled in blue. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation Cross of Tension

People born under the cross of Tension have energy to push through, bite through, provoke and or get to depth to have a clearer understanding or deeper knowing. This combination of energies may not always feel comfortable to themselves or others, especially if it is taken personally, but it is a real gift because it is designed to enable us to work through things that may have us feeling stuck.

The energy is designed to help those born under this cross as well as those around them make progress through potentially difficult waters.

Here we have the mandala for J.R.R. Tolkien born under the cross of Tension. His books the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy enable the reader to examine several concepts that humankind has explored for thousands of years. Tolkien in his stories takes us very deeply in the topic of Good verses Evil. His imagery and imagination provokes the mind to delve deeper into this contemplation, and to examine the conflict of good and evil through the eyes of many species such as Elves, Hobbits, Wizards and Trees. With the ring, Tolkien directs our focus on the topic of power and the obsession to be in control of power. He also helps us examine the lure of being a God of sorts with the ability to disappear.

P.T. Barnum also born under the cross of Tension is probably best known for his circus which had many names but in the early years was called, “P. T. Barnum’s Grand Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan & Hippodrome,” a traveling circus, menagerie and museum of freaks. The presentation of these oddities is a classic cross of Tension ruse to get us to examine what is normal, what is special and what is weird with in our lives and for others.

Barnum was also involved in politics  addressing racism and around 1850 was involved in a hoax that involved a weed that would turn black people white. He produced minstrel shows that used double edged humor and utilized  satire of whites racist attitudes.

Barnum always said his shows were designed to line his coffers, but through his work he gave the public an opportunity to examine their understanding of their attitudes about people, places and things in life. His presentation was not always comfortable for everyone in the audience but underlying it was this energy of tension, with the potential to move us to a deeper place.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Consciousness.

  • Gate 39 – Provocation – Obstruction – energy to needle or poke to get stuck energy unstuck.
  • Gate 38 – Fighter – Opposition – energy to physically push through the struggle of understanding to a clearer place of knowing.
  • Gate 48 – Depth – The Well – energy driven to go deep into detail or wide into breadth to clearly understand the logic of a situation or process.
  • Gate 21 – Huntress/Hunter – Biting Through – energy to go get what we need and want.

Here are charts for J.R.R. Tolkien, Mel Gibson, and P.T. Barnum, all born under the cross of Tension. . The four gate of the cross of Tension are circled in blue on the chart for  J.R.R. Tolkien. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of Consciousness

People born under the cross of Consciousness are under pressure to make sense of certain aspects of the world. They are here to bring rhythm and change into are lives. They are here to make us aware of aspects of our lives so we can follow a progression of change or choose to stay the way we are. But whether we change or not the awareness they bring cannot be ignored.

Walt Disney spent most of his life bringing change to the way people experience  life. Through his cartoons and movies he gave people art, entertainment and the opportunity to explore patterns. Often it included age old contemplations of concepts like good verses evil.

Through his theme parks he gave people an opportunity into a wide variety of experiences. At Disney World, you can experience the thrill of roller coasters and log flumes, take a quiet boat ride through the jungle, plunge below the surface in a submarine or ride through the plains of wild animals from Africa. At Epcot you can sample foods from all over the world and learn of cultures from near and far.  It seems a major theme of  his life was to bring this awareness to each person he touched.

For many years Paul Harvey was a radio news broadcaster for ABC radio. At his peak he reached 24 million listeners a day. He delivered the news with a rhythm and a flair for making the listener aware of what was happening in the world. He would typically add in human interest story, dubbed “The rest of the story”,  to add to the listeners experience.  He also did the commercials for sponsors in an informative way as opposed to a big sales pitch. He often spoke about how things were changing by presenting the facts so you could decide if the change was good or not. Each day you could listen to Paul Harvey and he would bring an awareness into your life.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of  Consciousness.

  • Gate 64 – Confusion – Before Contemplation – This is the recognition of lots of elements that are related but asks the question, “How do these all fit together?”
  • Gate 63 -Doubt – After Contemplation – This is logical energy that judges the validity of a pattern or product and asks, “Does this work?”
  • Gate 5 -Fixed Rhythm – Waiting – This energy is being in sync with the natural rhythms and may be visible in eating, sleeping and working.
  • Gate 35 – Change – Progress – This is the energy that can tell us what the experience has been about and how we should change are approach, if necessary,  to make it different.

Here are charts for Walt Disney, Paul Harvey and Beyonce Knowles, all born under the cross of Consciousness. The four gate of the cross of Consciousness are circled in blue on the chart for Walt Disney. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of the Sleeping Phoenix

What is behind the scenes that makes people act, behave and pursue their dreams the way that they do? “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind”, or that is how Bob Dylan might put it. From the Human Design perspective the answer is in the solar winds, or I should say the solar rotation that affects the stream of neutrino energy that sets up our wiring at birth. A key piece of that wiring or your Human Design is the energy from the sun and earth that create the incarnation cross. This week we are going to talk about the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

This cross brings together a powerful combination of gates including the 34-20 channel of Charisma. This channel is a motorized energy which carries energy from the Sacral center to the Throat center. This channel defines both those centers and makes anyone who has it, including all Sleeping Phoenix’s,  a Manifesting Generator type. So there is a lot of energy “to do” in this cross.

However, I have always felt that this cross carries a bit of the mystical qualities of the mythical Phoenix, rising from the ashes followed by a flurry of activity that creates something magical, then bursting into flames and turning to ashes, to rise again on another day . Thus,  I see pronounced cycles in this incarnation cross.

Where do the cycles come from you ask? Well if we start with the 34-20, this channel is powered by the sacral and the sacral has a built in cycle. A defined cycle starts churning when we wake up and powers us through the day and then burns out at night. So we have a daily cycle. Now add to it the gate 59 a gate of reproductive energy. Reproduction has a cycle that is much longer. As humans, our gestation period is 9 months and the cycle of being fertile for woman is from about 13 to 50. Add in gate 55, the gate of Spirit and you have another cyclical element. This gate is in an emotional channel that flows in a wave up and down over time. If you think about it, your spirit may be always present, but there are times when it is quiet and times that it bursts forth. So together we have blend of cycles ranging from daily to when years.

Bob Dylan has been that Phoenix of sorts. He has been a constant in the music scene, but over the years he has risen to prominence and then faded back and then risen again, time after time.

Scarlett Johansson burst on the scene as a young actress and was very present for a few movies and I would say has faded a bit as of late. If you follow my logic look for Scarlett to burst forth again at some point in the future.

Here are the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

  • Gate 34 – Power – This is raw sacral power and the gate with the most potential energy in the system as it can create three motorized channels.
  • Gate 20 – Now – Contemplation – This is the voice of now, perhaps your Facebook status?.
  • Gate 55 – Spirit – Abundance – This is the emotional energy and expression of spirit.
  • Gate 59 – Sexuality – Dispersion – This is the energy of sexuality and the drive to continue the species.

Here are charts for Bob Dylan, Scarlett Johansson and Barb Andrew, all born into the cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of Contagion

Put simply people born on the cross of Contagion are here to spread the mutation. What that mutation is depends on the individual carrying the cross. It could be something as simple as getting more people to use sporks, (a cross between a fork and a spoon), or something more complex like the understanding of Human Design.

Radio Show Link

The four energies that come together in this cross are desire, commitment, channeled energy to achieve with an  expressionistic style.  Two of the energies carry a theme of mutation so it is highly likely that what is being spread is new or a new look on an old idea.

My Human Design teacher, Karen Curry, a cross of  Contagion,  has been spreading the word about Human Design for many years. Human Design contains components like the I Ching and astrology which have been around for centuries yet through Human Design they have come together through synergy, assimilation and mutation to give us a new understanding of how human action and interaction works.

Karen also has a passion to help people live joyful enlightened lives. She does this through offerings at her primary web site Quantum Alignment.

Ted Turner, the media, mogul literally put together a mechanism to spread information. He was one of the pioneers to put together a TV super-station, using satellite broadcasting to connect  independent stations across the United States in order to compete with the major networks. In addition to his flagship WTBS, he added other ways of spreading the word with the Cartoon Network, CNN, TNT movie channel and many more.

Turner has also been passionate about conservation and has land holdings over 2 million acres which he farms in innovative and ecological friendly ways. He has a bison herd of over 50,000 animals which he has put together to save the species and potentially make them a sustainable farming product.

H.P. Lovecraft was an author of “Horror Fiction”. During his life he was not widely known, but through the years after his death in 1937,  he has become more famous.  Modern day horror writer Stephen King attributes his fascination with horror and macabre was due in a large part to the works of H.P. Lovecraft. So despite his death at an early age,  his influence in the spreading of the distorted, twisted tales continue.

Here are  the gate names, the I Ching names, followed by brief descriptions for the 4 gates of the cross of Contagion.

  • Gate 8 – Contribution – Holding Together –  This is individual creative energy which connected to the throat that creates self expression. Since it is individual energy it can be mutative energy.
  • Gate 14 – Power Skills – Possession in great measure –  This is the energy to do the things that empower us. It is the energy of self empowerment.
  • Gate 29 – Saying Yes – The Abysmal – This is the energy of commitment. As the I Ching name Abysmal implies if we are not selective in our commitment we can be pouring our energy into a deep hole.
  • Gate 30 – Recognition of Feelings – The Clinging Fire – This is a yearning or an emotional desire. This energy pushes us as individuals to new experiences that may not benefit the individual but generally results in benefiting the collective.

Here are charts for Karen Curry, Ted Turner and H.P. Lovecraft, all born into the cross of Contagion. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation cross of Explanation

What do Whoopi Goldberg, Anne Hathaway and Dennis Rodman have in common? Well if you answered they all played for the same basketball team you are incorrect. The correct answer is they are all born into the Incarnation cross of Explanation.

The incarnation cross of Explanation carries a unique channel of self expression and individual knowing. This channel, the 43-23,  carries the nickname of the “freak to genius” channel. This is due to the fact that the expression coming from this channel is very individual in nature and at times can be so strange or new that no one gets it. On the other hand the information contained in this expression can be such a fascinating way of looking at something that it can leave people in awe of the genius to come up with such an idea.

The other two gates; gate 4,  contains the energy to evaluate a pattern and create a hypothesis about that pattern and the other gate 49 is the gate of revolution.

In general when you blend this all together you have the energy to logically evaluate what is going on and then lend an individual commentary or expression about it. In some cases it might agree with the status quo and in other cases it might drastically be different.

If you google “Dennis Rodman pictures” you will find that he has a drastically different fashion sense from the status quo. I might call it freakish but others might call him a genius 😉

Here is a brief description of the 4 gates of the cross of Explanation.

  • Gate 23 – Assimilation – Bringing a structured understanding to possibly complex knowing, perhaps simplified into an individualized concept.
  • Gate 43 – Insight – This is the “I know” gate because it is unique understanding in an individual way. People with this gate without the gate 23 may say “I know” or “you know” frequently.
  • Gate 4 – Formulization – Nick named “the answer”, this gate evaluates patterns and proposes the are correct or how they are wrong. But really this is just the hypothesis, hence the I Ching name Youthful Folly.
  • Gate 49 – Revolution – If it works it is good but if it doesn’t it is time for a change.

Here are charts for Whoopi Goldberg, Anne Hathaway, and Dennis Rodman all born into the cross of Explanation. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation – Cross of the Four Ways

The Incarnation cross of the Four Ways represents the coming together of 4 energies that each have a voice in where we humans are going. There is a real evolution written here in the 4 gates
as each gate has a way for us as humans to go.

Gate 24 is a mental gate. It is looking at something repeatedly trying to come to a deeper understanding. It’s guidance forward is through understanding.

Gate 33 is a manifesting gate. It caries the story of our experience but it is also directing us to be keep secrets. Not all of our experiences should be shared.

Gate 44 is about alerting the troops to coming needs. This is about what we need to do to  preserve our selves and is rooted in fears of the past.

Gate 19 is to have a sensitivity about what we are doing to our world. The approach to the future is to make sure we take care of all of us. This means that we need to care for the earth and it’s resources as a way to approach the future.

Here is a brief description of the 4 gates of the cross of the Four Ways.

  • Gate 19 – Sensitivity – As we as a tribe approach living as spiritual being together we need to be sensitive to how we live physically.
  • Gate 44 – Coming to meet- Identification of what we need to due now, to be prepared for the future, but based on our past experience.
  • Gate 33 – Manifesting Privacy – As we bring together the experience of the collective we need privacy to be ourselves.
  • Gate 24 – Returning – Rationalizing over and over until we as individuals truly understand.

Here are charts for Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld who are two different versions of the cross of the Four Ways. (Click on image for Larger image)

Incarnation – Cross of Laws

The Incarnation cross of Laws is focused upon building, creating and keeping structures in place to ensure safety and continuity. The laws can pertain to the structure of anything from a family to money, to an international community. Without structure there can become chaos and lack of order so structure has played and important role in creating community, countries and civilizations.

However, there is an interesting dynamic at work here because most structures resist change. Instead of mutation most structural change comes through a new layer of rules or laws. The tax code in the United States and Health care reform are two prime examples of this. Over the past decades instead of recreating the structure, our politicians have just added layers of new law upon the old. In the case of the tax law, even though there have been candidates that have proposed eliminating the old system with a new straight percentage graduated system, they have been dismissed mostly out of hand as there is fear that removing the old structure would lead to chaos.

(The Mandala to the left is of the cross of Laws and can help you understand how crosses are formed. Click on the image to the left to enlarge it. This will allow you to see how the cross is formed. The cross is created by the gates of the I Ching in the Sun and Earth, from the two critical points in time, the time of birth and 88 days before birth which is the point when the soul crystal is planted.)

Here is a brief description of the 4 gates of the cross of Laws.

  • Gate 3 – Ordering – Once we make change or mutate we must finish the change into a new form of structure.
  • Gate 50 – Values – Preservation which is achieved by the act of nurturing.
  • Gate 60 – Acceptance/Limitation – We must accept what we have got and limit changes so not to rock the boat.
  • Gate 56 – Sensation/Wanderer – The perception of continuity of what we are sensing as we explore what is around us.

So quite simply, people born under the cross of Laws are here to keep us safe, help provide continuity and structure. A key strategy for someone on this cross is to strive for balance between the old and the new. Structures serve there purpose but they cannot last forever. A cross of Laws may be a parent but the child eventually grows up and then the structure must change one way or the other.

Chart of James Woods and Jim Cary who are two different versions of the cross of Laws. (Click on image for Larger image)

The Sounds of Spirit, Melancholy and Freedom

Emotional energy expands and contracts. It lifts us up towards joy and ecstasy and then it contracts and we fall back toward earth in the form of sadness or melancholy. We can drown ourselves in our sorrow or we can utilize the melancholy in a creative and productive ways. In fact melancholy can be a great fuel for creativity. As we work away expressing the melancholy, often we begin to release the sorrow and spark the emotional energy to rise.

I began to ponder this as I was drawn to songs by Sara Bareilles, Jewel and the Carpenters.  In the 3 songs below, the artists sing mired in melancholy expressing the sad side of the gate 55, the Gate of Spirit. Gate 55 is an emotional gate which is about expressing our spirit or our spiritual feelings. Richard Rudd in his book of Genekeys writes, “The gift of the gate 55 is freedom”. We are talking about freedom of the spirit to transcend our physical bodies and be emotionally free to mingle in ecstasy with the collective energies of the divine. You might even say being in or part of heaven.

Take a few minutes to listen to these 3 performances. See if you can feel the melancholy working its way to try and find the emotional freedom of spirit. Also see if you notice that there is a slight difference in the authenticity of the expression of the melancholy. Both Sara and Jewel have the gate 55 defined but Karen and Richard Carpenter do not have the 55 defined. I think as you listen you will here more depth to the melancholy in Jewel and Sara and perhaps a slight hollowness in Karen’s song.

On a side note see if you here Jewels undefined G, taking the hurt personally, almost saying “You don’t really love me”.

Here are the charts for the 4 artists.

Gates of Direction – The cross of the Sphinx

The Gates of the incarnation cross of the Sphinx are here to provide direction. Even if you do not carry any of these gates you receive direction as you encounter individuals that carry this cross. Each gate has an orientation of direction. Ra uses a metaphor of the car to illustrate this. Gate 2 is the driver and also home to the magnetic monopole. The monopole is the magnetic energy that pulls you through life and also attracts things to you. As you can imagine the driver has the best view that is made up of multiple lines of sight. Gate 13 is looking in the rear view mirror. They only know what has gone by but can use that to determine how to go forward. Gate 7 is looking through the windshield watching for what is in the future. They know nothing of the past. Gate 1 is in the passenger seat, not really looking out but contemplating the here and now as the car moves forward. They are in the moment.

In this diagram I have highlighted the 4 gates of direction. As you can see they are all of the G or Identity center. They are here to provide direction for the all of us Humans.

In this chart below we breakdown the different aspects of the gates. The chart gives the direction of orientation, the Gate name and the I’Ching name. As you can see the directional aspect of each gate in the chart is different. While Sphinx’s do have all 4 of these gates,  they will give you direction as oriented by their lead gate.

(Click on chart for a larger view.)

Here are sample charts for George Clooney actor, Bob Cousy basketball legend which is of the incarnation cross of the Sphinx.

In the chart below you can see that Suz has the gate 13 as her lead gate, (circled in red). By looking at the chart above, we see that gate 13 provides direction by looking at the past. Suz guidance or direction to you will be based on her view of what has been. This direction does not necessarily come verbally, it may come to you just in passing by spending a moment or longer in the energy of Suz.

The Gates of Love

There are many places that the expressions of love can come from within the Human Design system. As we approach Valentine’s Day, let us take a look at some of the gates and examine what kind of love they may pour forth. The table below gives a detailed look at some the love of some of the gates.

Gate # Gate Name Gate Expression of Love
6 Friction-Conflict This is a gate of intimacy. Be it sexual, friendship or a professional relationship this gate is in control of expressing are you inside the inner circle or outside.
25 Innocence This is unconditional love. This love is cool to the touch. Love that is the same whether it is for a rock, a person or the ocean. It holds the energy of the spirit of the self.
27 Nourishment This is a love of caring. To feed, to nourish, to help give what is needed to children or those in need of being cared for. This energy love to control the caring.
37 Family This is the love of being part and parcel in a group, family or community. This is love that is willing to sacrifice individual needs and freedom for the good of the group.
45 Gathering Together This is a love of being in control of the material goods or the land. Through this control they can have others do the work and reap the benefits. This is a gate of a Monarch.
46 Determination This is the love of flesh or the love of being in physical form. It can be the love of physical touching or being touched.
48 The Well – Depth The love is in the detail here. This energy loves, in fact craves finding the depth of the information to make a complete project or find foundation in a logical thought process.
50 The Cauldron – Values This is the love of values as in family or tribal values. It is a fatherly love of custodianship and providing for.

Here are two charts of people who have the incarnation cross of the vessel of love. This cross is driven to share love in many ways. As you can see several of the gates described above are in their charts.

Jewel Kilcher – Expression of Spirit

In this song Jewel epitomizes the gate 55 line 5. As you can see from her chart she carries this in her unconscious sun. Your sun and earth gates are the most influential in your design. Gate 55.5 is known to be the embodiment voice of Spirit or the voice of God. It carries the spirit which is the definition of gate 55 and in line 5 it is projected outward for the world to see. Listen to the song and see how it shines through.

In additon, Jewel voices the energy of the defined throat and the empathy for the open throat. In this song she sings, “Where there is a man who has no voice, I will go there singing.”.

Jewels Chart

1 is the lonliest number …

solar_will_throatThis line from a Beatles song was going through my head as I awoke from a dream this morning. The dream had been about the 37-40 channel in Human design which involves community and aloneness. The 40 (gate 40) is about being a part of the family and community. Community has rules and to be part and parcel you follow the rules and do your part. The gate 37 is about being alone. You can do your own thing as there are no rules to follow. Being part of a family or community is a bargain where you give up certain freedoms and take on certain tasks to be a part of the community.

The story in the dream was about a person I recently encountered. They were very willful and often pushy about what they wanted to do or what they wanted to have. Most of the time they wanted it NOW!  In Human Design this willful push comes from the  gate 21 the Hunter Gatherer.  When this is a push to manifest in a purely individual way  supercedes the flow of the community or family and it can push the person out of the community into aloneness.

The message here is clear.  Being part of community or family is all about going with the flow. We can still get what we want most of the time and still be part of our family, friends or community as long as we do it within the flow. The more we push to make things happen our way, on our schedule,  the more we break the bonds that tie us to the groups that we want to be a part of, and the more we push ourselves toward aloneness. There is a high degree of aloneness in the world and I believe a lot of it is driven by instant gratification. Let me take care of me right now. But falling for the instant gratification is actually punishing us with aloneness down the road.

Compromise is the key. Don’t allow the ego control and the push for now, now, now. Make compromise and go with the flow and you will find yourslef part of the whole, your family, and or your group. Compromise, you’ll be glad you did!