February 23, 2025

Profile 6-2 Role Model/Hermit steping into the light or not?

The 6-2 profile is an interesting blend of personality energies. The 2nd line hermit in combination with the 6th line progression of life stages can lead to 3 distinct expressions in the life of a 6-2.To understand the stages lets focus on the progression of the the 6th line.

In the first 28 years or until Saturn returns the 6th line is introspective and experimental. Coupled with the the hermit of the 2nd line this can be quiet or reserved self experimenting individual. Though through their experimentation they may have burst of energetic expression or what might seem like explosions from their somewhat reserved personalities. The 2nd line hermit will keep pulling them into being alone, but the friends of the individual will call them out.  Overall there is an intensity to the inward focus with both the 2nd and 3rd lines being inward. But as the 6-2 approaches age 28 the 6th line will give up the experimentation and head for the roof.

From 28 to around 50 the 6th line is up on the roof. This is a more aloof time for the 6th line and they are no peering outward, looking at how other people do things. They are trying to learn about life through the results of others and then pulling in this wisdom and internalizing it. The roof can feel muted and less engaged. Again with the 2nd line they will want to be alone and be called out. Perhaps developing a cycle or rhythm or pattern or withdrawing then going out.

At 50 or around the return of Kyron the 6-2 is ready to come down off the roof and be the role model. Through the self experimentation of the younger years and the observation of the middle years the 6-2 has assembled a wealth of wisdom to be shared. But while the 6-2 is a social being they are reserved. The role model will not be preachy but come out when called upon. This can be a dilema to the 6-2 and those around them. They can seem aloof or not engaged. But in reality they are waiting for that call out when they can supply their role model wisdom for the benefit of themselves and others.

Here is an example of 6-2 chart.

Openness In Our Charts

In Human Design, we often focus on the defined areas in our charts or the areas that are colored in. But it is often the open areas that control or create ripples in our lives. These are the white areas in our charts and we are open to being conditioned by those around us. We should  live the expressions from these areas less frequently, but when we are conditioned, we take on the habit of living our openness  in a defined way. When we live our conditioning it can impact our lives.

Take the example of a mother who has a defined will center. This mother will be able to have consistent access to will energy. The will center is also home to the ego, so will energy is pushy and is often about me or what I want. A child of this mother, who has an open will center can grow up amplifying will energy. Using this will energy can become a habit.  As this child grows into an adult, if the conditioning is deep, they continue to use the will energy. But their system is not designed to handle will energy consistently. Their will center is undefined. Just like wiring in a house it is only rated for occasional usage. The will center is physically connected to the gall bladder and the heart. The result of over usage of will energy by this adult child can be gall bladder failure and or heart trouble. The best solution for the child is to de-condition or stop living the energy that they are not defined to live.

While this example is extreme, it is not an uncommon problem. All the areas in the Human Design system are connected to body parts or functions. Over use of energy in undefined areas from prolonged usage can result in physical illness. Thyroid issues, eating disorders, MS, etc can be related to living conditioning in the undefined circuitry.

In addition, consistently using energy that is not yours can come off as being phony. People are likely to feel a lack of sincerity or clarity from you.  Take the gate 17 which is to have opinions. If you are put in a job that is constantly requiring your opinions, yet you are not defined in the gate 17 you may have trouble  being listened to. By design your opinions will come across inconsistently and not nearly as robust as someone who has defined opinions (gate 17). The solution is to work in a job that doesn’t require opinions all the time or work in partnership with someone who does have the gate 17 opinion energy.

The goal in Human Design is to be wise about our open areas. We can experience through the openness unlimited ways of experiencing the applicable energy. A person with an open solar plexus can feel and amplify emotions in unlimited ways. But on a daily basis we want to live out the consistency of our defined areas. That is how we are wired to live and that wring is integrated into our bodies and right on down to our genes.

Here are some sample charts that display openness. The open areas are circled in pink.

Profile 5-1 – Calling all ye Heretics

Okay, some of you 5-1 profiles out there kind of like the title Heretic and some of you shiver at the idea of being burned at the stake. But no matter what your position on that title, the bottom line for you is that in this life time the lead aspects of your personality are projected, The 5th line is a projection that is magnetic, alluring, repelling and it is not real. The basis of the projection is your design energies, be they shock, opinions, correction, joy to life, etc.

But the projection is not you actively expressing your energies so they are up to interpretation of the receiver. Since this is perception is almost all non verbal it is likely to be inaccurate or incomplete. So the people you meet will often form opinions or impressions of you that in the long term don’t match the real you underneath that projected field. Because of this dance of perception, it can become heavy and you are driven to escape the spotlight and be alone.

So 5th lines have this dilemma. The magnetic part of you wants the spotlight but after you have it for a while you need to get out. When you add in the driving need for change that also underlies the 5th line, we now have the Heretic. Someone who is calling for change yet we don’t  truly know who you are and what you stand for. You can see the duality here. Beauty and the Beast all in this one profile line.

With the second aspect of their profile being the 1st line, the Investigator, 5-1’s have a need for finding out the foundational details too. It is through the details that you can carry that projection forward. These details or skills that you achieve can help put foundation into the change that you are driven to make. In comparing the 1st lines of profiles  5-1 to a 1-3, the 5-1 will apply the investigation in a less consistent way. Typically the 1-3 is a fanatic about questions and detail where as the 5-1 will be investigative on a “need to know” basis.

Here are some charts of 5-1 profiles.

The Sacral Response

Generators and Manifesting Generators have a built in “self truth” detector that shows its presence in our earlier childhood years. Here let me take you back to your childhood…

Father: Please give me those scissors or you might cut yourself.

Son: Un-uh

Father: Please.

Son: Un-uh.

Or how about …

Mother: Would you like to go for Ice Cream?

Daughter: Un Huh!

You see, we know the sacral response when we are toddlers, yet our schools typically beat it out of us as we grow up. We must say the proper, Yes and No. But the Un-Huh(for yes) and un-uh(for no) are an instinctive hold overs that is tied directly to the sacral motor. This is the gut instinct. We should listen to it.Have you ever said,  “Un-Huh, I knew I was right!” The more we say the un-Huh and un-uh, the more it engages the sacral. This sacral motor is deeply tied to the body and has a knowing of what we need and what we don’t.

So if you have the Sacral center defined in your chart. it is colored red, then  grab a friend and you are on the way to “self truth” discovery. Simply have your friend ask you a series of simple yes and no questions. You respond appropriately with un-Huh and un-uh. Using the sound is very important as it gets the  motor going in a way that does not happen with yes and no. Use some simple set up questions like “Is your hair red?”, Do you drive a black car?” before getting to the questions you really want the answer to. The goal here is to get the mind out of the way. We are interested in what that gut instinct has to say about what is right for you.

Her are some additional tips.

  • Simple questions
  • Must be yes or no questions
  • Be clear/precise on time references in the questions. ( now, today ,tomorrow, next week)
  • Questions about the future will be less certain
  • Answer rapidly without thinking about it
  • Feel the connection to the gut as you say un-Huh and un-uh
  • Answer without emotion or will energy
  • If you have the 34-20 channel, from the sacral to the throat, don’t over due it.

I hope you will try this out and have some fun with it.

The Opportunist and Role model – The profile 4-6

The 4-6 profile is the only profile within the Human Design system were both lines  go through 3 different life stages. These stages are divided into the first 28 years of life, from 28-50 and after 50.

At birth a person born in a 4-6 profile lives as if they were a 1-3 profile. They investigate and look for the foundation of the 1st line. They take to experimenting like a 3rd line person. They have an inward focus and take the results of their investigations and experiments and internalize them. For example, “I came up on a stranger rather brusquely in the park and I got punched in the eye.  Why did that happen to me?”

Unfortunately for the 4-6 the investigation and experimentation does not work very well. There is something about the geometry of the energy where the internalization of the experiences and investigations that does not sit right.

So at age 28 around the Saturn return, the 4-6 changes perspective. Instead of an inward focus they venture “up on the roof.” From the roof the 4-6 shifts their perspective to become observational, with a focus on the actions and experiences of others. Now they watch. They see the results of others actions and they take the results of these and  draw them back to themselves. “Ah, when that person approached an apparent stranger in the park slowly, with their hand out stretched, they were greeted warmly. Now I see how I could do that too” The 4-6 on the roof lives somewhat removed or aloof from 28 to age 50, watching and observing.

At 50 or when their Chiron returns, the 4-6 comes off the roof. They now have the wisdom of the first 28 years and how things don’t work so well and also how it is to be inwardly focused. They also have the experience of 28-50 and outwardly focused having watched how it all works. The 4-6 is ready to step into their role model hood. This is not a pushy role model. This is the wise woman on the hill. If she is asked or it is worth her while she will get involved and help out. People will seek out the role model for their perceived value.

Here is a sample of a 4-6 chart.

The Gates of Love

There are many places that the expressions of love can come from within the Human Design system. As we approach Valentine’s Day, let us take a look at some of the gates and examine what kind of love they may pour forth. The table below gives a detailed look at some the love of some of the gates.

Gate # Gate Name Gate Expression of Love
6 Friction-Conflict This is a gate of intimacy. Be it sexual, friendship or a professional relationship this gate is in control of expressing are you inside the inner circle or outside.
25 Innocence This is unconditional love. This love is cool to the touch. Love that is the same whether it is for a rock, a person or the ocean. It holds the energy of the spirit of the self.
27 Nourishment This is a love of caring. To feed, to nourish, to help give what is needed to children or those in need of being cared for. This energy love to control the caring.
37 Family This is the love of being part and parcel in a group, family or community. This is love that is willing to sacrifice individual needs and freedom for the good of the group.
45 Gathering Together This is a love of being in control of the material goods or the land. Through this control they can have others do the work and reap the benefits. This is a gate of a Monarch.
46 Determination This is the love of flesh or the love of being in physical form. It can be the love of physical touching or being touched.
48 The Well – Depth The love is in the detail here. This energy loves, in fact craves finding the depth of the information to make a complete project or find foundation in a logical thought process.
50 The Cauldron – Values This is the love of values as in family or tribal values. It is a fatherly love of custodianship and providing for.

Here are two charts of people who have the incarnation cross of the vessel of love. This cross is driven to share love in many ways. As you can see several of the gates described above are in their charts.

Parenting and understanding the energetic side to family relationships

Parents benefit greatly from knowing their child’s Human Design.  Certain parenting strategies will work with some children and not with others.  Each child is unique and their chart gives you personalized insights that help you relate better to them.  These insights make your parenting approach more effective and your relationship more harmonious and joyful.

Human Design shows you how two people affect each other at an energy level.  It explains why a parent feels and behaves differently with one child vs. another.  When two people/charts come together in the same room, energies in centers can be amplified and gates and channels activated.  These energy connections can create challenges in the relationship.  Awareness and strategies can make a positive difference when this happens!

Here are the charts of a Mother and son and their composite chart which shows how their energy comes together.

Profile 3-5 Experiment and Project the way

Someone with a  3-5 profile in Human Design is driven to take the results of their experiences and use those to project change and what they see as the Truth to the rest of the world.  In Human Design the 3rd line is called the Martyr and the 5th line is called the Heretic. What follows explains why this profile carries such heavy names.

The 3rd line profile is driven to experiment with certain things or put themselves in situations so they can have an experience from which they extract truths. This process has an inward or self focus.  As they go through it they are constantly internalizing what is revealed and how this impacts them.  After synthesizing the impact, they then share the results with world or at least their local community. Because society judges some experiments as failures the 3rd line carries the moniker of Martyr.

The 5th line kicks in to share the results of these experiments/experiences in a projected way. In a broadcast like a movie projector, they not only say “Here is what I learned”, but also add, “This is how you should change your behavior or yourself to benefit from the Truth I have discovered.” The 5th line is driven to create this change, often geared toward changing the behavior of others. This projection also carries an absoluteness to it, as in “I know this is right.”  However since this energy is projected, it needs to be invited. People don’t want change unless they are ready for it. If the prognostications of the 5th line are not invited then the 5th line person can feel the oppression of rejection or the insult of being ignored. This is why the 5th line carries the moniker of the Heretic.

The 3-5 profile can be one of the more difficult profiles to feel at harmony with the rest of humanity. Between the projection not always being invited and the experiments being judged, the 3-5 person can feel pressure from the world to withdraw to get out of the heat. Yet the 5th line is determined to make change and will push the 3-5 out there again, to project the way.

Here are some charts with 3-5 profiles.
Click on charts for lager view.

By contrast, here is a chart of a 5-1 profile. While the center definition of all three charts are the same, the energy here is very different.

Profile 2-4, Come out come out where ever you are

People that have the 2-4 profile, the Hermit/Opportunist need a balance of being alone and being social. These people are often very socially integrated and have a bubbly or intriguing personality. These people of are the type that can start a conversation with anyone.

The 2nd line of the profile is called the hermit as it has a need to be alone or have seclusion. Part of the importance of the alone time is to allow integration of ideas and experiences to take place. The 2nd line needs to be out of the energy of others for this important integration to take place. However the 2nd line is not a successful hermit because others recognize that the 2nd line person can’t live in a cave. Thus the 2nd lines are extended invitations and called out of their hermit environment.

The 4th line of the profile is an opportunist and the opportunity comes through the network that this person is connected to.  For the 4th line person it is important to constantly be aware of opportunities that may present themselves through friends, family, peers etc. In connection with this, the 4th line person requires stability and foundation within core elements of their network. This foundation is to have stability in the core areas of job, housing and relationship. Most 4th lines will look to establish the new opportunity before severing the old.  With a job for example, 4th lines will typically secure the new job before giving notice at their current place of employment. If they are moving they will line up the new location before moving out of their current housing. The same could be said about the relationships for a 4th line person.

Here are some charts with 2-4 profiles.
Click on charts for lager view.

Profile 1-3 The Investigative Martyr

People with a 1-3 profile in their design have an inward focus. The are driven to investigate and look at the results of their experiences in an inward fashion. Often they may subconsciously ask the question, “How did that affect me?”

The 1st line of the profile, The 1 is motivated to find out the details surrounding any potential interaction. The details provide a foundation and stability that the 1st line personality resides on.  An example might be  going on vacation. The 1st line will often want to know: Where they are staying;  What activities are around the local area; How they are going to get to and from the airport and more. The answer to these questions may lead to more questions until that foundation is achieved. Not all 1st lines are created equal. Some, like in the case of Dulcy in the chart below will have their need for details amplified by the other aspects of their design. Dulcy has the gate 48 which longs for depth. Together with a 1st line profile she has a great drive for detail to make decisions. Others like Nina in the chart below may just feel the drive for investigation on things they are passionately involved in.

The 3rd line of the profile is driven to learn through experience or experimentation. Again the results of which are analyzed in “What affect did that have on me?”. It is through the experience of things that work well and things that don’t work so well that the 3rd line becomes wise about the best way to do things. Once the wisdom occurs the 3rd line will look to repeat the positive results and minimize or eliminate the negative or unproductive experiences.

Put together the aspects of the 1-3 profile provide us with experts on how to do things and more importantly how not too! You might hear a 1-3 say “Oh don’t do that, I tried that and it was  a disaster. Do it this way instead.” We should all be grateful for the work the 1-3’s have done to make our life better.

Here are 2 charts of 1-3’s.
Click to see large  view
Click to see large  view

Human Design – defined vs undefined

In Human design parts of your design are often talked about as being defined or undefined. Essentially when a part of your chart, either a center(a shape), a line (a channel) or a half line(a gate) is colored in it is considered defined. What this means is that the energy in this area or aspect of your character has a specific definition and your are designed to express that aspect in a consistent manner. You can draw and express this energy most if not all of the time.

For example, if you look at the chart of Natasha below, she has the gate 48, the half a black line coming off the Spleen going up to the throat. The gate 48 is about having depth and detail in the things you do. Since Natasha has this defined energy in her chart she is very likely to go into depth and detail in all the things that she does that she is inspired by. She will do this consistently.

The undefined areas in your design are the centers, the lines and the gates that are not colored in or are white. These areas are often also called open.  In the undefined areas, you experience an inconsistent expression of that particular energy. In the presence of someone else carrying that energy you can amplify the expression. But on your on you experience that energy in an inconsistent way. If you look at the chart of Victoria below, she has an open or undefined Sacral center. The Sacral center is the main motor and source of energy to do things.  Since Victoria’s Sacral center is undefined she will experience and express the energy to get things done in an inconsistent way. At times she may be Wonder Woman and really churn things out but at other times she may falter and lack energy to do anything.

We are designed to live out our defined energy. That is where we have consistent energy for doing and expressing. We are here to experience the undefined areas in unlimited ways but not to draw upon these areas in a consistent way. We are not constructed to run or draw energy through our undefined areas on a consistent basis.  When one takes on living out the open or undefined areas consistently they are destined to have physical problems as these areas are not wired to handle the energy load.

Click to see large  view
Click to see large  view

The Open G/Identity Center

The G or Identity center is the seat of the soul in Human Design. There is probably no more empathetic or vulnerable part of the design then when this center is open or undefined.  Someone who has the open G is influenced at birth forward by the identities of those around them. Early on they can be swayed, pressured and conditioned to be someone they are not. There openness, that white diamond at the center of the chart is like a portal. It can get clogged with their parents ideas of who they should be. It can be overly influenced to aspire to be just like an older sibling or maybe the opposite of what they represent. But the beauty of the open G is to be empathetic and recognize aspects of other individuality’s so what comes forth are the aspects that resonate on a deeper level.

The open G that finds their place and allows their soulful identity to shine through is a magical thing. To see that watch the video in  an earlier post, click here, where Sarah Maclachlan releases her soul through the window of the Open G in her song Angel.

But like a window the Identity of an Open G can become smudged. Because of this the person with an open G needs to take care to shield and even coddle their openness. Comfort is a big factor. The size, the design and the layout of the rooms they spend time in are very important to the open G. They need to be comfortable in their surroundings. An open G that walks into a house or restaurant that is not deigned to their comfort will want to leave. They know right away whether it is right or not. This is an energetic thing that only they can know for themselves. If you are with an open G then it is important for you to respect that openness and help them comfort the G.  Take the seat at the table that they shy away from, don’t force and open G to move into an apartment or house that they are having second thoughts about. If they are not comfortable there now they never will be.

This comfort that the open F seeks is also a barometer. When the open G finds its place of comfort then it is in the flow of humanity. Like the flow of the river, if they are comfortable then they will be in the right place, at the right time, to meet the right people and or have the right experience to move them forward on their path in life.

Charts with Open G/Identity Centers

Click to see large view

Click to see large view

Click to see large view

Click to see large view

An Intro to Human Design – Radio Show

On Saturday, December 12, 2009 I hosted a show talking about human design at an introductory level. I was joined by my co-host who is also a Human Design Specialist, Rev. Ric from http://revric.webs.com/humandesign.htm.

To listen to the show Click HERE.

In the show we talked about these aspects of Human Design.

  • The history  – where did it come from
  • What it is made up of –
      The Kabbalah, Eastern and Western Astrology, The Chinese I’Ching and
      Quantum Physics
  • Why it will benefit you to understand Human Design
  • Identify the parts of a Human Design Chart
  • Talk about the 5 types Manifesting Generator, Generator, Projector, Manifestor and Reflector
  • Do a mini Human Design reading

Here are some charts that we looked at during the show.

Full Mandala shows I’CHING ring of 64 Gates

Click to see large view

Full Human Design Chart

Click to see large view

Human Design Body Graph

Personal Authority

How do you make decisions in your life?

Are you methodical and analytic, scientific, emotional, spiritual or whimsical?

While we all may have a different way of going about decision making the thing we share in common is the impact they have on our daily life and the bigger decisions impact the path we travel on ours days here on earth.

So who you give authority for making those decisions is a BIG DEAL!

Those of us that make the logical, scientific decisions for the most part are giving our mind the authority.

For those who are ruled by a set of tribal or societal rules you could call it moral authority.

For those who make decisions in the moment it could be whimsical, emotional or just an awareness, depending on where your focus is or is not.

But for most of us we have come to this decision making by default, through trial and error or experience. If you look at your Human Design, you were designed with some inner guidance mechanisms that if you pay attention to will help you make better decisions.  Here is a table and some charts that will help outline how you are best served depending on your authority.

Authority Hierarchy

Authority / Type

Defined Centers
(key centers)

Emotional Solar Plexus


Generator & Manifesting Generator

Solar Plexus

Ride your emotional wave and wait for clarity. Clarity only occurs over time. You need to wait for that clarity or redo the hasty decisions that do not serve you in the long run.
Splenic Awareness Generated

Generator & Manifesting Generator

Spleen & Sacral

You have an inner knowing in the moment powered by the Sacral. You can use the Sacral response* by engaging your sacral,
Sacral Expressed Generated

Generator & Manifesting Generator


The sacral response* is your guide.
Splenic Awareness Projected



You know in the moment the correct action for you. This is not the mind or following a set of rules it is a knowingness. As your energy is projected look for feedback from those around you to help tweak your decisions.
Splenic Awareness Manifested


Spleen & Throat &

(Root or Will)

You know in the moment the correct action for you. Inform others as you make their way and measure the impact you create.
Ego Manifested


Will & Throat

Follow the drive to spark and initiate the new things that you do.Inform those that you impact like your friends and family before you act.
Self Projected



Bounce your thoughts and ideas of your friends and family. Look at the reaction and reflection to adjust your path.
None (or outer Authority)

Projectors and Reflectors

Head and/or Ajna and/or Throat or no centers Clarity comes from action and interaction from your environment.
*Sacral Response – The sacral response is avaiable to all beings with a defined sacral center. By asking a series of questions to the sacral being and having them respond with an Uh-huh (for yes) and an Un-Uh (for no) you engage the sacral motor. If you keep the mind out of it an purely respond from the sacral you will get clear answers for the direction you should take.


Here are some sample charts with different authorities.

Guide and Lead Us All Yee Projectors

Projectors in Human Design are here to guide, lead, manage and direct us. They are here to Project the way. They have an energy configuration that is very open so they can take in the energy from the world around them and project it out to help guide us all. Projectors make up about 20% of the population,  so with 1 manager in every 5 people that’s a pretty good ratio, almost like somebody had a plan. 😉

 However we are all not always open to being guided. Especially if that guidance is coming from our 6 year old child. So projectors can face an uphill battle find their place to do the guiding and leading they were designed at birth to do. The  hierarchy of our schools and authoritarian institutions are not necessarily receptive to direction from junior members. A teacher does not always smile upon correction or direction from their students.  When a projector child enters the work place world there again they may struggle as they will typically be give n a full course meal of listen, follow orders and don’t rock the boat.

This is one group of children and adults that thrive at alternative schools and businesses. The authoritarian model is non existant or less dominate giving the projectors more of an invitation to express their inner design.

So what is a projector to do? It is so simple.  The projectors strategy is Wait to be invited. But the waiting can be hard and invitations do not always come so easily. So while the theory is simple it is not always so easy or painless to follow.

Why is this strategy important. Think about some group situations that you have been. Typically, in the cases where the leader is invited, like being elected or appointed by their peers,  their is a more harmonious relationship between the group and the members. In our other experiences, where we are assigned a teacher, assigned a manager the road may have been less harmonious. In fact in a lot of the stereotypical work place situations the “I hate the boss” mentality prevails or is at least near 50%. Even in politics, in a close or hotly contested election, there is a large percentage of the population that holds some resentment because they did not invite that person to be President. In a lopsided victory there is less resentment because a clear majority feel they have invited this person to be president.

So with this knowledge I invite you to help yourself, help your friends and help your family. If you are a projector look for invitations in your reality. Not out on TV or the Internet but in your life, in spoken,  written or physical form. They may originate out in the ethosphere but let someone say to you I think you should try that school or I think you should apply for that job, you would be good at that. If you are not a projector but have a projector friend. sister or child INVITE THEM! When your 6 year old starts telling you how you could save time preparing dinner, invite them to tell you all about it instead of ignoring them.

Invitations are a projectors key to empowerment. If you invite the projectors around you everybody wins.

The Impact on Us of Activation Energy


A Human Design chart is fixed at the time of one’s birth with specific gate activations as shown by the red & black bars in the body graph.  Those gate activations are determined by the positions of the Sun, Earth, Moon and other planets; however, as we all know the planets don’t stand still.  They continue on their journey through the celestial heavens and continue to have an influence on our daily lives. 

Although they no longer have any permanent effect on the gates in our Designs, they nevertheless exert their particular form of expression on each gate they traverse.  As they move from one gate to the next, they create different conditioning fields that affect our entire society as a human collective.  These changing conditioning fields are known as the “Transits” and may have beneficial and/or devastating impacts on our lives. The purpose of the Weekly Gate Activations newsletter is to alert you to these potential impacts.

The good news is the conditioning of the Transits is only temporary.  The bad news is the conditioning of the Transits is only temporary.  Whatever effect they have, beneficial or not, that effect will change by the next day.  It is important to understand that these impacts are only the energetic expression of that day and that tomorrow will bring a new expression.  The best way to make sure you don’t get caught up in the fickleness of the Transits is to live out your Design by following your Strategy and Authority.  Following your specific Strategy is like having an umbrella to protect your from the driving rain; honoring your Authority is like having a flashlight when the power goes out during the storm.  Together, they’ll get you through any passing energetic “weather front” the Transits might whip up.

(above is an excerpt from Rev. Rics Webs)

Get your weekly activation report by signing up with Rev Ric at



On November 14th I will interview Rev. Ric and we will give an overview of the following charts and how the activation energy impacts them.

Kristin’s Chart

Kristen’s Transit Chart
(Click on the transit charts for close up image)

Linda’s Chart

Linda’s Transit Chart

Cathy’s Chart

Cathy’s Transit Chart

Manifestors Amoung Us

Manifestors are here to be the creative spark to the flame of creation. This is quick energy. It needs to embody that creative juice and flow. They strike and something happens, something is initiated, something is kindled.

But Manifestors don’t function in a vacuum. They get things started but they need Generators, Projectors and Reflectors to get the thing of the ground. If we are talking a high tech product or idea the Manifestor sparks it but the Generators come in and do the work guided, lead and managed by the projectors. The Reflectors lend reflection to give feedback on how things are going.  At least that’s the way it should work if we are all living our design.

So to make things happen beyond the first spark Manifestors must inform. That is their strategy. If the Manifestor does not inform, the people around the Manifestor don’t know to come and pitch in to get the thing of the ground. There is a delicate balance for the Manifestor between informing and doing. When you stop what your doing to inform it slows things down. Part of the beauty of Manifestor energy is the quickness. That quickness is the spark of creation or initiation that leads to manifestation. Without the quickness there is not as much spark and without the spark, the thing or the project might not take flight.

In Human Design what makes a Manifestor and Manifestor is to have a defined Throat center that is connected to at least 1 of the following 3 motor centers; the Will, the Root, or the Solar Plexus.  (There is a forth motor of course which is the Sacral but having this with a motorized Throat would make you a Manifesting Generator, not a Manifestor.)

There are so many aspects that make up design it can be misleading to stereotpye  the different types of Manifestors, but I do so in order for you to get a sense of the flavor of this energy.  What follows is a description  of  the underlying push of the energy for the three basic types of Manifestors.

Types of Manifestors

  Ego or Willful Manifestor

A Manifestor whose Throat is powered by the Will is called an Ego Manifestor. The Ego Manifestor will typically display some of that pushy energy associated with will power. “I want it”  or ” This is how I want it.”  Ego Manifestors can be driven to be on their own trip. Remember this channel from the Will to the Throat is about hunting and gathering. This design is possibly all about collecting the toys or material goods. We need stuff to survive.



Emotional Manifestor Chart

The Emotional Manifestor may have will energy but they also have the emotional wave which will control their manifestation. They have less clarity in the moment as they need to ride their emotional wave. They not only have to maintain the balance of informing but they also have to maintain the balance of acting and waiting for clarity. With any emotional design clarity only comes over time from riding the emotional wave to the high and low points. The net result is that this type of Manifestor is not suited to always act quickly. In all they will probably have less true manifesting opportunities than a pure Ego or Splenic Manifestor. Here are two charts, one with the Will connected to the Throat and one with no Will connection to the Throat.



Splenic Aware Manifestor

The third type of Manifestor is called Splenic aware. In this case a motor center connects to the Throat thru the Spleen. The Splenic aware Manifestor is empowered with the knowingness in the now that the Spleen provides. This is probably the quickest acting Manifestor. Their action will generally be on a more global basis and less on the “its about me” basis. This is because the energy can flow directly from the Spleen to the Throat or Spleen through the G/Identity to the Throat. In this configuration it is not flavored by the “me” of the Will center. It is more likely to find the Splenic Aware Manifestor acting in a more altruistic way.


Turn Some Pages

The past 7 days has been anything but an easy ride. Someone very close to my wife Nina and I went into the hospital last Tuesday and it has required a great deal of focus, effort  and emotional support to help them.   On Friday I came down with the flu and spent the next 72 hours moving from bed to couch to bed. Thank goodness I feel much better today! However, how we spent our last  7days is not at all what we had on our schedule.

Our plan was a two days of vacation and then focus on our businesses to roll out new offerings for the fall, but life had a different plan. In life things happen and we need to roll with the changes.  In Human Design 50% of us are emotional and will in some form ride the waves of emotion. However another 40% of us create an emotional wave with the people we are in relationship with, close friends, roomates,  family or coworkers.

What this means is that almost all of us are riding some sort of emotional wave. In Human Design if you are riding an emotional wave it means that you do not have clarity in the moment. Without clarity you can not consistently make the correct decision for you intantaneously.  From the high joyful point we can wear rose colored glasses and all options may look good. As we take the emotional slide down to the midpoint or low point we get a different perspective and our decisions may change or become confused. It is only when we ride the wave for a while, like a surfer waiting for the right one, that we gain overall perspective and clarity.

We live in a land where the rhetoric is “stick by your decisions”. That is a good mantra because it helps build consistency. However since 90% will live emotionally at least some of the time, our decisions become clearer over time. When it comes to making decisions the early bird is not the best option for those 90%.

So while we bob on the emotional sea of life we can get pretty frustrated.  We are not always ready for the next wave that may wash over our heads. But if we can roll with that and stay focused on our issue or challenge then we will receive clarity over time and at some point you will know from deep inside the change or the decision to make and you can turn some pages to move on until the next opportunity comes along.

Here is one of my favorite songs by Reo Speedwagon that inspired today’s post.

Jewel Kilcher – Expression of Spirit

In this song Jewel epitomizes the gate 55 line 5. As you can see from her chart she carries this in her unconscious sun. Your sun and earth gates are the most influential in your design. Gate 55.5 is known to be the embodiment voice of Spirit or the voice of God. It carries the spirit which is the definition of gate 55 and in line 5 it is projected outward for the world to see. Listen to the song and see how it shines through.

In additon, Jewel voices the energy of the defined throat and the empathy for the open throat. In this song she sings, “Where there is a man who has no voice, I will go there singing.”.

Jewels Chart

What is Your Song?

I ran across this song yesterday, Seasons of Love from Rent the movie and musical. As I was listening to it I got chills and that energy surge from deep inside that can only be identified as my life source.


As I was thinking about the song I remembered I had the same experience with this song when I first saw the play years ago. I guess that is the beauty of an open Head and open Ajna as you can experience the same joys over an over again like they are fresh.


As I was driving along last night I was contemplating, “What is it about this song that sings to me?” The song is about a year in life. Minute to minute and day to day the joys, sorrows and the in between. And yes it’s about Love. That’s when it hit me. This song sings to my Human Design.


My cross is the vessel of Love. I have the gates of the love of humanity(gate 15) and the love of the body(gate 46), the physical experience we carry out here on earth. I have the love of the expression of the self(gate10) and the love of universal love(gate25). If you listen to the song and look at this aspect of my design which as the incarnation cross is a core piece of my design, how could I not be so moved?


Now I will admit that I have been blessed to have a design centered around love which may be lloked at as an easier design.  But we all have a part in this grand play. We need crosses of Sphinx to give us direction, we need crosses of Laws and Rulership to guide us and give us boundaries, we need crosses of Tension and Confrontation to help keep us together and move through things so we aren’t stuck. I could go on but the point is that we are all hear to do our part.

Take a few minutes and think about, “What song or songs really move you deeply and energetically?” Examine what they are about either litterally or metaphorically. Once you figure that out you have an arrow directing you as to why you are here.



Health Care Reform – Live Your Human Design

We are born on to this earth in a vessel called the human body. It is a intertwining of our ethereal spirit  with a mechanical and physical vehicle. From day one expectations are put on us. We are all expected to walk, talk, play and be social. But we are not all created equal. We are as unique as snowflakes and though we may look alike, we act and preform very differently from each other. Human Design is one method of exploring the differences and knowing the potential of what we are meant to be and what we are not.

Many of us go through life living what in Human Design is called the Not Self. We carry out lving up to those expectations that were placed on us or that influenced us when we are young. Some even believe we may carry these forward from past lives. Regardless of where they come from, your Human design has defined energies and ways of expression that you are designed to live. These are the colored in areas of your chart. This definition gives you a consistency of expression and behavior that you can carry throughout your life.

The Not Self is the areas of your chart that are white. When we are unduly influenced to live out characteristics in the Not Self we are destined to struggle eventually. The reason is simple. We do not have energy defined to do that. If we try to live the Not Self  the energy is inconsistent. Since it draws on energy we don’t have it puts a strain on the parts of the body that those areas in the chart have a direct connection to. Over time we may end up burning out our body in certain parts.

Take for example the Heart/Will center. Our society expects a lot of people to use will power to get things done. Yet only 1/8 of the poulation has it. There are four major parts of the body connected to the will center. The heart muscle, the gall bladder, the kidneys/blood  and the stomach. This reads like a laundry list of our societies top ailments. Perhaps the best Health care reform plan would be to give everyone their Human Design chart  and have them live their Human Design. It sure would be a lot easier.

What got me on this topic was an aritcle I read  in Sport Illustrated. The article was about a well known baseball player named Alex Rodriguez or nick named A-Rod. He is most notably known for his record contract, that he signed in 2001 for 10 years and 252 million dollars. Great expectations were placed on Alex for that amount of money. In fact so much so that despite the fact that he is a very good player he has not lived up to them all. If you look at his Human Design he is the cross of the unexpected. So what do you expect, not the expected, atleast not all the time. That doesn’t mean disaster but it does mean that he will have sudden unexpected things pop up in his life. That is his energy and his design. The opening day game after signing his big contract, he dropped a routine out, slipped on the grass and fell down and tripped on his shoe laces. Unexpected or not!;-)

One of the biggest expectations placed on Alex was for him to be a team builder and leader. There are two things in his chart that suggest that wasn’t going to happen. The first is that his energy for leadership, the gate 31 is more of a Socialist leader. While it could work if he was properly supported, like Obama, it is more likely that in an environment like professional sports is going to be more of an alpha leader with the gate 7.  In addition, Alex doesn’t have the channel of community, (gates 37 & 40). In fact he only has the gate 40 which is the gate of being alone. A person with a gate 40 will choose to be alone if the personal freedoms that they loose as part of being in a community are not worth it. Alex has sometimes been labeled as an individual and not a team player but it really is not his fault. Alex is just living his design.

We are all born into a body that is wired to do many things but not all things. We would all be healthier and happier if we lived our Human Design. Are you living yours?

Below is the Human Design chart for Alex Rodriguez. Mouse over the red circles to see more information.

Ode to the Open G by Sarah McLachlan

Sarah McLachlan is a beautiful singer and song writer. In this you tube she explains how she came to write the song Angel. The song expresses the empathy and extreme sensitivity of the open G/Identity center. She talks about life on the road and despite being surrounded by loved ones she needs something more, the arms of an angel to comfort the open G.
In addition, the song takes on the struggle of the gate 28, the struggle with meaning in life. For a musician the road can be endless. Despite a rewarding career it can beg the question, “What is this all about?”
Sarah explains how she came to write the song in 3 or 4 hours, demonstrating the power of the channel of abstraction, gates 64-47. While Sarah doesn’t have the gate 64 this is an example of her amplifying that energy around her, perhaps even from the writer of the Rolling Stones article she was reading when the inspiration hit her. Yes even writing is an energetic expression that you can amplify. From this inspiration she brought the pieces of the sensations and feelings of life on the road for all musicians and assembled them into this masterful expression of a song called Angel.
In much of her work, Sarah utilizes her open throat to bring a wide variety of sounds and expressions to life. Her songs often very on topic, pitch, rhythm and beat.
All of what I described is outlined in red in her chart below.
Follow the link below the chart to listen to her explanation of the song and then her beautiful rendition of the Ode to the open G.

Listen to her sing the Angel song.

Are You Perfect?

My wife Elvia and I recently had the good fortune of taking a some very relaxing days in Cancun. We have been working very hard and when you work for yourself and out of your own house the lines of taking a break and working become blurred. So for our vacation we were ready to just be pampered and taken care of.

One of the bartender’s at the lounge where we would have an evening cocktail before dinner would always ask us, “Are you perfect? Is there anything that I can do to make you perfect?” And yes we were Perfect. Right there in that chair at the bar after lounging by the pool in the tropical sun to melt away the long winter, yes we were perfect!

Flash forward to this past weekend and after paying bills and dealing with some menial chores I was  feeling very stressed out.  I was far from perfect. In fact, quite unlike m self I was a real grouch. Part of what made me less perfect was the extreme pressure I was feeling.

The root center is a pressure center and when we get under pressure to do things, like pay bills or make the money to pay bills, the pressure of the root center triggers adrenaline to be dumped into the system to give us energy “to do”. But in my case  it was a lot and like having 3 cups of coffee I was feeling so over powered by the amount of adrenaline dumped in my system that I almost felt paralyzed. It took me a couple hours of watching mindless TV to pull myself of the couch and go outside for a while and work in the garden to feel better. And using up the adrenaline is a great way to recover from the over pressured root.

The pressure wasn’t the only thing affecting my mood. The root center holds the gates of depression in the body. Ra actually speculates that people with an open root may have a higher rate of suicide as they have more opportunity to be under pressure which can lead to depression.  But even with my defined root I did not have immunity, as I was feeling the pressure in my open gates, and feeling the depression.

There are many areas in the Human Design system where we can come under pressure or influence of energies that will throw us off our center and out of balance. Understanding these can help you define strategy to bring yourself back to center. Often connected to losing our center is tied to worrying about the future or struggling with our past. But to paraphrase Ra, if you live your design then there is only one thing you can do and that is to live in the Now. We are a different person than we were in the past as we have in some way changed, and the future is the future and what we imagine may not even happen so why focus on that instead of what is right in front of our faces and that is the Now, which is happening and unfolding as we speak.

Living in the Now as Eckart Tolle and so many others have spoken is a sure way to get to perfect. I am not perfect today but I am a heck of a lot closer than I was last Saturday. I hope you are on your way to perfect too!

The Collective, Tribal Dance we Weave

There are 3 basic types of energy within the Human Design system, Collective, Individual and Tribal.

  • Collective energy is interested in the welfare of the entire collective. In a big city the collective would include all people from all walks of life and all ethnic and social backgrounds.
  • The Individual energy is interested in being the expression for that person. Often artists who do their own thing are expressing Individual energy.
  • Tribal energy is about what is good for the tribe, the family or the community. There is a common goal and set of rules that a tribe lives by. Outsiders or those who are different are not really tolerated.

When one expresses a particular energy from a gate or series of gates within your Human Design the expression it is going to take on the energy type of that particular circuit. A clear example of this is gate #37 of of the Solar Plexus. Gate #37 is the gate of family or community and is always going to reach out to create or enforce family and tribal values.

We are in the midst of a collective realignment. Triggered by events in the late 60’s and 70’s the collective movement gained ground and began the acceptance of collective rules for the countries to live by. Until that time much of the western world order was controlled by white men and essentially what ever country you lived in that was the tribe in control. They set the rules and if you were not part of the tribe you were on the outside.

But the 60’s and 70’s saw a lot of change with with the beginnings in breaking down the color barrier, moving on to the acceptance of homosexuals and Title IX that moved for men and women’s equality on the college sports fields. These changes unseated the tribal dominance and made way for a new collective order to be established.

As the new collective began to take hold in the 80’s and 90’s a new world order began to develop. The fall of the cold war and the opening of trade with almost all nations on earth hastened the collective in as the new era. As global trade increased so did the complexities of finance and the stock market. Since one of the guiding forces in the collective is acceptance of different ways of doing things, the door was open for some of the questionable and unethical business practices to gain control in the marketplace.

Now as a collective we are paying for some of these actions. In order for a collective to have cohesiveness and a presence there needs to be some rules and structure. Without any structure and commonality the collective has no bounds and begins to dissolve.  Nina and I belonged to a church for a while and because it was so collective that it was open to all beliefs there was this effort to not use any secular words so as not to offend anyone. However without using God or other words for a higher divine power, the spirtual passion became lost for us and we ended up seperating to find that else where.  

Ultimately the collective boundaries will be defined for the benefit of humanity, all life and the world. But we can’t hide our heads in the sand and expect that tribal influence will not strike out and try to take back or implement some measures of control. Rules often come from the tribe so they can’t help but have some tribal characteristics.

This is a delicate dance that we are in, adopting to individual expressions that have a resonance with the tribe, infusing tribal rules into the collective to keep it together and discarding tribal beliefs that are overly beneficial to individuals or certain tribes and detrimental to the collective as a whole. The dance is relatively new and we will make missteps as we learn but I have faith we can learn to twirl and spin like the earth, together.